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RE: Website update

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Hello @ultravioletmag, it's my pleasure to discover your page. I was actually searching for something when i stumble over your page and i was tempted to go through your publications and i must say, i really appreciate your art works.

More so, i appreciate the fact that you also develope a website where you can sell your artworks, thats great.

Quick you think you can sell your work with steem?

Can people in Africa Order your artworks?

Do you have a means of delivering accross different Countries in the world?


Hi there thank you so much for your comments I don’t think you can sell work with steem or I haven’t found away yet, although happy to accept it. I do you sell on etsy internationally and I can also just come to private arrangements with people. International postage is relatively high it’s normally around £15 for a small package, thats high though as you said.

Okay. I get it......i know esty.

Well, it was just an idea i thought could really place more value in steem.

I am looking at making steem a means of transaction in business or services and i think one of the way to do is if steemians could come in to agreement to exchange goods and services using steem as thier means of transaction.

Steem could have even more popularity.

However, i would have loved to advertise your artwork within the platform and i believe, other Users may patronize you, hopefully.

I would totally
Sell for Steem for sure :)

That's great, here is my discord address, please contact me if you are in discord.


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