Digital image for the day is made according to my own imagination and thoughts

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago


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Los Dioses y el gran Tesoro

Hace millones de años, vivieron los dioses de los planetas martes y la tierra, cada uno de ellos poseían poderes muy diferentes, el hijo menor del Dios de martes podía ver muy lejos y convertir con su mirada las rocas en diamantes, que gran poder, pero tenia prohibido ver hacia el planeta tierra, como todo joven tenia mucha curiosidad el porque no podía ver a ese planeta tan hermoso, tan azul, y con grandes mares.

The Gods and the great Treasure

Millions of years ago, the gods of the planets Tuesday and the earth lived, each of them possessed very different powers, the youngest son of the God of Tuesday could see very far and turn rocks into diamonds with his eyes, which great power, but it was forbidden to see towards the planet earth, as every young man was very curious why he could not see that planet so beautiful, so blue, and with great seas.

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Fue y pregunto a sus padres, pregunto a sus hermanos mayores, a sus abuelos y nadie le podía explicar el motivo de mirar o ir al planeta tierra, crecía cada día mas su curiosidad, logro usar sus poderes para observar el planeta tierra, era majestuoso lo que sus ojos veía, estaba enamorado de lo azul y gigantesco mar, pero sus poderes solo le permitían ver, el quería no solo ver, quería sentir, escuchar, y disfrutar del olor a mar.

He went and asked his parents, he asked his older brothers, his grandparents and nobody could explain the reason for looking or going to planet earth, his curiosity grew every day, he managed to use his powers to observe planet earth , it was majestic what his eyes saw, he was in love with the blue and gigantic sea, but his powers only allowed him to see, he wanted not only to see, he wanted to feel, listen, and enjoy the smell of the sea.

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Ere un joven tan obediente, que volvió a preguntar, ya que al planeta tierra el quería viajar, sus padres dando respuesta a su curioso hijo le dijeron que solo quería advertirlo, que sus poderes era muy valioso, si en la tierra alguien se enteraba podían causarle mucho daño, ese planeta era muy hermoso, pero estaba lleno de avaricia, que si quería viajar a conocer el mar tenia que ir con ellos y sus hermanos.

He was such an obedient young man, that he asked again, since he wanted to travel to planet earth, his parents responding to their curious son told him that they only wanted to warn him, that his powers were very valuable, if someone on earth He found out they could cause him a lot of damage, that planet was very beautiful, but he was full of greed, that if he wanted to travel to see the sea he had to go with them and his brothers.

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Así de ese modo planificaron viajar, de manera muy discreta, unos de sus hermanos podía convertir las cosas en burbuja, convirtiendo a todos en burbujas lograron entran al planeta, y poder ver y admirar el mar, eran tan hermoso que decidieron dejar un regalo a ese hermoso planeta, si un regalo, convirtieron una gran roca en diamante, y la ocultaron en el mar, sera muy afortunado el que logre encontrar esa gran roca y descubrir lo valiosa que es. Luego de dejar la roca, volvieron a su planeta, muy contento estaba el joven de haber conocido el inmenso mar azul.

That is how they planned to travel, in a very discreet way, one of their brothers could turn things into bubbles, turning everyone into bubbles they managed to enter the planet, and be able to see and admire the sea, they were so beautiful that they decided to leave A gift to that beautiful planet, if a gift, they turned a great rock into a diamond, and hid it in the sea, it will be very fortunate for the person to find that great rock and discover how valuable it is. After leaving the rock, they returned to their planet, the young man was very happy to have known the immense blue sea.

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 4 years ago 

Excellent story and great animation of my digital image

Thank you @tormenta

Muchas gracias a usted, por incentivar la creatividad.

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