Under the moon 🌕steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

“When the sun sets, the moon rises”

It was the year 2030 and the world was in dump. Humans are characterized by their insatiable desires which results to violence and war, when we cant get what we want. Man always wants to push limits and create new things, which can be good if only positive but why negative?
In 2030 two countries fought a war which resulted in the use of bio weapons and in creating one, an accident occurred in the lab releasing a virus the world had come to know as ZAVIAK virus. The only man who could cure this died as his experiment back fired on him , or so we thought.


Professor MARS’s body was kept in the morgue after he was infected and when it was 12mid night he resurrected. Yea a good news huh but not for long though, he never came back the same, body decayed, brain fried but immeasurable strength , speed and dead pain receptors. You can say he became a zombie at least that’s what its called in the movies

Luckily for the world the virus wasnt air borne but by body transmission, saliva, body fluids like blood , bites etc and their infected bodies only function at night due to rays from the moon as they were repelled by the sun. Is this science or spiritual ? Most people asked, that question had never been answered. It hadn’t been long till the virus spread around through bite venoms. Yea professor got others infected and even bit most of the night guards at the morgue when he turned them all zombie.

Sooner or later governments decided to stop the war and bring heads together on how to curb the matter. A curfew was set in different countries with various time zones . It was set till 3hrs before the sun goes down for the safety of the people and to reduce the spread of ZAVIAK. Well there goes our night clubs, hang outs and sleep overs.

Special ultraviolet ray lights were distributed to everyone to fix in their houses to avoid these things from getting inside as they were repelled by sunlight and these light bulbs excreted the same light , those who couldn’t get it ended up eaten by these zombies or infected. A cruel world truly

Special intel came in on a possible cure which was situated in the central facility . A huge underground facility spread all through a hidden military base for bio experiments. It Sounds easy to get , only problem is. Its filled with these zombies, as its underground landscape protects them from the sun light.

A UNO meeting came up and each top countries from every continent were to donate their best soldiers for this mission and that’s how I came into this picture. I am corporal NNAMDI representing africa in solving the world’s problem.

Although the situation seemed really bad. It was the first time the whole world ever agreed on something and worked together to achieve it . Lord knows if we had acted this way from the beginning all this wont have happened in the first place

There were 7 of us appointed for this challenge. We were equipped with UAV lights, grenades and loads of amunitions.
March 23 2035 the world had taken its first step towards ending this plaque. A chopper dropped us ahead of the base as we could only move on foot from there on.
We moved steadily to make sure we get to our destination before night fall, little did we know where we had ventured into.


At first it seemed all quite and calm.till we got into the entrance , we made sure to be quiet as possible in other not to awaken the dead. Everywhere had been pitch black and so we tried moving over to the back up power grid to light up everywhere. On getting there, all we saw were damaged wires, had we been sabotaged? I thought to my self, but then again no these creatures were said to be dumb and cant reason like humans. I don’t see how they’ll be smart enough to do this are they evolving?

With no power , we had to do it manually with our UVA touch lights and our guns pointed in Combat formation. Each soldier watching every 6s and 12s. Just as we were walking towards the lab where the supposed cure was. One of the soldiers hit an empty can which echoed around the premises. We stood still for a moment hoping it hadn’t been heard, just for us to see a tsunami of zombies rushing towards us.


I covered my team with my LMG shooting as hard as I can. while we ran through the hall ways . We need to get out of here fast I yelled. Not yet!! A female soldier said, we need the cure first. We either get it or we die here she yelled. This was a sucide mission I thought to my self.

One of the zombies jumped off the vent and dived on her. We shot it out of her body but we were too late she had already been beaten. It was all quiet that moment as we stared at each other. Shoot me she said, I hesitated at first, no need for that, we are going to get the cure right? but then she slapped me, shoot me goddamit!! I rather die by your hands than turn into one of those things so please shoot me she said with tears in her eyes. I would turn either ways before we get to it and become a liability to you all so don’t be stupid if you think I don’t want the cure. I am..(she sobs) I am just doing whats right okayy! Now DO IT!!

I pointed my pistol at her head but then she says “wait” she stood up and kissed me long and hard. What was that for I asked, we barely know each other. Well consider it a thank you and me thinking you’re cute too. I smirked. Okay now im ready she said with a smile and in tears. I release you from this forsaken world. I pointed the barrel at her head and POM!!!


We are down to 6 I said, and not all of us are going to make it . But we need to look forward to our objective, find the cure!! After that short speech , we moved out. On get towards the office , we were blocked off at both ends of the corridors by swarms of zombies.
But it felt different , they weren’t attacking, it felt like they were waiting for a go ahead order. One of the soldiers fired and it set an all out war. Our ammunitions vs zombies .


We fought hard and brave but unfortunately we were out numbered and lost 4 extra soldiers now all that was left were two. Just as we were about to be eaten. From afar We heard STOP! And all the zombies did and spread out just fr me to see a man walking towards us. Wait he looked familiar.

It was professor MARS. Somehow how the virus didn’t affect his brain and he retained his smartness , he looked normal but how, who got infected then, how did the virus spread, we all presumed it was him, did he inject the guards and fake his own death? ( my mind was racing to different conclusions) “I presume you lots must be looking for this, he said lifting a glass potion up at them” well im sorry fr wasting your time but I cant let you have it. On the other hand I feel generous today so ill just lock you up until I can decide with what to do to you. It seems your friend has little time left maybe I would just keep you two together till he matures( he laughs)


“Wait” I yelled. And he raised his hand signally them to let go off me. Why are you doing this, What do you gain from all this! I asked
Gain? You humans never seize to amaze me. I don’t need money when I have power. It makes up for it. The government Is always fighting and having us be in the middle of a situation we never designed. Children ,family, dying all round because of them, I seek world peace.
World peace? By making zombies and killing too? What makes you better off!!! There must be causalities for a greater cause, I may not be able to control my minions blood lust sometimes but I must admit I wouldn’t let that happen on my watch. If everyone became puppets with one ruler, there would be peace all round.

Your watch I yelled?? Good soldiers just got eaten right in front of you asshole!!!! I yelled.
Soldiers? How many people have you killed he asked. I stared at him and couldn’t answer the question.

That’s my point exactly, you lots deserved what you get. You receive orders and still go to the wars and kill! The world is filled with individuals thinking for themselves and this causes conflict when two people don’t agree to the same thing and that’s why there should be limited amount of knowledge while the rest become dummies!! Cant you see, he points at the dummy zombies all surrounding me and the other solider whom I suspected had been bitten.

If you’re looking for the cure, im sorry you came all the way here for nothing. He smashes the glass like potion on the ground. I slowly watched humanities last hope falling slowly to ground. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! YOU ASSHOLE! YOU FOOL ARGHHHHH!!!!!! ( the proffessor laughs extensively).


I looked at the smashed cure and used my last strength to rush towards it and licked it off the floor before I could be drawn back by his minons ( if I cant take the cure I will have it inside me and hope the outside world extracts it) I thought to myself.

Fortunately I never knew having the cure means I have the power to control these things neither did the professor know. I was taken to a prison with the other solider who was slowly turning and trying to keep his sanity. I was sweating profusely over the time and all of a sudden felt super dizzy and blacked out. What’s wrong with me…... were my last words.

I woke up hrs later in the night, the full moon could be seen outside from the bars above, the fellow soldier had fully turned this time but wasn’t attacking me. He just stood looking at me , drooling , looking idiotic, red pupils and growling lowly. I stood up hurriedly backing towards the wall as I had no weapon to protect my self. Stay back!! I yelled and the zombie moved back.


Whats going on, hows this possible. I walked curiously towards him. He isn’t attacking me and somehow I wasn’t eaten while I was asleep. Sit down! And the zombie did so. I immediately knew it was what I had licked off the ground. I spoke to the guard zombies outside lowly with confidence and rage. Let….. me ….out! and they obeyed. Take me to professor Mars! And the both led me to his location with every zombie pathing the way for me as I walked I smirked. For once I understood the power the professor had talked about little did I know this was just the tip of the ice berg.

MARS I yelled!! I am going to kill you!!!! MARS Looked back at me surprised and screamed at his minions. SEIZE HIM!! But they didn’t. He then laughed out loud. Just as I had suspected you actually tasted the syrup well lets see what you’ve got , he stood up and picked up a rock and crushed it to dust with his fist.

Show off I muttered)
If he’s got such strength ? Then I should I thought to my self and screamed. IS THAT ALL YOU GOT? as I ran towards him to spare him surprisingly I was extremely fast and I rammed him through the brick wall. I was strong, and saw every move he made slowly.
Foolish boy!!! he yelled as he head butt me and I shrugged backwards. I am the alpha!! HOW DARE YOU!!he punched me back and forth and knee dropped me till I spat blood. Im strong but he was 10 times stronger. I hadn’t even dropped a scratch on him.
Do I make a run for it I thought? Why did I pick a fight when I had what I wanted. No this is revenge for those soliders, they deserve it!!
Laying on the floor he held me by my hair lifting me up with my bloody face.
Join me he said lets change the world and make something out of it. I looked at him and spat blood on his face. Go to hell I said all bloody smiling.
You first he whispered. And held me by my throat choking me to death. For a super strong beast like you I said while gagging. You are not aware of your surroundings I laughed while laughing.

While I was being beaten I had managed to sneak a grenade in his pocket. Earlier I looked towards the table where our weapons were and I reach it so o couldn’t take my chances and I could end him . I managed to sneak a grenade. I lifted up the pin at him while being choked to the wall and smiled he flung me aside panicking to find the grenade and suddenly he exploded beyond regeneration.

I had succeeded and It was time to leave . I commanded all the zombies to follow me outside. It was almost sunset and this way it could end them of their sufferings. They all matched from all their angles following me. The sun would set soon and so we walked towards the city and everyone watched through their windows looking down at us as I walked in front with a legion of zombies behind me.
The army had already set up a perimeter after noticing the hoard. I raised my hand up to signify them not to shoot. The sun was almost out fully and so I looked back at them and said. “YOU’RE FREE” suddenly they all turned to dust as they burnt away with the sun . For one second I could see the fellow soldier that got turned smile at me in gratitude.


It was all over. Soon after I was taken to the lab and couple of experiments were carried one me. They couldn’t replicate the syrup with the extra abilities I had but their were able to bring out that anti vaccine to stop people from being hunted or bitten. I was given awards by different countries and generals but after what I had seen I had to quit the military and lead a normal life. Sooner than later the cure was sent all round the world and everyone got it. The remaining zombies were caught and executed till there was no more or so we thought.

(Pieces of whats left of professor mars body can be seen putting themselves back together and regenerating)………..,


I hope you love this

 4 years ago 

Greetings my friend @spyrex

Good story, scientists in their eagerness to search for new findings, end up unleashing terrible viruses in our environment, society is living moments of zombies in the presence of inhuman groups.

Thank you for your entry to the contest.

Participant #15


You’re welcome

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