Steemit Curator role: are we covering different countries equally?

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)



Hello dear Steemians,


My post from yesterday caused a lot of comments which is quite interesting, I will just invite you and read if you have interest.

It is interesting that one suggestion to get more people from Western countries caused a lot of turmoil. At the moment I really do not understand why because currently users who live in Western countries are not really among the curators, except two including me, but this is only the second month.

Also, none of such users complaining that despite of having 7 Teams who are curating with Steemcurator account, very little % of those users are visited by the SC accounts.

As you remember, the Steemit Team advised to curate people outside of community and different topics even tags, but until now the majority of posts curated is Diary Games and now the second place is Challenges.



Here is the link to hte November Curators:

I will just give you this table, there are numbers that I took from last week Curation of all 6 Teams. I did not change anyhting and that was the data from weekly curation report.

This is only curation for 7 days

CountryT. 1T.2T. 3T.4T.5T.Mil.Sum
Sri Lanka13122413
South Africa13303313


Make your own conclusion.



CURATION TRAIL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png




It is interesting that one suggestion to get more people from Western countries caused a lot of turmoil. At the moment I really do not understand why.

It is not about the suggestion that more countries participate in the curation teams, do not pretend to give this approach, as if it is about taking something away from someone.

It is the approach you gave to your proposal, to insinuate that "users from countries that are economically favored to us are tempted to commit abuses", just because after 8-9 months of this support project an isolated event occurred yesterday.

Living in a non-western country is already a guarantee that we will be thieves, abusers, swindlers, and more?

So the annoyance is not about inviting more to participate in the platform, but the message implicit in this message.

Also, it is important that we involve more users from Western countries because the financial stability and their income does not make them tempted.

Or would it be correct for me to say from your previous statement that people living in western countries think they are perfect... surely not, I cannot make that serious mistake of generalization... at least in my mind it is not possible to judge everyone by the actions or words of a few.

Perhaps you could show statistics of how many curators from the West have applied to be curators, there you could clearly see why there are so few on the teams.

First of all, I wouldn't talk about "western countries" in a global community, because formally some of the countries you mentioned are, for example, more western than Europe... anyway, you can hardly localise anything on a globe with "western" except from the location of the individual observer.

But it can indeed be seen that some countries are more numerically considered in the curation than others. However, such absolute numbers are not very informative. It would be more interesting to see how these curations relate to the total number of posts.

Of course, it is also noticeable that there are very few curators from Europe/Korea/Japan, for example. I can imagine various reasons here and know them for myself as well. I myself did it for three weeks. The effort required for this is difficult for me personally. The incentive of curation for curation work, for example, does not exist for me. It might be different for other curation members from non-European countries.
It is not as if there have been no curators from Europe at all... and there must have been one or more reasons why they don't want to do it any more.

Personally, I would also like to see less focus on the diaries and challenges.... But even there, the teams are free to do what they want...
I myself don't orientate my writing to that anyway. When I have time and feel like it, I write something. Unfortunately, with many users it's often the other way round, and you can see that in their posts.

Zunächst würde ich in einer globalen Gemeinschaft nicht von "westlichen Ländern" reden, denn formal sind einige der von dir genannten Länder beispielsweise westlicher als Europa... ohnehin kann man auf einer Kugel mit "westlich" außer vom Standpunkt des einzelnen Betrachters kaum etwas lokalisieren.

Es ist aber tatsächlich zu erkennen, dass einzelne Länder zahlenmäßig stärker bei der Kuration berücksichtigt werden als andere. Allerdings sind so absolute Zahlen wenig aussagekräftig. Es wäre ja eher interessant, in welchem Verhältnis zur Gesamtzahl der Beiträge diese Kurationen stehen.

Natürlich fällt auch auf, dass es aus z. B. aus Europa/Korea/Japan sehr wenige Kuratoren gibt. Ich kann mir hier diverse Gründe vorstellen und kenne sie für mich auch. Ich selbst habe es für drei Wochen gemacht. Der Aufwand, der damit einhergeht, ist für mich persönlich nur schwer zu leisten. Der Anreiz der Kuration für die Kurationsarbeit besteht beispielsweise bei mir nicht. Das sieht für andere Kurationsmitglieder aus nichteuropäischen Ländern möglicherweise anders aus.
Es ist ja nicht so, dass es bisher gar keine Kuratoren aus Europa gab... und es muss einen oder mehrere Gründe gegeben haben, dass sie es nicht mehr machen wollen.

Ich persönlich würde mir auch weniger Konzentration auf die Tagebücher und Challenges wünschen... Aber auch da sind die Teams frei in Ihrer Tätigkeit...
Ich selbst orientiere mich beim Schreiben ohnehin nicht daran. Wenn ich Zeit und Lust habe, schreibe ich etwas. Bei vielen Usern ist das leider oftmals umgekehrt, und man merkt das auch an den Beiträgen.

I believe many users who do not participate in such Curator application do not mind that there are other countries who have majority of users within that activities. But having such role as curator for the Steemit in global the posts and users should be treated equally, it would be good to see other numbers in such statistic table. I know many users who do produce very good quality posts but they are not noticed, that was hte reason why I decided to to that, although myself I barely have time for that.

 2 years ago (edited)

Agree! What is interesting is the %reward distribution between the countries based on an average of people. It should be pretty similar unless some countries are much better bloggers right? Or maybee large owners deliberately ensure that most of the curation goes to their country.. That would be sad. Btw love your work for Steemit, keep it up!

posts and users should be treated equally

Agree! For my part, like in the old days, I don't want to spend a week on a travel post with 25 photos and 500 words for $1. Honestly, I don't think the quality is 20 times worse than the same type of posts in the countries at the top. And i'm from Norway, still here despite that, for the idea Steemit should represent. -Chris

Btw, great post as usual! :)

ps. probably the longest comment you have had from me hehe :)

although myself I barely have time for that.

And I appreciate that very much!
We both know that the effort is not nearly compensated by the corresponding income. But somehow we still try to support the Steem and the Steemians.
BTW: I think it's good that your "invest" phase at upvu is over again. I just want to mention it briefly and not start a new discussion. There have been enough of those....

although myself I barely have time for that.

Und das schätze ich sehr!
Wir wissen beide, dass der Aufwand nicht annähernd durch entsprechende Einnahmen gedeckt wird. Aber irgendwie versuchen wir trotzdem den Steem und die User zu unterstützen.
BTW: Ich finde es übrigens gut, dass deine "Invest"-Phase bei upvu wieder vorbei ist. Ich will es nur kurz ansprechen und dazu keine erneute Diskussion aufmachen. Die gab es zur Genüge....

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

 2 years ago (edited)

I love statistics. What does this table represent? The country and the team I understand, but what is the number underneath? Venezuela, T.1…60? Thanks @stef1.

 2 years ago (edited)

The table has summary of the Upvotes that were given by Curators of 6 Teams, like T.1 given 60 Upvotes to posts of users from Venezuela during one week.

The same with T.2 means that was team 2 was given so much upvotes and of course, summary how many upvotes hte users from different countries received. There was only one post from users from USA upvoted that week only by one team. Hope that can clarify a bit.

This clarifies a lot. Thanks @stef1.

 2 years ago 

The information provides power, and a power must generate a responsibility when analyzing it, it is necessary to start with these words for what I am going to share below:

The fact that some nationalities are more supported than others does not prove that there is a violation or a failure in the distribution of support, to corroborate this, it is important to analyze the number of users of those nationalities with respect to the others. Anyone on the platform should know that the number of Venezuelans and Indonesians is important, they are active everywhere, this makes it more likely to find one of them to support them, I can even say that there will possibly be some users of these nationalities who still They have not received support from the curator accounts because there are many, and they comply with the main rule of being at least #club5050.

it's all a matter of probability

The more users a nation has, the higher the probability of being supported

The #country tags should be in the first 5 to make them easier to find, at least, on my turn, I look for individual tags like #country, #art #life #thediarygame among others

Recently there are many users who are now in #club100, we still not using the country tag maybe because the users posting in different tags and communities. It will take time to convince people to use the country tag. Even myself I do not like it, that give me an impression of being restricted within a country frame.

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