Down the memory lane...

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago

It's fascinating! Isn't it ? You bring forth human beings who inherit your DNA, yet they are unique in their own way . At times, you catch a glimpse of yourself in them and in those moments you can't help but smile...

They're like your mini-me's, expressing themselves in their own distinct manner. For me, it truly is a marvel of nature. You sometimes have flashbacks of your childhood and teenage when you see them and you realize they often mirror you in more than one way.

Despite them testing your patience, you can't imagine life without them. This morning, we all woke up for sahri (meal eaten before sunrise by Muslims during Ramadan for the fast) at 4 am, and my heart just swelled with happiness. They were so cheerful, chatting happily, exchanging jokes, and teasing me every now and then with their dad in their own corner. Though I wore a straight face, pretending annoyance with the four of them, deep down, this moment, this scene, this morning - it will be one of my most cherished memories in the times to come.

And just in that moment, I was transported back to my own childhood with my family. When us siblings used to gather for such sahri meals, my dad would have the television on for morning qawwalis of Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Aziz Miyan Qawwal. The distinct aroma of my mother's parathas coming out of the kitchen. Me, still sleepy, coming to the table. For me, getting up for sahri was the most difficult thing. Still is. But if I don't get up now, nobody will have a chance to eat anything. Funny, how the roles have reversed.

Anyways, it's still so vivid in my mind. One thing remained consistent - I was always the target of teasing! 😂My dad and elder brother would always find something to tease me about. I guess I'm the type who invites it, asking for it in a way.

My youngest brother riding a donkey on a trip to the countryside, while I'm captured in the background, dressed in clothes from my paternal grandmother. The image brings a smile to my face, a cherished memory of simpler times. Ah! The lady dressed in brown is my aunt - she is no more. The kindest soul I remember from my childhood. May she be smiling in heaven.

These are the little blessings in life that we often take for granted - the people who are our well-wishers, the ones with whom we create our cherished memories. They are our friends, family, and even teachers. Sometimes, I wish I could revisit each of such memories. If only there was a way!

Seeing this picture from my childhood, I wonder if only I could be half as talented as my mother. That's me on the far right, wearing the dress she stitched. I often find myself wondering what would be the age of the teacher at the rostrum? Will she still be alive? Also, am I even singing with my mouth closed? The other girls seem to be singing with their mouths wide open. The teacher must be questioning her choice of including me in the group with these two girls. I wish this teacher health if she is still alive and peace if she isn't anymore.

You may be contemplating where I'm heading with this post. These subtle messages... Yes, you are right. Don't ever take any moment with your loved ones for granted. These people, these memories, the life that is happening - it will all come to an end. Just live it with a heart full of gratitude. I know it's easier said than done. (And the preacher also forgets this lesson she is preaching more often than she should). But I think these reminders are really important. We sometimes tend to start taking things for granted. We are dissatisfied most of the time. I know life gets hard and harder and everything. But we should live for moments like these. We have to keep playing our part in making things beautiful, if not for us, then for people around us.

That's all for today. I wish every one of you a blessed, happy, peaceful, and fulfilling life - a life worth cherishing when you take a trip down memory lane in your future.

Your well-wisher,

 7 months ago 

Yes, we should be grateful for every minute spent surrounded by those who love you. I was lucky, I grew up in a loving and caring family. Also, I was the youngest child so I got more love 😆.

Already at school, I began to understand that there are families where everything is different. And it's sad. What can children remember who grew up with parents who did not pay attention to their own children, abused alcohol, etc.? I had such classmates and I still feel sorry for them.

Having received a lot of love in my childhood, I multiplied it and now I pass it all on to my daughter. I hope this chain will continue 🙂.

 7 months ago 

You are absolutely right. I understand that not everyone's life mirrors this experience. As I wrote this, I couldn't help but wonder if someone might not relate or might even feel hurt by it. However, I can only speak from my own experience. I empathize with those who have faced similar challenges. While I was fortunate to have a relatively good childhood, I also had my share of struggles. Perhaps one day, I'll find the strength to write about those aspects of my life. For now, I'll focus on reflecting on the easier parts.

So, thanks to your reply, we now know that you were the youngest and most beloved among your siblings. How very cute ♥️. And I am one hundred percent sure that your daughter is the luckiest one to have you as her father. More power to you for continuing this chain.

 7 months ago 

You are right, we often think that the world and people around us owe us something. We expect certain things from them and get upset when we don't get them.
But no one owes us anything.
Not even those whom we have helped or done some good.
Do we know how to appreciate the simple life..... that's the question :)

 7 months ago 

As I didn't owe anything to that teacher who selected me for the choir 😆

Jokes aside, you have a different perspective on this idea of owing. It's true that we shouldn't expect anything from people, but isn't it against human nature? We tend to have expectations even though we may not admit it. Not necessarily in a material sense, but I suppose we do owe something to those who have nurtured us with such care and patience that we should at least reciprocate the same fondness.

But I understand your implied message. You always have a unique one :)

 7 months ago 

We do something good for a person not because they have done something good for us. We just like that person or we like to do good things for people. But this is in the ideal, and there are no perfect people.
There is a concept of duty as an inner feeling towards people or country or nature. It's an inner compulsion.
There is a notion of debt from the series of buy and sell or you me - I you. Yes, this also exists in human relations and traders and bankers teach us to it hard ))).
But this is something else entirely

You are ready to do something good for your teacher out of respect and gratitude to him, not because he gave you a loan of knowledge and skills and now you have to pay )).

You don't owe anyone anything, no matter how unusual it sounds.

Мы делаем что-то хорошее для человека не потому, что он сделал что-то хорошее для нас. Нам просто нравится этот человек или мы любим делать хорошее для людей. Но это в идеале, а идеальных людей не бывает.
Есть понятие долга, как внутреннего чувства по отношению к людям или стране или природе. Это внутреннее побуждение.
Есть понятие долга из серии купи-продай или ты мне - я тебе. Да, это тоже существует в человеческих отношениях и к этому нас усиленно приучают торговцы и банкиры ))
Но это уже совсем другое

Вы готовы сделать что-то хорошее для учителя из уважения и благодарности к нему, а не потому, что он дал вам в долг знания и умения и теперь вы должны платить ))

Вы никому ничего не должны, как бы непривычно это не звучало.

 7 months ago 

You are ready to do something good for your teacher out of respect and gratitude to him,

You misunderstood me here. I am saying that the fact that I may not be singing properly that day - And I at least owed her a good performance. (That's just my assumption. I don't even remember anything. I was just 4 years old). I'm jokingly saying that I did owe her a good recital of a poem or whatever.

And you do have a point 😊. Agreed 💯

 7 months ago 

I see
🖐 😊👌

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