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RE: Should Steemians Get Worried: @steemit Account is Powering Down

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

Steemit screwed itself and all the creators a long time ago. At one point my STEEM wallet was worth over 100K USD and then before I could power down and get that value Ned and Dan screwed the platform, and took all the $ they could get. I had over 15K STEEM and I have since powered down to 6900 STEEM and I am considering cashing it all out.

This platform has DONE NOTHING to support content creators like myself that could bring lots of new people to this platform. Instead the whales here are upvoting content that NO ONE is GOING to read except people already on here. I barely get .07 cents per post on this crap platform anymore.

Steemit never addressed the real problems with this platform.

  1. It's too hard to join, so no one joins.
  2. Markdown is too hard to write a post for normies.
  3. The trending topics on here are garbage.
  4. The whales blow and should not even exist.
  5. STEEM as a currency has had 0% growth actually negative growth for well over a year at a time when people are making huge gains on other cryptos.
  6. You would make more money taking all your steem out, and putting it into a staking coin like Tezos or BTT staking on dlive because at least your currency value is increasing not decreasing.

I was one of the biggest advocates for Steemit on the internet a long time ago, now I think this platform blows and has shown 0 improvement for over a year. Justin Sun buying this platform only made it worse and drove everyone to


In that case, you should be happy already with what Justin Sun has done. He seemingly got rid of a bunch of alt-chains of criminals that were literally running around threatening lives and doxing (There is legitimate proof on the blockchain of this, these aren't wild accusations either.)... while simultaneously making it so that payouts only take 4 weeks as opposed to 13 fucking weeks (A retarded number to have ever been picked, a good change imo.) and to me that's great, in addition, the signup process is now Easy, Instant, and Uncomplicated. I've had friends sign up and be accepted right away and be able to interact. No waiting. Everyone who has internet should have a phone too and an email, so there's nothing complicated about the shit anymore. If you think this is complicated then the entire internet must be hard for you. LMFAO. (Not saying you specifically, just anyone who thinks like that. Well, maybe you, who knows. LMFAO. It wasn't directed at you originally tho. Just saying.)

What is a bit concerning is that Binance claims to have had no hand in the "takeover" that happened. (I'd hardly call someone using the dpos system as it was intended, just "promised" that it never would be, a "takeover" or even illegal. Tbh. It was Justin's ability to leverage people and delegation and his own bought stake, so I saw no real issue, was just concerned as to why.) Now, it seems that 2.5million of that steemit powered down stake, has gone to "@deepcrypto8" which is a definitely known binance deposit wallet. That would imply that Binance was directly implicit in this "takeover" as they call it, while denying they were, assuming it's a payoff. What would be concerning is that they wouldn't just admit they thought action was necessary. Assuming it's not, that means 2.5million steem just went on to Binance that could crash the entire market down to nothing, at any given moment.

Though that would be tragic for many.... I see it as a positive. If we could crash steem by having them sell it all off to us, we could offer less for more and maybe it could benefit more people in the long run, than in the short-term, as it would distribute that massive stake out at a more affordable cost (Assuming people are willing to continue to buy. I am... So no one can say that no one will buy. :P) or maybe they have some ideas for projects with partial and they just paid off binance for their "help" or "assistance" in removing what was ultimately a seeming "cancer" on this blockchain. You can't honestly say that people like @berniesanders were some great asset to this chain... More of a tyrannical socio-path of sorts. Fun to watch, for people like me, and I have no issues with those people being around, but when they've got the money and power to push around anyone they want to the degree they can destroy entire roi streams (Let's face it, most of us came here for money, not because it was some new social media concept. Pfft. Half of you are fucking bullshitters and the other half in denial. I digress...) and put out public information on a chain that won't allow you to privatize it without some major core code changes which would require consensus and ultimately destroy anything left of what is to be considered "decentralized.".. It's just not cool to let that behavior slide. The vast majority of the accounts on that list were his anyway. An extremely large portion.... You can also see that he pretended to actually be different people and still is over on hive, just soaking up more rewards that way. It's not a good look for a criminal to be operating that freely on a blockchain. Means the people are accepting of the behavior and I'm not, so good riddance.

What's most funny to me in all of this is that anyone honestly thought that anything online could be fucking "decentralized" when you can make multiple accounts as one person, through whatever means you need to. That means you have the option to be "multiple" people and act as a collective. It's just baffling so many people are so fucking stupid they didn't consider the whole premise of what they were joining in the first place. A place where you can make many accounts, pretend to be different people, act as one, and no one could potentially know any better, and thus, support you while you support only your self-serving desires. If you walked into this place investing, expecting it to be truly controlled by the community and not just those with the fattest pockets.... You're the same person who downloads online game apps with micropays and expects them not to be "P2W" (Pay-To-Win, for non-gamers. lol.) and that's just honestly not sound logic. The whitepaper, the ToS, all of it... it's all been up there and was since day one and anyone who didn't read it carefully enough to understand what it truly meant (That centralization isn't actually even that hard to achieve, given enough capital, through delegations and just sheer human nature of greed or need.) should only be mad at themselves for not being more careful in going over the fine print and details about this place and how it operates. It should have only ever been looked at as a small to minimal investment, not something to put a life savings into. Those who did, were just idiots and that's on them. If you came here to earn, you should have never put a dime in, because since conception, you've been able to earn here just by sharing, never having to put a dime in. You could even self vote and give yourself value and over time, that would rise too. The only people here who are mad, are the people who are stupid. The only ones concerned about what's going to happen with all this stake, are the ones who got too invested into something they simply did NOT understand in the first place.

This was all very foreseeable and people like me are looking forward to either a crash in price (To finally buy it "cheap" again. "Cheap" is relative to one's self as well. To some people on here, steem is already dirt cheap to them because they were dumb enough to buy in when it was exponentially more costly.) or a change in regime, so that we can see at least something different than before, because under the old regime, all we saw was retards drooling on their chins, making empty promises they either couldn't or wouldn't deliver on. At least we can cash out within a month now, if we decide we aren't feeling it. Better than waiting over 1/4 of a fucking year, while tards drool on their chins and cash out. Good riddance to the old regime and to the majority of who was cut out of this "new steem" as so many choose to coin it.

Lowering cashout time alone makes this better than hive, imo. With hive I've had so many issues connecting to the network that I just honestly stopped bothering to try altogether. It's just being held up with capital from those who split and will eventually fall, the new "development" is more blockchain shit that (as you stated was a concern of yours or something that didn't help...) the every day person who is new here, won't understand or give a fuck about. Most new people will barely understand the concept of the levels of authority that go along with the various keys and fuck up and enter their master passwords on sketchy dapps and sites and lose the shit they do manage to get, and call it a "scam" because they were simple and didn't read the "blockchain instructions" or look into things further before getting financially involved. Most people are just fucking stupid, let's face it. Stupid means things need to be simpler. Society has always and will always cater to the least common denominator and unless we dumb it way the fuck down, there won't be any massive influx of new people wanting to join any social media blockchain. All these developer-made progressions, that provide information or tools requiring developer-or-at-least-blockchain-tech-level-understanding, are going to be given absolutely 0 fucks by some instagram, tik tok, or facebook user. They're only going to give a fuck about the social media aspect and maybe gaming. The other shit is shit no one except those of us who (As you said, again.) have been here, will give 2 fucks about.

So far, I see positive changes on the steem chain, despite feeling a bit concerned about the big powerdown of stake. (Even a worse case for me tho is that shit gets really cheap and doesn't recover, something I don't see happening even if it does completely crash. The value is still there. Just is.) All I see on hive is people sheltering people who've done extremely shady things, in the name of "decentralization" while developing more blockchain-related bullshit and nothing to help onboarding and ease of use. It's honestly a toss-up still, but seeing what's being done on both chains, I'd rather stick with steem in the long-run. If the degree of centralization only goes to the depth of people threatening lives and doxing and other shit, then I can fucking live with it. If I see a fork I don't care for, I can choose not to support it and if it goes thru, then it is what it is at this point. The ability to earn will never be stopped on here, not to any measurable degree, because that would kill either platform, so that's something that shouldn't be of concern to anyone. You may earn less because they are worth less, but the fact that you can earn anything at all, should be good enough for anyone and if not then they're ungrateful as fuck and should just shut the fuck up. LOL.


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