My Anticipation Of Steem-Ghana in The Next 2-4 Months - STEEM-GHANA CONTEST

in Steem Ghana3 years ago (edited)

Every institution, organization, group, community needs a plan that keeps it thriving. More often than not, this plan comes in the form of strategic plan/document. I believe the founders of Steem-Ghana community had a clear focus and how they anticipate the community to be based on certain indicators or projections. Having been on this this community for about four months now, it is with my utmost honor to contribute my knowledge on how i anticipate Steem-Ghana community to be in the next 2-4 months. I believe the organizers on this contest and leadership would make meaning out of the aggregate of opinions that would be shared through this contest. Now let's jump to how i anticipate Steem- Ghana 2-4 months.

Engaging Community with More Content

As a subscriber of Steem Ghana community, i would applaud the leadership particularly the three(3) CRs for constantly engaging with members. Steem Ghana community has close to two hundred active posters yet, when you check the trends of community engagement, you could tell that a junk numbers of the active posters do not engage with members. Sometimes you could tell people do not even read an entire post based on the comments they leave on a post. Steem Ghana has some crop of users' who are active engagers on the community. Thus, i anticipate that users' would start engaging more in the next 2-4 months.
Again, the numbers of subscribers far outweighs the number of active posters. As the time of writing this post, there are 1800 subscribers with 195 active posters. The screenshot below shows my assertion 195/1800.


I anticipate and hope that in the next 2-4 months there would be more active posters in the blockchain community. This would help the community grow and harness the knowledge of every user on the platform.

More Education and Promotion

There should be conscious efforts to make sure that more people hear about steem and understand it very well especially among the secondary school and tertiary students. A clear roadmap can be outline to achieve this.
The rate and pace at which i'm adapting and learning on the blockchain, i believe the average Ghanaian can also thrive on this platform so, i anticipate more education and promotion of Steemit to get more people on board. This would not only alleviate poverty, but also lead to a stage where the blockchain would be embraced by default. So i hope to see more promotional works in months to come.


More Contest

I anticipate more contest in coming months that would help the community to be more engaged. The more contests are organized, the more members jump onto it for their entry which in effect, would help in community engagement. I hope and anticipate that entries from other users' can serve a guide to how we can better this community.

Thanks to @silencewan for this contest and thanks for reading as well.

 3 years ago 

Beautiful one.

Best wishes

 3 years ago 

Thanks for reading.

Great entry bro. I enjoyed reading your post.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for passing through with your encouraging comment.

 3 years ago 

Nice entry. Was expecting to see a screenshot of the steem-ghana user statistic data when you said:

The screenshot below shows my assertion 195/1800.

Good content though😊

 3 years ago 

My info maybe underload but the 195/1800 shows the active posters out of the entire community subscribers.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago (edited)

@zology Kindly pardon my gross display of hastiness. As at the time of writing this entry, I had a screenshot of steem Ghana community using my brothers phone but realized I posted different picture.
Thank you for drawing my attention to that. It was complete oversight.

 3 years ago 

I’m happy you noticed it. I didn’t want to keep dragging you around or explaining in hectic text what I was saying. So I just said alright.

 3 years ago 

Oh Gosh! Kindly pardon my error bro!
Hopefully I'll get new phone and this errors would not happen again.

 3 years ago 

Great entry you have here. I really enjoyed every piece you wrote. Your points are precise and well explained.
Thank you for the entry anyways. Wish you the best.

 3 years ago 

It's a pleasure snr!!!

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