Wishing For Peace in Times of Turbulence and War

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

As a minister and someone who generally celebrates life, it is heartbreaking to watch the unfolding situation in Ukraine.

I don't trust the news media very much because they invariably put their own self-serving spins on any stories they publish or run on television.


A young friend of ours who was visiting Ukraine walked 40 miles (65km) from the outskirts of Lviv where he was visiting a group of "online friends" (fellow gamers) to get across the border into Poland.

Along the way, he watched men being pulled from cars by Ukrainian soliders and conscripted on the spot to become part of the Ukrainian defense force. Families torn apart, right there... will they ever see each other again?

At times like these, we tend to see a lot of political talk and arguments on TV, while the human cost gets somewhat overlooked in the process. Ordinary families who are no part of this fight aside from the fact that they "happen to be there" get in harm's way.


And if they don't end up directly in harm's way, they end up suffering the cost of missing supplies, food, water and broken infrastructure.

War is a useless thing because in the end there are ultimately only losers. Just about everybody loses in some way, regardless of which "side" they are on: They lose their homes, they lose their families, they lose their friends, they lose their children.

These days, I will be spending a lot of time with the White Light Express prayer grid, linking with our thousands of members, and putting out the energetic intent for peace.

Thanks for stopping by, and Bright Blessings to all!

You are not alone! (Graphic is our own)

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War is useless and this is a game of Politician. The people suffer on both sides and lose their lives and relatives. Nobody will win the why? Why this war for?

We also only wish that the Politicians will come to the decision to stop it and not to escalate further. Thank you for this post :)

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Thank you @stef1 for your nice words and support. This world of ours has so much tragedy and loss. I just wish some of these politicians would stop for a moment and recognize the consequences of their actions.

Bright Blessings!

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