Contest Opened To You All : Tell Us At Least 3 Unique/Different Things You Will Do To Promote Steem This 2022 by @ijelady

in Steem Ghana2 years ago



Stream Promotion is one way to draw new users to steemit platform, I am in today because someone promoted steemit to me, I look at it as a sin is I after seeing steem blockchain and keep it to myself, No Never I will not, steem/steemit blockchain is one of the trending blockchain in the crypto world, I have asked a lot of people to do their own research before investing on steel, many came back and say it is real and unique so I am proud to promote steem to all deserving ones.

Tell Us 3 Unique/Different Things You Will Do To Promote Steem This 2022


I have so many unique ways that I have been using to promote steem, my way of bringing investors are different from the way I bring in authors, in this contest it focusing on promoting steem, if I understand it, it is all about telling people the importance of investing on steem so I have plans for that.

The first unique way


One good unique way I will use is to stand my banner in a busy place to attract passerby, I will always go out with my flyers that has my phone number, I have pen and notebook in my bag always to write down contacts.

The second unique way


To always go out with my promotional t-shirt each time I am going out for promotion and make sure everyone in my team have steel t-shirt because it attracts people the more.

The third way


The third way is to to schools, Banks, cooperatives, to look for investors, I will also join different crypto group on telegram, I have joined some already which helped me to sign up one person who bought steem from binance and said,

Chai omo see coin, I don't know that there is a coin called steem, ma don't worry my guys will trade it.

We have a lot of people that in their place of work they will not have time to meet us on the road nor social Media platform so I have decided to meet them and promote steem to them.

Why I choose this 3 unique ways as things I will do this 2022 to Promote Steem


When we go out for promotion as a group and put on our steem t-shirts it attracts people to ask what are you doing then give us ample opportunity to tell them about steem, many people have been recruited through this medium, when I stand my banner in a busy place, I talk less as the information is on the banner, they come close read the right up and make decision, I have helped so many people in that way, investors are everywhere but big investors are in their offices and inside their cars, I will look for them where ever they are, crypto gus do come out only to buy few things and go back so this year I will attend so many occasions to see more of them as they like reading new things, with my flyers the make their research and buy the coin.


Thank you @nattybongo for organizing this contest that have reminded me the unique ways to promote steemit this 2022, I will do my best to promote steemit in different ways not just this 3 but depending on circumstances I meet,

Know me better

Special thanks



That’s a good idea, thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Thank you

Great ideas to promote Steem. My pleasure 😃

 2 years ago 

Thank you

It is my pleasure knowing how you will further promote steem this year. Thank you for sharing with us

 2 years ago 

Thank you

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