Personal Growth: Change of Seasons — Changes in Your Life!

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

A few days ago, it formally became fall around here. More than just a date on a calendar, September 22nd arrived with the first cool winds and significant rain we'd seen since sometime back in June.


The seasons are definitely changing. In our garden, it has become time to harvest our pumpkins which — along with the blackberries — are pretty much the last crops of the growing season.

The change of seasons also invites us to consider the changing "seasons" within our lives.

Maybe we had projects we started at the beginning of the new year. and we are reaching a point where we can start looking at a "harvest" of the "seeds" we sowed, back then. Alternately, we might need to look at plans and determine that nothing is actually going to "grow" from them.


Regardless, fall is always a good time to revisit our ideas and plans.

If you live here in the northern hemisphere, fall also marks a transition between spending more time outside while the weather is nice, and spending more time inside, as the days grow shorter and the weather less reliable.

What plans do you have for yourself, for the winter season when you are more likely to be stuck indoors? Have you made plans, or are you just going to "go with the flow" as things unfold?


For me, fall and winter tend to be busy; more people book counseling sessions as they look forward to a new year and consider ways to change their lives, or perhaps to get "unstuck" from patterns that are no longer serving them. It is surprising how long we can get stuck in our personal ruts before we one day suddenly realize that the time for change is at hand.

What changes would you like to make? When do you think the right to to make them will be?

Of course, there's no rule that states you should change directions or undertake new plans according to the seasons, but these "markers" often can serve as inspiration or an invitation to do so!

Thanks for reading, and Bright Blessings to all!

You are not alone! (Graphic is our own)

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