Weekly Contest, "Creating Stories Week # 17". / The Mysterious Testament of Sensharma family

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Chotu, Samu, Mim, Jia - all are very sad today. This is the last Durga Puja in their ancestral house. They are the third generation of the Sensharma family. They wait the entire year for this occasion to get united with the extended family. The family used to be landlord during British era. However, during the partition of bengal, a gang of notorious dacoit attacked their house and killed the zamindar Rakhalraj Sensharma.

After independence of india, the zamindar system was abolished. The family got scattered for survival and job/business. However, they used to visit the ancestral house every year during Durga puja. This year, the seniors decided to sell the house as it will cost a huge money to repair and renovate the house. The childrens are of course not happy with the decision. But they are helpless.

While the family members are checking for important and valuable things before hand-over the house, they found a diary. It is late zamindar Rakhalraj Sensharma's diary and the last entry is on his last day. The entry was-

"24 Oct 1947
Today is Bijoya Dashami. Family members have gone for the Durga idol immersion ceremony in the river. A group of dacoit attacked the house. There are only 4 guards in the house and the dacoits are around 25. I'm hiding all valuables in secret chamber.

This is for my future generation. There is a hidden chamber behind the big photograph of Lord Ganesha. It is number locked. The key is in the testament behind the photograph"

The secret chamber is easily found behind the photo. There is a number key of 6 digit. The testament was also found folling the instruction in the diary. But, in the testament no key is written. Only written FAMILY IS WEALTH.

The Sensharma family members are clueless. The number combination of the lock is not written anywhere in the diary. They keep on trying with all possible combination they can think of, but no luck. When the seniors lost their hope of opening the chamber, Chotu ask to try. He is a bright student studying his MBBS in Medical College. Seniors agreed.

Chotu, along with his cousins Samu, Mim, Jia - started thinking. Chotu said to his cousins, "See, zamindar gand-pa kept the wealth for next generation. Hence, he wanted us to find it, but wanted to ensure that the dacoits doesn't get that. Why he is giving advice like 'family is wealth' in testament? I think this is the key". Chotu requested them to start numbering the alphabets like A=1, B=2, C=3 .. Y=25, Z=26 in a paper.

Now, he wrote the numbers for FAMILY IS WEALTH.




Now sum up. FAMILY = 6+1+13+9+12+25 = 66, IS = 9+19 = 28, WEALTH = 23+5+1+12+20+8 = 69.

They, tried the digit combination of 662869 and bingo! The chamber opened.

It has enough gold and other valuables. Seniors were very happy. They asked Chotu what reward he want? Chotu asked for stop selling the house. They agreed. The seniors decided to renovate the house using the wealth recovered, establish a school and a hospital nearby, and, relocate in the ancestral house and the entire family stay together. Chotu to complete is medical degree and he will come back to village and join the Sensharma Hospital.

The entire family is happy and living together now. After all, FAMILY IS WEALTH !!

2019-09-15 10-22-13.JPG

My sincere thanks to @adeljose for reading my post. The photograph used is clicked by me in my visit at Kalimpong, using my Asus Pro M1 mobile.

 3 years ago (edited)

Greetings friend @sampu

Interesting story about the riddle that held the mysterious will, and in which the key was a simple phrase that Mr zamindar Rakhalraj used "family is wealth".

Thank you for your participation

Participant #31

I got this image on the internet, no doubt it is the same house, so I ask, let me consult with the friend @endingplagiarism to confirm its authenticity.



 3 years ago (edited)

Dear @adeljose and @endingplagiarism, the yandesk link you mentioned in my backup in yandesk. This is my backup folder screenshot


This is us, in front of the Morgan House.

2019-09-15 11-27-32.JPG

Do you like me to share my booking slip in Morgan house and train tickets copy? All will be showing my name!

This is that photo details from my yandesk backup of Kalimpong album


This is Device details of that photograph


This is my purchase proof of that mobile


 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for clarifying it, friend @sampu.

Beautiful pictures.

Many thanks @adeljose for your satisfaction over my explanation.

Trust me, I was clueless when I found notification that my content has been reported for plagiarism. So I shared all the proof I can find. Apologise if that bothering you.

Personally, I believe in the principle that "What is not mine, that I can't claim. If it's meant to be mine, I should earn it, not steal it". Reputation and trust takes years to build, and seconds to destroy. Once lost, can't be regained as it was.

I think, in plagiarism, all are victim. The original creator is victim, the audience is victim and the one who is stealing others' work is also victim, because he/she is creating an expectation of good content and one day he/she will fail to meet the expectation. It's better to learn, give more effort, seek for feedback, work on the feedback received upgrade own content to reach success. That may take time, but comes with a self satisfaction.

However, thanks to you for finding out that the photographs we store in yandesk are made available in internet. I will make sure not to backup any private photo there.

 3 years ago 

That's right, friend @sampu

Most of the content that we share on the internet is shown to the public, therefore, many can take that material to use it in different ways and purposes.

I just had doubts and that's why I quoted the plagiarism expert friend, but thanks to your good management, I can see the authenticity of his work.

We only do our duty to make sure that the content complies with the content policies of the platform.

Thank you, good job.

Good luck in the contest.


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