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RE: The Nebulous Mystery of "Adding Value" as a Content Creator

in WORLD OF XPILAR10 months ago (edited)

I can understand where it is coming from, especially being on such platform like our we always say we support quality content and often we choose long posts like some communities require >300 words, but is that automatically mean quality content? In my opinion, no, because one can write rubbish within those 300 words, but other ones write shorter one but there will be a good thought, idea and maybe something constructive.

The same with comments, some people can write long comment without much to say, but the others like my friend @digi-me has short comments but there is much in it. He is typical Scandinavian type. I do not know if he agrees with me but at least in Germany Scandinavian are famous for their direct and not many words attitude. That was a reason whey I noticed him too.

In general, I agree with you, in order to know each other better and to create lively community we have to communicate and I am really pleased to have our core users in WOX who are engaged and always there when we need them :)

 10 months ago 

Speaking of Scandinavians, we have an old saying/folk wisdom in Denmark that translates directly as "The priest held a sermon, and said nothing at all."

That's why I like value, because we can more readily ask whether or not something had values. Some memes even have value... the first time we see them. The 563rd time? Not so much.

I do see plenty of shorter content that has value, as well as longer content that has value but perhaps not quality in the traditional sense. Similarly, I can recognize someone's 1500-word essay on the use of some particular blockchain code as quality, but it has little value to me, or to 99% of the greater world. At the same time, I can appreciate that it might have value to the other 1%; the coders.

Curation is really more of an art than a science, but I'm sure you know that very well!

I like this saying, that is indeed wise saying:

an old saying/folk wisdom in Denmark that translates directly as "The priest held a sermon, and said nothing at all."

Yes, you are about curation, that is why I like it, it is always nice to discover some users who you never expected to and I am glad that we have such opportunity of SCXX accounts that is given to users.


Curated by : @stef1

 10 months ago 

Thanks for the mention @stef1, you are spot on. Had to read all haha, so here are my thoughts.

Agreed @denmarkguy

content can be considered a bit like shops

I think it makes sense, I don't have time to check out thousands of blogs a day, so yes, whatever catches my attention or field of interest, I would check out. How to determine value = the most valuable thing in life is time = I wouldn't waste 2 minutes on a crappy photo, but I would easily enjoy an amazing photo for many more minutes = it's valuable to me, it might not be to someone else, that's okay, there are thousands of windows to look at and you'll probably find something you like = value for you.

And @stef I agree, 300 words is bullshit, value is what you get from the post not the amount of words. I want to say a trader who just posts one picture of a chart and he has 90% win ratio, in other words by following his trading ideas and you earn 500% ROI in a year, that's value regardless of the number of words or photos.

But I think in the end that the most valuable is not what you post, but the person's personality, the relationship, the friendship is more valuable in itself.

 10 months ago 

I just don't think there is some easy formula that can be applied @digi-me, it's all very fluid and subjective.

However, I do agree with the idea of looking at it as "was this time I spent with this piece of content worth my time?"

And yes, ultimately social media is also about relationships and connections.

 10 months ago 

Agreed, the value may differ from the eyes of the beholder. :)

I completely agree with that:

But I think in the end that the most valuable is not what you post, but the person's personality, the relationship, the friendship is more valuable in itself.

It is similar to our real life situation, some people have a lot of friends but others not. When I was young I noticed that and understood that it is important to treat others how we want to be treated myself and that is the key. Here, after few years on being on Steemit we already know what to expect from each other. It was very nice to read your comment, I am always glad when I can make you to express your thoughts and your point of you. Thank you :)

 10 months ago 

Nice to here. Thank you ;)

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