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RE: Focus Stacking Tutorial – Part 2 Preparing Insects

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

Hi Brian,

That is very interesting post, I have never thought that the whole process is so complex. I can imagine that sometimes it is difficult to kill an insect and of course when flinging the dead one they are probably already dry too.

Actually me and my hubby were wondering how you manage to get such lively examples and now it is clear.

I agree that spiders sit still sometimes for hours and that is the easy model. By the why talking about spiders, I remember my mother and grandmothers were saying that finding spider at home will bring wealth. Therefore it was not allowed to kill them. When I married and told my hubby he just laughed. Of course he did not kill for some time but hten reminded me saying that despite of that the spiders have not brought us wealth :)

It was also really interesting to read:

"If the insect is very dirty you may want to very carefully wash the insect in a container of water with a few drops of washing up liquid in it."

I told you that my hubby was fascinated with your pictures, now he bought a camera too and trying his first steps in Focus stacking :)

Thank you for this wonderful post really love it :)


Thank you.
What camera and lens has your husband bought?
I hope he is enjoying using it and focus stacking. If he has any questions about focus stacking please ask and I will do my best answer.

Hi Brian,

I bought a used Olympus E-M1 I and a used Zuiko ED30mm f3,5 Macro. ....small budget :-)

Now I'm still testing the right software (Helicon Focus, Zerene Stacker), but for the rest I use Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. In the beginning I will try flowers and objects, the insects will come later.


Hi Stefan,

You made a good choice with Olympus. As you probably already know the E-M1 I has focus bracketing which you will find really useful for focus stacking.

As for stacking software you could try CombineZP which is free and from which I have recently seen some really impressive results. I did try it myself a number of years ago, but for me it crashed with anything more than about ten shots. Then I discovered Zerene Stacker which I think is the best.

Good luck and hope to see some of your images soon.

Cheers Brian

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