We welcome you all to this week's issue of #talkchannel in the WORLD OF XPILAR Community ,Theme this week: ***STEEM POWER***( week 34)

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

The idea of ​​"Talk Channel"

Maybe many of us want a place we could only talk about loosely and firmly. Ask questions about things we wonder about, for example, about the STEEM community or other things. That's why we want to create a post with "talk channel" Just talk to some or ask questions

The post"Talk Channel" will be posted weekly, every Monday and is open to everyone the whole week. And there we should all appreciate comments and responses to each other.
Yes, we need to talk to each other as well

Theme this week: STEEM POWER

What do you do with the STEEM and SBD you earn?

Are you running a POWER UP or POWER DOWN?

You earn extra STEEM just by having them as
STEEM POWER /Vesting Shares

Let's take a look at the economy of STEEM

Retrieved from Steemit FAQ


Where do the new STEEM tokens come from?
Blockchains like Steem and Bitcoin produce new tokens each time a block is produced. Unlike Bitcoin, where all of the new coins go to the block producers (called miners), the Steem blockchain allocates a majority of the new tokens to a reward fund called the "rewards pool". The rewards pool gives users tokens for participating in the platform based on the value they add.

How many new tokens are generated by the blockchain?
Starting with the network's 16th hard fork in December 2016, Steem began creating new tokens at a yearly inflation rate of 9.5%. The inflation rate decreases at a rate of 0.01% every 250,000 blocks, or about 0.5% per year. The inflation will continue decreasing at this pace until the overall inflation rate reaches 0.95%. This will take about 20.5 years from the time hard fork 16 went into effect.

How are the new tokens distributed?
Out of the new tokens that are generated:

65% go to the reward pool, which is split between authors and curators.
15% of the new tokens are awarded to holders of Steem Power.
10% of the new tokens are awarded to the Steem Proposal System.
The remaining 10% pays for the witnesses to power the blockchain.

POWER UP means more profit and you get a larger share of 15% of the new tokens. Holding your STEEM POWER also means that you will have more power when you vote for others and your rewards will also be greater.

In the "talk channel" we or you can also post a topic that needs a review, for example tools on Steem or other things you want to know about

SteemWorld.org Built with ♥ by @steemchiller


Responsibility moderator for "Talk Channel" is @adeljose

@adeljose @art-venture @stef1 @myskye @sultan-aceh
@franyeligonzalez @leveuf @axeman @xpilar

 4 years ago (edited)

In my view, there's a lot of benefits by powering up the steem. Almost all activities that have to do with rewarding and profits from the economy of the blockchain depends on the amount of steem power.
The SPUD challenge is a great activity to promote powering up. But I can't resist a full month to power up the rewards or when buying some amount. :)
Hot and cold wallets is something that can be practical thanks to the reduction of the PD delay time to 4 weeks.

Same here, when you realize it is a SteemPower game you get addicted to it. Steem price is low, at least imo. Steem/Steemit has just relaunched with the backings of a billion dollar company. If people can not see that value in that, something is really wrong.

I have high expectations for the Steem/Tron partnership, and it all just got started.

Hi dear @ciska, it is nice to see you on the discussion post, I think that was the way how we both actually met. I absolutely agree it is a game that became a part of our life. Steem Power is very important and people should try to grow if it is possible. There are different ways. Powering up, curating, setting automatic upvote on some posts if people do not like post and have not time for manual upvote. Of course to create posts, this is another big field of earning Steem.

We are for Power Up, curation, upvoting and commenting, although lately I do not really have much time.

We also like you @ciska believe in this partnership Steem and Tron.Will see what the future will bring :)

Yes it is! :D And that is exactly why Steemit IS a social platform. Engage and connect with likeminded people. We connect because we think the same on most things. Happy to have met you.

Time and catching up with everything here on Steemit was also a big problem, but that just solved itself.

I see some activity on the Github of Steemit so there are things coming up.
Hope you do well! X

I share your ideas!

People who joining this platform should know that this is only place where you can earn Crypto and decide yourself which way. People can create posts, communicate in comments with each other. If no time then set up autovotes because Upvote Power regenerates quickly so we can give 10 people 100% Upvote everyday but the same time we also earn by upvoting.

If possible people should Power Up and become stronger that will make the blockchain stronger too.

It is not easy to earn Steem Power, the easiest way if people have finance then invest initially and then with posting, upvoting to grow.

Everything is possible if people have a will to.

 4 years ago (edited)

That's right @stef1. I've had to make a sacrifice on several occasions by not using the Steem and much less by doing Power Down, because that would imply backing up my desire to grow here. altering my main idea, which is to grow in order to help others do it.

 4 years ago 

Greetings friend @xpilar, this week's topic is very valuable, we all know how important it is to invest in Steem Power, not only to increase our voting power but to capitalize on the guarantee towards the financing of an ongoing project that needs to be backed up.

I personally use my Steem and SBD to cover some of the basic needs of the family, since I am living in a country that is going through an economic crisis that is affecting our comfort of life and we are trying to recover it somehow.

In truth, I am grateful for the benefit or economic contribution that Steemit gives me in these difficult times that we are living in Venezuela.

Gracias por el tema y la explicación.... Todo esto nos instruye a tener paciencia durante nuestros primeros pasos y crecer valorando la importancia del Steem Power..

🇻🇪 👍

 4 years ago 

hi @wilmer1988

Yes, Steem Power is our mainstay

 4 years ago 


 4 years ago 

En el poco tiempo que llevo activa en steemit, he observado lo importante que es mantener el SP y estimular su crecimiento.
Yo entré a steemit sin saber absolutamente nada de la plataforma, pero cuando he hecho power-up, es obvio que el aumento del SP se traduce en un retorno proporcional de las ganancias también en SP por cada voto y comentario, en conclusión, con constancia puede mantenerse e incrementarse el SP, pero esto ha sido en mi caso, simplemente ensayo y error.
Siendo que el SP es la base de todo, no le veo (aún) ningún sentido al Power Down cuando la necesidad es hacer crecer la cuenta de algún modo, esto cuando te estas iniciando en steemit.

 4 years ago 

thanks for the great feedback @tocho2

Steemit is a wonderful social platform.

 4 years ago 

Yes, it is and many will discover it in the future

Steem Power is a very important subject, and great you point that out again and create awareness.

Holding Steem power is just like saving, you invest in yourself and speculate on a higher price in the future. By compounding your earnings into Steempower, you gradually earn more over time.

 4 years ago 

That's right, my friend, it's putting in a bit of sand to be able to build a big fortress in Steemit to protect Steem.

We appreciate your valuable participation in our channel

Me parece excelente.
Gracias por compartir dicha publicación

 4 years ago 

Gracias a ti por participar.

Si deseas hacer una pregunta, este es el canal para hacerla con toda comodidad.

I have a goal of reaching 1,000 SP by the end of August, I hope to achieve it. I am thinking of posting twice a day. I have noticed that with the Curation trails and the fanbase I have helped others with their posts and in addition to that I have improved my rate of reward for healing.

Happy week everyone, successes and PowerUp 🔺

 4 years ago 

It is an excellent objective friend, I know that with its strategy of weekly contests can generate those revenues that allow you to reach and exceed that goal.

Successes and thanks for sharing with us your goals at Steemit.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 61038.71
ETH 3404.98
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50