Announcement: @booming accounts will be suspended for 5 days-Technical error!

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago




Hello my dear Steemians,



This is to let you all know that the Nomination for @booming account that I have done yesterday has not been carried out. Due to technical errors there is no Steem Power on booming accounts and needs about 5 days to restore them. I wanted to share the message from the Steemit Team with all the members of our Community:



@booming account Community Support

During last few months the Steemit Team is running @booming account support for more than 30 Communities. That means so many users have on daily basis little surprises that motivate them and encourage to keep posting. It is so human like that once we have something we get used to it but once we lose it we notice how bad it is without. I am sure everyone knows this feeling. Even there is such proverb:

You never miss the water till the well runs dry

Den Brunnen schätzt man erst dann, wenn es kein Wasser mehr gibt

That is why, it will be for us the time to compare how it was with @booming Support and how it is without. So that many of you like us appreciate this Initiative of the Steemit Team.

Are the communities benefit from @booming Support Program?

This is very good question and if you ask me, then the answer is definitely: Yes!

In WOX community we have many, many users and I must say it is not possible to give good Upvote to many of them. While having chance of @booming we visit and support creative and quality content. Many of users started posting and being active, they are engaged in the Community Initiatives and it is always nice how they start commenting too.

With this post I would like to invite users and to share their opinion what they think:

Do you need @booming Account Support and why?



@stef1 and @myskye



Trenner groß.png


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png




It is very nice to write and share, but it is a different beauty that what you write is appreciated, materially and spiritually. Sc1 unfortunately does not reach everyone. Thanks to Booming, we feel noticed and motivated. I hope it will be fixed as soon as possible. 🤲🪄

Agree, when people are supported and encouraged they will continue working, hopefully booming will start working again :)

I look forward to that day. because i need motivation 🙃

 2 years ago 

Oh yeah! This support is very important and much appreciated. Thanks to her, I can support (@stef1) the creative posts of support program participants and it motivates them well. It's great to get such support.
You correctly noticed that you quickly get used to good things and think that this is how it should always be :).
But we must remember that the rules may change, and the quality of your posts should still grow or simply not decrease. This is the path to success.
But in any case, it's nice when there is additional support and you rely on it. It's the same as with the support from SC01, but you can't see it for a very long time, and the booming is much closer to you.

Yes, it is very helpful with booming, we were able to cheer up many users and now I feel so powerless seeing so many receiving nothing. Sad!

 2 years ago 

Yes, I also see posts that deserve more encouragement, but I can’t do anything. It's annoying...
Да, я тоже вижу посты, достойные большего поощрения, но ничего не могу сделать. Это досадно...

 2 years ago 

The Booming has been a great support for the growth of many people in Steemit and personally, I have a lot to thank him for. Without him, we would be in a difficult situation, it is widely known that the votes of SC01, SC02 do not reach everyone. I hope that it will be reactivated soon and that it continues with its great work within Steemit.

El Booming ha sido un gran apoyo para el crecimiento de muchas personas en Steemit y en lo personal, tengo mucho que agradecerle. Sin él, estaríamos en una situación dificil, es de amplio conocimiento que los votos de SC01, SC02 no llegan a todos. Espero que pronto se reactiven y que continúe con su gran labor dentro de Steemit.

Agree, booming became a little booster for many small accounts and that is something that keep users in the communities, without many would have left the Steemit already.

 2 years ago 

The booming represents a prize for quality content. Personally, I am happy to receive it because it encourages me much more to continue creating and to continue promoting my account. Happy afternoon friend.

Thank you for your feedback and I am glad that so many people express the same opinion we all benefit from Booming :)

Hello Friend.

Surely those votes all by surprise to many, the important thing is that the Steemit team is already solving it. Everything will be fine, with the favor of God.

I think that booming votes are a great help and incentive for Steemians. Thanks to those votes, we feel very encouraged because it's like saying "Congratulations, you're doing well". When we receive support, we are motivated to continue generating content.

In Steemit there is a lot of talent and I am very pleased to see that these great artists are recognized.

Thank you for opening this dynamic to answer the question.

Now we have time to continue creating ideas for steemit and supporting Steemians.

Thanks for the information about the problem.

Thank you Stefany for your comprehensive reply and it is really nice to hear how this Initiative changed a lot and how people are encouraged to stay and work but also to feel appreciated.

Yes, I need an @booming account, because to motivate and encourage me..

Thank you, it is nice to hear your opinion :)


Though i haven't got one before, its the same joy of getting a @steemcurator support.
They are like my engine, lol, pushing me to do MORE.
Appreciation @teamsteemit, you do great!!!

Thank you for your feedback, I agree if steemcurator is not there then booming is great alternative, it is sad that not many can receive booming I hope once day you will be one of them :)

 2 years ago 

Time to support each other more, voting, commenting, and resteeming

Thank you Jorge, you are right, it was the same int eh past we have supported ourselves and stayed together :)

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone. I agree with the comments, @booming is a good support for account development, it will be sad without him.😥 It was a good motivation for me to work.

Thank you @marichka, I hope that the Steemit team will see the many comments of people here and will try to keep it running :)

Hola 👋

Agradecida por esta importante información, el apoyo de las cuentas Booming es muy importante aunque sea un pequeño voto, muchos nos emocionamos cuando somos seleccionados para el soporte de @booming.

Ya sabemos que las cuentas de curator01 y 02 no se dan abasto, y sin las cuentas Booming muchas publicaciones de calidad quedarán sin apoyo.

No recuerdo la última vez que fui visitada por curator01 y asi como yo existen muchos pero muchos usuarios.

Espero que el problema se solucione lo antes posible y pronto las cuentas Booming estén activas nuevamente.

Saludos 🤗

Thank you for your feedback and appreciate for sharing your opinion. I am glad that you also expressing the same thought as many others here. Hopefully once everything is back working we will be able to support more people :)

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