Better Living — The Healing Power of Nature!

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Even though many of us have been "locked down" for the past couple of years — and thus away from many of life's daily stressors — it's still important that we pay attention to our mental well-being.

But what can we do when a lot of options we normally depend on are no longer available to us?


Maybe our gym is shut down. Or the Yoga studio we go to. Or our martial arts dojo.

It's nice to say "Yes, but I will just take care of myself at home!" but the sad truth is that the majority of people lack the self-discipline to follow through with that. And it just "doesn't work as well" when we don't have the space and the professional equipment.

Often, we forget that one of the greatest healers on the planet is right outside our door, and it doesn't have a "closed" sign on the entrance: Nature, itself.


Unless the place where you live is observing exceptionally strict protocols, chances are that you're still free to move around in nature, as long as you avoid crowded places and observe social distancing.

The beautiful thing about the natural world is that it doesn't care whether there's a pandemic... it's business as usual.

And that's good news for all of us, with respect to helping keep our sanity going when we start to feel cooped up!

Just a simply walk in the park, or on a beach, can work wonders when we start feeling frustrated with the world and what's happening around us. And that holds true, regardless of whether or not we're in the middle of a lockdown.


Nature heals us!

Even though we don't really go anywhere, these days, I still make a point of getting outside — at the very least in our garden — every single day. It really clears out the "cobwebs" in the mind... and it helps us get a better outlook.

Thanks for stopping by, and Bright Blessings to all!

You are not alone! (Graphic is our own)

The White Light Express Mission Statement:

Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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In addition to our blog here on Steemit, you can also find us on the White Light Express web site, on our verified Facebook page and on our twitter feed.

 3 years ago 

Well said and so simple -going out for a walk and just getting out of the house made a huge difference to my family and helped us to get through a horribly uncertain time.

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