Morning walk: water and boats

in WORLD OF XPILAR10 months ago



Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I am back with beautiful series of photos that we recently uploaded on computer from our trip in summer to Germany. Like I mentioned before we keep ourselves busy starting from early morning because we wanted to enjoy every single day and to get as much from our time there as possible. Summer is great time when sun gets up early, approximately at 5 Am it is already becoming light outside and 6 Am we were up on our feet.

I do not know how about yourself, but we love to get our regular walks or bicycle trips early morning so that later on we can spend more time either with visiting something or to do some work at our house.


Water and boats


Our favourite place for walk when we do not want to go to far and just by foot is the local channel when going from one side to another it is approximately 5 km and it is a good fitness exercise in the morning.

Here how it looks from the bridge:


Here we have captured the transport boat, they are very long and loaded with different stuff like sand, wood, maybe oil, the channel goes from Netherlands to Northern Germany.




Often we see different little boats that are passing by and looking at them I feel jealous I would love to have such trip on a little boat. I do not want own a boat, I would not be able to look after the boat because of limited time but just to have a little trip would be OK.








The last summer was rainy almost every day, that is why such boats had the cover and were able to enjoy the trip on water.





Hope you enjoyed the photo series.



CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png


  • Unbenanntg-1.png




Nice report. If you are healthy, sailboard or plastic kayak. The kayaks cost less and there is no maintenance.

I love to see how such boats are floating but I do not know if I want to own one, probably not. Maybe because of motion sickness, I have to be more careful with that.

Wonderful landscape!

Thank you @pousinha, it is really nice to see you here, I came across your comments quite often and really enjoyed it. It is nice of you to that your left a comment in English :)

Thank you very much! English is not my main language, but I often use it because my students ask me for English lessons (in spite of my habilitation being Spanish) and I also participate to various paid to post financial forums.

I am really pleased to discover you, nowadays thank Google-translator it is not a problem when we have posts or comments in other languages, you might have noticed many users from Venezuela, Indonesia etc write in their own languages. So if you want to leave a comment in Italian or Spanish it will be not a problem.

By the way, I wonder if you are aware about the Support Program that is provided by the Steemit Team there are many accounts with name "SteemcuratorXX (here are the numbers 01, 02, ...09) that are supporting the posts one of the important feature that we pay is that users should Power Up at least 50% of liquid Steem.

So there are few groups of Power up and then you can use appropriate tag to be seem:


if the liquid Steem 50% Powered up and 50% withdrawn, at least one month


if the liquid Steem 75% Powered up and 25% withdrawn, at least for 2 months


if the liquid Steem 100% Powered up and none withdrawn, at least for 3 months

I am stuck to rules of #club5050, if you also would like to do that then SCXX might visit your posts more regular.

It was nice to chat to you and see you around :)

Yes dear friend, I know the program, but I can't participate. Unfortunately I need to power down multiple times per year. Various admins know my circumstances I never hid. Due to the high precariousness of my teaching job, chronic sicknesses and consequently very expensive drugs, I often power down because I really need this money. In addition, the new government of my country isn't cryptos-friendly and worse, it's foreign finances great enemy. So wants to oblige to a tax amount of 15% on staked cryptos (so not on cryptos yet converted to FIAT, but simply staked out of Brazilian CEX) if we reach 6000 reais during the year (that's a ridiculous amount, a little more than 1000 dollars in one year). And wether the cryptocurrency plummet to zero like terra/luna, we lose both the crypto and the thrown away money for taxes. The government is pressing the Parliament to get this new tax law approved into October 2023. It's very difficult to grow among these platforms due to this and other previous laws in my country.
I prefer by far Deepl translator to Google translator (this latter has no idea of context translations and correct syntax). Each human translator knows translation to the letter rarely works. The same context among different countries, even of the same languages family, changes the lexicon. I use Deepl traslator (and LanguageTool, all free version) mainly to speed and get the best accuracy for my translations when it comes for Spanish-Portuguese-Italian (my main languages), but then I do all corrections. I rely 90% on Deepl in the case of English, as I only own an intermediate level (in spite of students in my country always ask for English lessons). Then come reverso.context and myMemory, the best online in context translators, but they only work for few sentences.

Congratulations! Your comment has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support good comments anywhere.


Curated by : <@solaymann>

Thank you very much!

 10 months ago 

Каналы работают ))
Это дешевле, чем дороги, которые надо постоянно ремонтировать, хотя... канал тоже требует ухода.
Вот да, было бы недурно прокатиться по каналам на таком катере с удобствами.
Надо подумать про белый пароход и Волгу))

Да, по этому каналу перевозят много товаром как дрова, песок, уголь. Для любопытных детей это настоящее приключение, они обажают смотреть на эти судна.

Прокатиться на таком катера в солнечный день замечательно :)

 10 months ago 

для поддержания судоходности канал конечно чистят и всё такое прочее, но это самый дешёвый транспорт)
Недаром первые поселения были на берегах рек.

 9 months ago 

Hola amiga espero te encuentres bien 🙏

Están muy hermosas las fotografías de tu viaje a Alemania.

El canal se ve increíble con todos esos barquitos. Ojalá en otra oportunidad logres navegar y disfrutar del lugar.

También me encanta caminar y correr bicicleta cuando viajo a mi casa. Te mando un fuerte abrazo.

Muchas gracias por compartir.

Feliz noche 🙏

That is our favourite place for walking and it is always a pleasure to see different boats, when my son was little he liked to wave his hand and was very happy when the people on boats waved back.

Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support good posts anywhere.


Curated by : <@solaymann>

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