[Digital Art] The last dance

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago
Greetings to all my dear community, we continue with another chapter in this series of short stories called "Aghata. Stories of an unhappy life", in this drawing I tell a decisive stage in his life, when in youth dreams are created, one has so many goals and these are cut off by the lack of support or criticism by loved ones, they tend to question those dreams leaving him aside, not believing themselves to be able to achieve them. I hope you like this work, the creation of the drawing and the brief story.

Saludos a toda mi querida comunidad, seguimos con otro capítulo de esta serie de relatos cortos llamado “Aghata. Historias de una vida desdichada”, en este dibujo cuento una etapa decisiva en su vida, cuando en la juventud se crean los sueños, se tienen tantas metas y estas son cortadas por la falta de apoyo o críticas por seres queridos, suelen a cuestionarse esos sueños dejándolo de lado, al no creerse capas de poder lograrlos. Espero les gusten esta obra, la creación del dibujo y el breve relato.


Aghata. Stories of an unhappy life ✏️14 sin título_20191009164546.gif

…. His youth was not the best, although he lived in a family of high social class, this was full of conflicts and discussions, at home there was a continuous atmosphere of tension. Aghata took ballet classes, although she was good at dancing, her parents did not share the same opinion, they thought that in that competitive world she would fail. The constant problems, lack of support and criticism from them, made her question whether she was really worth continuing in her dreams of being a great dancer.
For a few months she was practicing hard, for what would be her big debut in a major performance, an opportunity that would open the doors to professional dance. After the nervousness and the pressure, she felt that little by little this opportunity was slipping through her hands, before the cold and disappointed look of her parents, they made her feel that she didn't have what it takes...

…. Su juventud no era la mejor, aunque vivía en una familia de clase social elevada, esta estaba llena de conflictos y discusiones, en el hogar se respiraba un continuo ambiente de tensión. Aghata recibía clases de ballet, aunque ella era buena para el baile, sus padres no compartían la misma opinión, pensaban que en ese mundo tan competitivo ella fracasaría. Los constantes problemas, falta de apoyo y críticas por parte de ellos, la hacía cuestionarse si realmente valía la pena de seguir adelante en sus sueños de ser una gran bailarina.
Por unos meses ella estuvo practicando fuertemente, para lo que sería su gran debut en una presentación importante, una oportunidad que le abriría las puertas al baile profesional. Tras el nerviosismo y la presión, sentía como poco a poco se le escapaba esa oportunidad de sus manos, ante la mirada fría y de decepción de sus padres, la hacían sentir que no tenía lo necesario…

Time interval / Intervalo de tiempo ⏳14 sin título_20191009164546.gif

Below is a series of images where you can see the progress of the drawing with its respective duration. Running time is 7 hours. Each section of the drawing took an average of 50 minutes to complete.

A continuación, se muestra una serie de imágenes donde se puede observar el avance del dibujo con su respectiva duración. Tiempo de ejecución comprendido de 7 horas. Cada sección del dibujo tomó un promedio de 50 minutos en completarse.

✴Time: 50min561890-EA-03-FD-408-A-BA79-F84500362-B46
D5-D032-A1-A59-C-45-FE-A153-4-DE3-ECA20761✴Time: 100min
✴Time: 150min48462-C36-D1-F6-4-DCA-A342-D7405-B4-AE756
F595-B627-5-F0-C-416-B-92-AE-1-CC4-C3614405✴Time: 200min
✴Time: 250min48240014-AA04-4-B3-C-A9-F9-F7-E44543-CD70
AF50-A2-CF-8-F6-F-4-FE0-8-FD9-C1699-EDA295-F✴Time: 300min
✴Time: 360min4-EB050-DD-E33-A-488-C-83-E2-159-E1517-BB47
B4-A8-E12-D-E666-4-AAF-B1-D9-785058-AE30-A0✴Time: 420min

Used tools / Herramientas usadas📌14 sin título_20191009164546.gif

  • Programs: Imovie

  • Tablet: Ipad Pro
    Apple Pencil

  • Brushes: Airbrush
    Felt-tip pen
    Skin brush



Thank you for your attention. We'll see you again in the next post, don't miss it.

Gracias por la atención prestada. Nos veremos de nuevo en el proximo post, no se lo pierdan.

final.gif°55 sin título6_20191102173223.png50 sin título_20191026093236(1).png 46 sin título_20191026093645.png 52 sin título_20191030230241.png




Copyright © @victartex - All Rights Reserved. Design and editing by own authorship.
El punto de partida de todo logro es el deseo.
Napoleon Hill


Such beautiful digital Art, like how you worked on small details of fingers and tone of the skin, absolutely awesome.

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Thank you for appreciating the work, I really enjoyed doing it, I consider it one of the best I have ever done

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