in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)


(Image source: Google.com)

Hello everyone 💚
Welcome to my blog once more.
This post is in response to weekly contest, creating stories week #15 by @adeljose. I'm very happy about the feat this contest has achieved and I'm certain greater things are still in store for this project. I commend the efforts of the Creator @adeljose as well as supporters such as @xpilar etc for backing up this helpful initiative. Thanks a million!

Anyways, I'd like to share a real life experience of mine as my participation for this week's contest. Since my story is in line with the theme "HIGH RISK BETTING",I thought I might as well share my experience with the steemit community, with the aim of admonishing the general public from the deadly dangers of sports betting. This was a very bitter and sad experience of mine, no matter how foolish or stupid it might have been,I'm glad I was able to stay at the top of the whole situation while learning the invaluable lesson I was taught. So, I hope you are entertained as you learn of my ordeal at the hands of sports betting.



zapp! the interface between the steel edges of the charger and the socket sparked as the infusion created a slight crackling of electric current, the apple icon popped up on the screen of my iPhone 6+ to my intense delight. I leaped off the floor in joy with my head nearing kissing the sharp and ruthless edges of the ceiling fan's blades. Realizing my callous mistake, I knew I had to control my emotions and stayed calm. But I couldn't help grinning, I thought I was done for when the same phone fell off my hand, creating a brutal impact on the hard floor just a week ago. I was heart broken and at the same time very frustrated, I've had numerous problems with the phone. Every mishandling of the device came with a price and pretty soon, It became a routine, which ended up with me paying frequent visits to the repairs outlets.

I couldn't believe the phone came on with no need for repairs this time. I knew at this instant that this was my second chance, "mercy" had basked my face in its gracious light,I had to sale off the device while I still could,using the proceeds to purchase a new one. I nodded in agreement with this decision as I made some calls,searching for potential buyers. In a matter of days,I was able to find a buyer and with little or no bargaining, I sold the phone for a decent sum of money. I knew the amount was not an equivalent to the value of the phone but based on the inconveniences and discomfort attached to the device,I thought it was a fair trade!

The next day was a weekend and I began to make enquires in my bid to purchase a new device as soon as possible. I didn't want to spend the money nor leave it in the unforgiving hands of eventualities. Before long,I was finally able to establish contact with a seller at an affordable price. The only problem was the seller was in a different state and the long distance delayed the initiation of the transaction. I had to wait for an opportunity, probably a traveler from the same destination, to help me render some courier services, thereby saving me some cost and delivering my product at the same time. Luckily for me,my brother would be the highly anticipated traveler and I just had to wait a couple of weeks for his arrival.

I decided to stall a little bit since he wasn't coming back right away,I could wait till he was ready to get back. Only then could I initiate the transaction with the phone seller and await my brother's arrival with the package. However, In the fateful evening of the same day, I stepped outside to purchase few items for dinner. I didn't want to go to the market place,there was a store nearby and I always chose it simply because of convinience. From a distance,I saw a figure dancing chaotically to the melodious tunes of silence. I drew closer and I recognized the figure, he lived in the neighborhood and apparently he came to make some purchases after he won a sizeable amount of money from sports betting,bet9ja, as it is casually called around here.


(image source: Google.com)

Myself and a couple of other witnesses looked on amazed as he showed off the winning coupon as well as the credit alert after he had made a deposit to his bank account. He went on to tell the story of how he met a mysterious coupon vendor online who graciously gifted him the gaming code after he pleaded. This mystery man was the secret behind his win and he intended to continue working with him,as far as to meet the financial demands for the subsequent codes he would received.

I was no stranger to the beguiling world of sports betting. I have had my fair share of its experiences, sailing in its tides of profits as well as losses. However,the reality I failed to understand was that you could never stay on the advantage with schemes like that. Already designed to let a higher percentage of players to fail, crumbs are paid to the "lucky winners" who fail to reminisce on how much they've lost to get to that point. Oblivious of this certainty, I was swayed effortlessly into the enticing stories of my high-spirited neighbor.

(Image source: Google.com)

Although I was strongly rooted in my conviction of not loosing my money to eventualities,I wanted to make some extra cash. I guess what they say about human needs being insatiable is true. I knew I would love to have some money in my wallet even after I must have purchased a new phone. This thought was an appealing one and I got intoxicated by its possiblity. Some green-eyed and glutenous folks from the witnesses, alongside my greedy self decided to partner with my neighbor and purchased some gaming codes from his mystery man, we were so covetous of the money he won that we wanted ours almost immediately. But we had to wait. The codes would arrive tomorrow despite the fact we had already paid today. Our premature ambitions were suddenly cut short,however, our hearts were filled with joy, like an air balloon, floating blissfully through the sky, in anticipation of our potential earnings tomorrow as we departed for our respective homes.

Finally!! the D-Day arrived. It was still early in the morning when I received a call from my neighbor, announcing the arrival of the gaming codes. My excitement was once more rekindled like a warm heartbeat as I quickly demanded for mine. Soon enough I received the codes and I hurriedly ran to a bet shop with absolute guarantee and assurance of winning. I spilt the money from the proceeds of my phone into two, and I gambled half of it on the games on the code. On my way home, my thoughts were occupied with how I would spend my earnings from the game,I was pregnant with expectations and I couldn't wait till evening for the results of the game to emerge.

I had absolute faith in my neighbor and this mystery coupon vendor,I knew I would be receiving some serious credit alerts in the evening, so I gleefully spent the rest of the money in a jubilant spree. I bought the nicest meal from the fanciest restaurant around along with a bottle of wine. I knew I had to keep myself company till evening,I could ease my anxiety with some gulps of the rousing drink. In the comfort of my home, stomach full and eyes excited with wine,I slept off, entertained by the dream of my potential earnings and galant celebrations which followed suite.

Soon, I woke up to the long awaited evening. I quickly grabbed my Android phone to confirm the result of the gaming codes to realize that the entire coupon was lost. In the same moment,the scales of stupidity and foolishness fell off my eyes instantly. I swiftly called my neighbor who started grumbling already about loosing all his proceeds from him previous wins and some extra on these particular codes. I could hear other voices in the background lamenting in sour regrets,stating how much they lost,as he asked me how much I staked. Still in shock and disbelief, I hesitated to answer. He asked if I wanted to come over, since other victims who lost, were all assembled at his place. Like I needed a band of remorseful and sad brothers!

I hung up the phone, my heart was shattered because I knew I had lost in more ways than one. I could not afford to purchase a new device, just like I intended to. I had lost the entire money I made from selling my iPhone. At this moment, I knew I needed that drink more than ever as I scoured my room for the bottle of wine or whatever was left of it, I knew that was the only suitable companionship within reach.



I hope you enjoyed reading!
But don't fail to get the drift! it never gets right with gambling, the game of sports is best enjoyed with no strings attached! I found my light at the end of the tunnel after this ordeal and I permanently decided to end gambling of any form till this day.

Thanks for stopping by

Special thanks once more to @xpilar

Join the world of xpilar trail!
Be part of the community!!!


 3 years ago 

Greetings friend @stephenpaul

Interesting story about how you entered the world of gambling where the initial winnings are the nectar that leads to a world of losses, where everything is lost, even the illusion of buying a new phone.

Thank you for your entry to the contest.

Participant #6

Please link the images to their respective sources to validate your entry, and remember that you can only use copyright free images.

Thanks sir and I'm sorry if I broke any of the contest rules. I've tried to edit the post but I can't access the markdown styling's writer from here. However,I've disclaimed ownership of the photos by specifying the sources. I apologise once more.

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