Best Author Nomination: @chriddi

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago


Hello my dear Steemians,





Today I wanted to do a post for the @steemitblog Award 2020.


There are so many users and we are all different, we know many, and sometimes we become friends for a long time. Blockchain is an interesting place, because we become friends with people who we have not met. While communicating we learn them and discover some good features of people.

While in facebook, Instagram and other social media people communicate, the feature of Steem blockchain is, it is a platform that rewards for posting. But it is not always the best Author receives great rewards. While been for last 3 years on Steem we know that there are many undervalued Authors. We would love to give everything for those people but, unfortunately, ourselves we do not have much, that is why this is an opportunity to give such people a spotlight.

That is why, I am writing this post because I want to introduce this personality and calling for everyone who knows her to support my Nominee.


My Nominee is @chriddi




@chriddi alias Christiane is from Northern Germany, she joined Steemit in December 2017 and also like us already 3 years on Steem blockchain.

I actually learned Christiane this year, after split of Steem and creation of Hive, she also was the one who actively was commenting around, supporting communities and guiding the small new users.


The character features that I like in @chriddi


  • If someone would like to do a competition for the most comprehensive number of comments with valuable content, then @chriddi definitely will win the First place.
  • She is very attentive and active reader, who takes time to write a nice comment that just makes the others want to answer them. This is her secret how she gains the hearts of the users.
  • Of course, the users then automatically going to her posts and the same like me, many will discover amazing personality. She is honest, friendly and very supportive.
  • She has character of a leader and currently one of the active member of German Community, that she is trying to keep active and supports with her Steem Power.


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Now I wanted to give you few examples of the posts:


Not down at all! - Do we have to count chromosomes?




As examples of the amazing posts that she produces, I want to present this one. She is a teacher, specialized to teach children with special needs. Therefore, this post shows how much she wants to share with everyone, that kids with Down Syndrome are actually are children like any other. That much depends on us, people around them, and the society, what will be from these children and our acceptance.

The post is written in easy understandable words and with a lot of love to those children.


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Mit dem Bulli in MeckPomm (1) – With VW Van in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Norh-East Germany




This post is one of the three posts about the trip that @chriddi and her dog Mäx did with VW Van to the beautiful coastal area of North-East Germany. The whole posts are built up like a diary and for me it was a little trip in my childhood, when we travelled with our parents in such vans on holiday. I had a feeling that I am reading an adventure book.

Impressive is the number of comments and discussion that it brings up.


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TRX und nun? Spenden!




Unfortunately, this post was not seen by @steemcurator01. In my opinion, it is very interesting written and with the examples she showed different functions. But also she showed what you can do with Tron, you can easily donate it to other projects or people.

Every post is unique and great structured. There are always own texts, photography and of course many, many comments.


If anyone else agrees with me and also thinks that @chriddi deserves to be nominated for the Best Author, please support my proposal and leave a comment under the post.



I hope you enjoyed my post and thank you for viewing :-)


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CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




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Dies ist einer der seltenen Momente, wo du vor freudiger Überraschung an den Krümeln des letzten Christstollens zu ersticken drohst, wenn du deine Mentions liest...

Dear Karly,

I am overwhelmed! It is a great pleasure for me to read how you perceive me.

As you write, comments are very important to me. I find these are independent of any other reward the true recognition of an author, through these the Steem comes alive as a social medium. I can't paint, dance or sing, but I think my talent is the use of my language, my mother tongue German, which I love so much with all its subtleties. I myself think I often find the right words, but now I am at a loss for words - I feel so honored!

Alone about this nomination from such an experienced and esteemed Steemian like you, I am incredibly happy - not much more needs to come out of it.
Thank you so much for taking the time to give me and my work on and for the Steem so much appreciation.
I'm so glad to have gotten to know you as a person besides your art, so glad for all the deep, critical, funny dialogues we've shared. Thank you!

To you and your family a good start to a happy, prosperous and above all healthy New Year!

Warm regards,

P.S.: Promissing to become more active with detailed articles soon - but the support by well annotated curation also needs a lot of time, as you know... ;-)

 4 years ago (edited)

Liebe Christine,

Es war mir eine Freude, diesen Beitrag zu schreiben. Außerhalb der deutschen Communitie kennen dich wahrscheinlich nicht so viele Steemians, vielleicht weil du dich sehr für die deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft engagierst. Ich glaube aber, es gibt da noch viele andere, die dich auch gerne kennenlernen würden. Natürlich ist es sehr zeitaufwändig, in beiden Sprachen zu posten und in beiden Sprachen zu kommentieren.

Ich habe beim Lesen aller Beiträge zu unserem letzten Wettbewerb bemerkt, dass 300 Wörter zu viel sind. Das hat mich tatsächlich mehr als 3 Stunden täglich gekostet. Mein Mann war ein bisschen verärgert, weil ich meine langen Schichttage hatte und dann nach dem Abendessen den Rest der Zeit damit verbrachte, die Wettbewerbsbeiträge zu lesen. Das war auch der Grund, warum ich deine Weihnachtspost nicht kommentieren konnte, aber natürlich habe ich die auch gelesen. Der Baum, wahrscheinlich die Nordmann-Tanne sieht übrigens wirklich gut aus. Wie du vielleicht bemerkt hast, habe ich jetzt zwei Wochen Urlaub und versuche daher, das Bloggen nachzuholen.

Als ich den Award - Nominierungsbeitrag von @steemitblog gesehen habe, dachte ich, dass ich definitiv Beiträge für jede einzelne Nominierung machen werde. Ich bin froh, dass es dir gefällt und hoffe, dass du definitiv ausgewählt wirst.

Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche und bis zum nächsten Mal.

Liebe Grüße,


 8 months ago 

O chriddi...
You have my heart forever now.
I don't know how I stumbled upon this post...
I'm sick in bed, maybe having too much time on hands.
I really have to do a lot of stuff actually. My in-laws are coming tomorrow. I have to set up their room, grocery for their special likings, (no car at the moment), and a long list of chores.
And here I am lying in bed, sneezing, trying to breath through my stuffy nose, and smiling.
You are really a vibe, an inspiration ❤️

Wow, yes, that's really amazing that you dug up that document. Had to read it again myself... Hihi, maybe now you'll believe that I was definitely "better" in the past... ;-)
I think I was even elected "best author" back then. Third place, or something.
Thank you for all the lovely soul you give me... :-))

 4 years ago (edited)

Ja so kenne ich Chriddi auch lieb nett freundlich helfend fair und mit einer gesunden Lebenseinstellung ihrer Meinung ist mir viel Wert
Was mir auch gut gefällt unbequemen Diskussion geht sie nicht aus dem Weg
Sie ist ein sehr guter Diskussionspartner

Danke für deine liebe Einschätzung... 😊
Oh ja, du bist Zeuge dafür, dass ich auch bei kontroversen Nackenschlägen ruhig und freundlich bleibe... 😂
Lass dich drücken, lieber @atego!
Guten Rutsch dir und deinen Lieben,

Hallo @atego, danke für deine netten Worte über Christiane. Ich liebe ihren Sinn für Humor und ihre offene Art zu diskutieren, egal um welches Thema es auch geht. Sie hat immer gute Argumente, damit die Leute nicht verärgert werden. Ich hoffe sehr, dass sie als beste Autorin ausgewählt wird.

Wie cool, herzlichen Glückwunsch @chriddi! :-)

Vvielen Dank für die Unterstützung :)

Danke! Hört sich wahrlich toll an, wa?!
Komm gut ins Neue Jahr,
viel Glück, Erfolg und Gesundheit!
Und alles Liebe sowieso,

Ja, richtig, richtig gut. Und du hast es mehr als verdient! :-)

Komm du auch gut ins neue Jahr und auf das 2021 ganz wundervoll für uns alle wird.

it seems a very good trip

Ja, tolle Nominierung!
Chriddi, ich drücke dir die Daumen!
Du hättest es verdient!
LG Elli

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