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RE: Another Visit to the Carpathians

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

I know the Carpathians on the Romanian side and there too they are beautiful, untouched and almost devoid of people... There are both wolves and bears there - I can imagine that you were quite happy to have seen only wild boars? They seem pretty meagre to me, though. Not such a good year for the animals either...?

Ich kenne die Karpaten auf der rumänischen Seite und auch dort sind sie wunderschön, urwüchsig und fast menschenleer... Es gibt dort ja sowohl Wölfe als auch Bären - ich kann mir vorstellen, daß Ihr ganz froh wart, nur Wildschweine gesichtet zu haben? Die wirken allerdings recht mager auf mich. Auch kein so gutes Jahr für die Tiere...?

 2 years ago 

The Ukrainian part of the Carpathians is lower and more populated. Accordingly, there are fewer animals here. But everything changes as we approach the Romanian border.

It is not so easy to meet bears in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Wolves are more frequent guests, especially in winter, when they come close to villages due to hunger.

The boars in the photo are really not big. I think they are not adults. We decided not to approach for safety reasons. If their mother was there, she would definitely attack us.

Once I climbed the Marmarosa mountain range. Most of this mountain range passes through the territory of Romania. But part of it is also located on Ukrainian territory. That's where I went and saw what you described. This is an almost completely untouched territory. Even the border between the countries could not be laid clearly there. I accidentally crossed it by a few meters. So, it can be considered that I visited Romania.

Now that's funny: I've never heard of the Marmarosa mountain range. I didn't find anything on Google either - only when I went to the Romanian version of Wikipedia. I couldn't read it, but according to the translator they describe this mountain range.

I think in German-speaking countries it is considered part of the Carpathians...? No idea - in any case, it seems to look like what I'm always looking for when I'm on the road. And now I'm standing there with no holiday left.... ;-((

Das ist jetzt witzig: Von der Marmarosa Gebirgskette habe ich noch nie etwas gehört. Auch bei Google fand ich nichts - erst, als ich auf die rumänische Version von Wikipedia ging. Die konnte ich zwar nicht lesen, aber lt. Übersetzer beschreiben die da eben dieses Gebirge.

Ich glaube, im deutschsprachigen Raum wird das als Teil der Karpaten angesehen...? Keine Idee - jedenfalls scheint es dort so auszusehen, wie ich es immer suche, wenn ich unterwegs bin. Und nun stehe ich da und habe keinen Urlaub mehr... ;-((

 2 years ago 

Unfortunately, Wikipedia does not have an article in English or German about this mountain range. But there is Ukrainian, Romanian and Russian. If I am not mistaken, you wrote that you know the Russian language. But the Russian version is short:

Thank you! That explains: yes, this massif is part of the Carpathians. In this country we just don't name it separately. And this is exactly the area I know ;-)) I was in the Marmarosa without knowing it!

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