Better Life: Is Abundance Merely a State of Mind?

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Lots of people these days talk about “creating abundance” and our coming into ”an age of abundance.”

In fact, people often talk about cryptocurrency as one of the great engines that will drive humanity towards abundance.


But what exactly is abundance?

To many casual observers, it seems to mean the same thing as ”having lots of money” or ”being rich.” But is that truly an appropriate description?

Personally, I don’t think abundance has a lot to do with money, income or wealth. More than anything, it’s a mindset.

People often talk about the current ”legacy” market and money system being one based on scarcity, rather than abundance. Scarcity motivates people through fear; people are afraid that they will ”not have enough” so they base their decisions and life choices around a scarcity mindset. Greed results because people have lost sight of what "enough" looks like... they always just want more.


The ”abundance mindset” assumes that there is actually enough for everyone, and with that the layer of fear is washed away.

Of course, marketers and economists hate that idea because it takes away their power to motivate through messages that we ”must have” things because our neighbor has those, and when we don’t we are somehow ”less than.”

But what if we started looking at what truly is enough in our lives? Not by comparing ourselves to our neighbors and what they have, but by looking at our own lives and deciding whether or not something we supposedly ”should” have is actually useful and necessary for our lives?


Do you ”need” a new car because the old one is genuinely worn out and falling apart… or because ”someone” put the idea in your head that ”one should get a new car every three years?”

Perhaps an extreme example, but hopefully you understand where I am going with this.

In most cases, the ”abundance mindset” is something that happens as a result of thinking through our needs and spending habits, rather than just cruising through on autopilot!

There really is enough for all of us!

Thanks for reading, and Bright Blessings to all!

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