SteemPoll Roadmap
Hey guys. So, over the last weekend, I released the MVP of SteemPoll which was my very first DApp here on Steem. I also made an announcement regarding that over here If you haven't checked it out yet, please do by going over to . So, the app is not a fully finished product and as mentioned in my release post, I did state that I would be working on developing this further and adding new features to improve the overall experience of SteemPoll.

Current polls running on SteemPoll
Today, I am making this post to keep you guys informed on the features that I will be releasing on SteemPoll over the upcoming weeks/months.
Features planned:
1- Support for mobile and non-keychain users: The MVP was designed specifically for users who use the keychain browser extension. Without this, you will not be able to post any new polls. The reason for doing this was not intentional Some of the final changes that I made to the DApp broke the DSteem functions and I decided to level it out of the MVP release. This feature is going to come back over the upcoming weekend. So, I'm hoping to see more activity once that is out.
2- Allowing comment edit(Already released as part of the second release): Some of the community members voiced out the need for allowing the edit of comments. This edit could be to simply justify the reason behind voting a particular option. So, that has already been changed. The edit of comments will not change the option that you voted on though. So, keep that in mind before you decide on your vote.
3- Option to see and comment on a Poll directly on the DApp: This is another feature that I had not planned for SteemPoll. However, some of the community members did voice their concerns regarding having to shift between Steemit and SteemPoll to access other things such as voting a post(for curation) and being able to comment on a poll. So, I will be adding these two features to SteemPoll.
4- Filtering option: One of the features that I want to bring back from the old DPoll is the filter option that was available on it. Users would be able to filter the votes on a post based on the voters SP, reputation, account age, and the community. I am open to adding more options if you guys provide me with a justification for that particular filter.
5- Proper formatting and valid message boxes for confirmation: As I mentioned previously, it is impossible to change a vote or the poll on SteemPoll. This has been done to prevent abuse of the DApp. So, I will be adding the feature of showing warning messages before the transaction is broadcasted. This will ensure that the people who create polls or the ones who vote on them know that this operation cannot be undone on SteemPoll.
I am estimating the development of these features to be completed by the 17th of January. The mobile and non-keychain support will be done this weekend though.
6- A community-centric Trending page: SteemPoll does not have a trending page mainly because the existing trending pages API would just return the active posts. Additionally, there is no differentiation made between the bot votes and real user votes. I have been experimenting with a way to exclude the bot votes from the final consideration. While the current method that I have been developing is stable, it is in no way as performant as I would like. So, after the 17th, I will be working on this mainly. The initial one would be for the SteemPoll community itself though.
7- A search bar: Well, we all know that the search bar on Steemit has been broken for a while now. I know that @steemchiller is currently working on a search API. I'm sure that is going to be a great thing to use. Along with that, I am also working on a search logic for my DApp as well. From the chat that I had with him, it was clear that our approaches are entirely different. If his API is ready earlier, I would start the search option on SteemPoll much earlier and then migrate to the one I have in development once it is ready.
8- A more visually appealing poll: If you have used my tools on Steem, you would have already noticed my love for dealing with graphs. I would want to bring that over to SteemPoll. Once the Poll expires, I would like to have a graph displaying the final results of the poll.
These are the features that I am planning on delivering by the end of February.
9- Voting options: This is probably the most complex and one that's very exciting for me to develop. Currently, everyone on Steem can in one way or the other know who voted for which option on SteemPoll. With this feature, I would like to give an option to the Poll creator whether they want the voter details to be openly available or not.
If the poll creator allows users to vote anonymously, all users can vote on a poll. However, the option that they voted for would be encrypted and only SteemPoll would be able to decipher it. The main problem that I would face with this is coming up with a logic to ensure that the secret phrase to encrypt changes from time to time automatically. So, even I would not be able to know the vote(That's the plan. At least I want to ensure that it is extremely hard for even me to decipher the votes)
10- UI improvements: As many of you might already know, I am no UX designer. In fact, my UI is usually not something that will leave in in awe. I do plan on improving this regularly and making changes as and when I learn something new in the UI end of the thing. For getting started, I will be starting to work on React more predominantly in my daily office work. This should give me some hands-on react which I can then bring it over to all my tools and DApps. Hopefully can even help with a few condenser changes once I get a hang of react.
Community call:
Many of you might already know, I work alone on all my tools and DApp. Any new idea that I have would be converted into a new tool to hopefully create a better environment here on Steem. However, it is still the idea of one single person. So, I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me out with a few ideas which I can then bring to life on Steem. The community can come up with the ideas and we developers can pick that up and build things around them. This is a
mutually beneficial plan which I feel is going to increase the community's involvement in deciding the DApps that are hosted on Steem.
I would also like to thank @chriddi for all her kind words, for creating the very first Poll, and also spreading the of SteemPoll in the German community.
Didn't want to waste any of your VP so I'm posting it here. The Covid cases in India have shot up greatly and one of my family members got tested positive on Friday. So, I will be pushing the next update to Monday to Tuesday. I'm not sure if anyone is going to see this. However, if someone is looking for a new update and wondering if I would be delivering on that, here is the reason behind the slight delay.
Hello @starlord28,
I have tried SteemPoll again via our community account @deutschunplugged... 😊
I would be happy if you could implement the following wishes:
Your DApp is fantastic!
Hi @chriddi. Surely! Thank you for the feedback! I will get to this as soon as I recover from covid. Unfortunately, got tested positive on Friday. I'm a bit behind on my promises because of this. :(
My goodness! I wish you a very mild course or even better: no symptoms at all.
Get well soon!
I have noticed that logging in via Steem Keychain actually prevents many users from using SteemPoll. It would be really good if you could log in directly. If that doesn't work, there definitely needs to be a hint when trying to log in à la "Please use Keychain to log in."
But take your time! No app in the world is as important as your own health!
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Good job, I pray that everything will go smoothly
Nice dear friend and i have voted as a witness, continue with your excellent work💪💪💪💪
This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...
I have included this post in the 31th issue of Steem News Magazine For Steemit Platform | January 22, 2022.