Contest #2|If You Were To Live Your Life As A Book Character|My participation


Luna Lovegood, is described as having straggly, waist-length dirty-blond hair and a dazed look on her face. Her eyes are "silvery", "misty", and "protuberant" and has always been the odd one out amongst all the rest of her Hogwarts fellow students for her, what other people may seemingly find, unusual, thoughts and beliefs. Despite her quirkiness, Luna is often perceptive about human nature, and Harry Potter noted her knack for blunt honesty. She also holds her in extremely high regard, as Harry had noticed that she had painted portraits of her friends (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville) on the ceiling of her room, connected by chains made of the word "friendship" repeated over and over. Clearly, and despite recurring rudeness from Ron and Hermione, she regards these as five people very close to her. She also seemed to be completely unbothered when her fellow school mates would tease her by hiding or stealing her possessions as well as being completely aware, but unfazed of the nickname “Loony”. Even though she’s referred to as the anti-Hermione, since she bases her thoughts on beliefs while Hermione grounds herself on facts and logics, she is far from unintelligent, being a Ravenclaw, she believes in ‘wit beyond measure, is man’s greatest treasure.’


I am Muzzammil Ahmed, a boy full of ambitions and deep respect for those I hold dear in my heart. I am also, quite a self aware person, so I know I’m a good convincer as well as quite a straightforward person when it comes to who I associate myself with. I have strong moral values and beliefs as well as high academic capability.


The traits I’d like to adopt from Luna Lovegood is her unique and quirky nature. Her observation skills are so sharp, she was able to recognise Harry Potter under a Polyjuice Potion disguise just by the expression of his face. Her ability to comfort someone is truly remarkable and would want it as a personality trait too. Her dressing choice may not be something that people would wear or be able to carry, but her ability to look good in flashy outfits is admirable.


Out of all the characters, I’d like to spend my life as Luna Lovegood, because of her unfazed attitude towards people’s thoughts, her sincere devotion and love for her friends, her quirky style and nature.
Hope you all like it, Thanks♥

My Achievement 1 Post Is This


This was totally unexpected. Among all my acquaintances, you are the second Luna-fan.

I have read books several times but never seen Luna in this light. Now I wish to be like her too.

Thankyou for participating!

Good luck!

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