Fighting Abuse on Steem: DECEPTION and PLAGIARISM: @shohel02

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago





Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,



Once again we are here with Mass Art Plagiarism. Who knows if the user have not had used “World of Xpilar” Community for posting maybe he still would be deceiving Steemians. But now we hope that this user will be revealed and stopped.


Who is @shohel02?


First, let’s start from beginning, every time when we come across such deception cases we try to go to the roots. That is why we went back to his first post and that is Introduction.

Strangely it was no content, he has already deleted it with comment “Mistek”, I assume he means “Mistake”



When people do post once and delete, I can understand maybe there was a reason for that but this user did it twice and both of them deleted, is that not suspicious?




Looking through the whole blog, there are many and really many posts are deleted, what was the reason? Was it plagiarism? Steem-Bangladesh already gave him flag: “Suspect”




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Art Deception cases: @shohel02


Deception case 3: Stolen from “” Website


We are very much involved in Curation of Visual Art users and we know how much does it mean for everyone who creates visual art to enjoy the result and see that people love their work, the hours of spending time on their creations. The same time it is painful to see if the work of those Artists are presented by someone who claims that these are his work.

Again we started with one of the first Post that contains Art:






This is the digital work and available as Wallpaper for the Desktop computer




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Deception case 2: Stolen Art Tutorial




This work is stolen from the website that is called Artists where the artists can place their works, it is a shame that there are people without respect to property of others, simply take the work of others and present as their own.




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Deception case 3: Stolen from “” Website


This post was immediately suspicious, why because you can see the prints through out the picture, that means that picture is copyright protected, it was not difficult to find the original and it was definitely not his work of his village Bengal.








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Deception case 4: Stolen from Copyright protected site Shutterstock


I was pretty sure that this pencil drawing is not his one and easily found original in Shutterstock, which is Copyright protected.








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Deception case 5: Stolen from Art Academy Drawing








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Deception case 6: Stolen from “Design Stack and co” website.








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Deception case 7: Stolen from “”. Website.








Seeing that almost every single posts is plagiarized in our opinion the user had given enough reasons to exclude him from our Community.

We also would like to notify @steemcurator01 and the Steemit Team to support our anti-Plagiarism campaign that we strictly perform in “World of Xpilar” Community.

The same time I was wondering if there is anything that could be done to stop those people .
If you like what we do, please support our Initiative, it takes a lot of time and research to collect the evidence and we are working hard on keeping Steem blockchain free of Plagiarism and Abuse.


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As always, faithfully yours we are Guardians of steem,

@stef1 and @myskye



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CURATION TRAIL @worldofxpilar




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 3 years ago (edited)

Sad ... I mean it drains energy and time, this compelled endless fight against inexhaustible army of plagiarists.

Mistek sounds like a name of a superhero whose superpower is making mistakes. 😁

"Littel gril" is a nice drawing.

Agree, Mistek sounds like from "X-men" character Mystique. But on other hand it is frustrating and very sad that people do not try to be honest and share something from their own life.

"Little girl" has attracted my attention, it is absolutely cute drawing, maybe that is why he decided to use it to attract people.


 3 years ago 

hello dear friend @stef1 good afternoon
You're doing a great job uncovering plagiarism. Congratulations

Thank you for stopping by, once again we have some people who would like to cheat, luckily we were able to catch him :)

Hi again @stef1 and @myskye, since your posts are the first and only ones I see here about plagiarism, I want to take this opportunity to ask you for advice on what to do when a plagiarist is found on Steemit.
Because I already found one: @ engrqd (I don't want to tag him here in public)
Everyone can check his 98%, if not 100% stolen content - images from the web. And not only does he have sometimes 30 posts a day, but some people even upvote him.

Hi @soulsdetour regarding your question,a method I use and it is mostly known
is to use the tag @ endingplagiarism as a reply under the post you have found that is abusing the platform...this will give a notification to the appropriate people and they will take care of the situation

Thank you, @grecoloco! That was exactly what I was asking for - procedure and contact of the accounts in charge.

my pleasure...glad to help :)

There are many of such users, we mostly concentrate on those who are posting in our community. The user, might be using the images from other source. The investigation is very time consuming, because we need to check everything, every single image and compare who is original user too. That user never posted in World of Xpilar and I see that he is mostly using #steemit, that is why maybe the Steemit team will be interested and may spend time for investigation.

The posts that he got upvotes, he is using @boomerang, that is service when people can buy Upvote from bots, so he is paying for it his own Steem.

The fact that there are many such users here on Steemit is very sad and very, very discouraging. At least for people who post their own self-created content. I understand your position and point of view but it would be more reassuring to be on this blockchain if there was at least one team, (hopefully this team is @ endingplagiarism, as @grecoloco wrote) that cares for the cleanliness of the platform.
And no, this user doesn't only receive votes from bots, he is being upvoted also by normal accounts. But you are right, I have to contact the people in the corresponding community.
Thank you for your time! (btw, I wrote you an email, because this was the only contact I found on your profile). Now you can disregard it.

The plagiarized works are just too many.
Nicely done @stef1.

Recently, it is true there are too many of them even in one community like our. I even do not want to imagine how many communities have such users.

Que bueno que pudieron detectar el plagio @stef1
No al Plagio!
Si a la creatividad y originalidad.
Gracias por tu trabajo.

Thank you for visiting this post, there are many different tricks that those people use, if users know about it then they will be more cautious :)

 3 years ago (edited)


Please @stef1 check this new case of plagiarism that I have found out, since I believe it is very serious because they are the moderators of the community.

Thank you Xavier for this shout out, its really unfair game and everything looks very suspicious

Hi Stef1

Thank you for this publication. You do an outstanding job of research.

It is absolutely disgraceful to see plagiarism deliberately in each of your publications.

I hope this user is stopped and does not continue to do this malpractice on Steemit.

Thank you!

Thank you for your feedback, yes, it is true we try to get clear evidence before we publish the results of our investigations and thank you for supporting this Initiative :)

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