in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago


I seem to find it hard to find time to spend on my computer. Lots of daily life going on. The days I have to go to work I invest the whole day there, then the days I don´t I have lot´s of caring-for-my-mother activities to take care of and then I try to fit in some friends and swimming in the evening. So all in all, I never get too much time to be on the computer.

Anyway, I wanted to share with you the good fortune I had last week when I got a call from one of my collectors who wanted to purchase a painting or two for his daughter´s birthday. So we arranged a time for them to visit the studio and go through all the available paintings.
They finally, after going though many... I mean lots! Big and small.....( you can see most of them on this blog )

They chose these three. Of course I made a price, but it was fair on me also. he is a good collector and doesn´t get me down on the price but he does ask to round it up at the end.

They took three smaller ones.


"Sailing Home" one I made back in 2015
" Jewel Sunshine" you can check out it´s process in this old post:



"mountain labyrinth". you can check out it´s process here:

As I have just looked for the process of these paintings I have realised that I hadn´t published the process that "Sailing home" went through, so I might do this in my next post as it might be of interest.

Jewel Sunshine is a painting I made in the style I do when making Ibiza little paintings. Somehow this one transcended being a little painting into being one of my favourites.

Anyway, I´m happy to have some sales as it always makes one feel valued.
Specially now when I almost have no time to paint and more hours are invested in mundane activities it´s always a wonderful boost!
bet wishes to you all!

 3 years ago 

Ya lo he comentado, pero lo quiero volver a comentar; ¡Me encantan tus pinturas!

 3 years ago 

muchísimas gracias Camposart! Me alegro mucho de que te gusten tanto! :-)

Hi @romanie, que bella obra. Esas tres obras se ven fenomenales, hasta se las enseñe a mi mamá and dijo que estaban muy lindas, cuando se las enseñe a mi papá también le gustaron, que bueno que las hayas podido vender a un buen precio, que lindo regalo se llevó la hija del comprador. Espero puedas tener más tiempo para pintar ya que tienes un talento excepcional.


 3 years ago 

Muchísimas gracias ! Me alegra saber que les mostraste mis cuadros a tu familia y que les gustó! Saludos a todos!

Si, se los mostré y les gustaron mucho.

 3 years ago 

Son realmente bellas todas. Unas me gustan más que otras pero todas son preciosas.

Si. Todas son bellas y unas más lindas Que otras.

Hi @romanie, I am really glad that you have had such great customer. Your works are very unique, its style and technique. It is good to have people who appreciate your talent and your works :)

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 3 years ago 

Thank you so much! :-)

Wow! He did choose very nice paintings for presents. I like the second painting very much! Your work is very unique; you ought to do more painting.

Have a nice day!

 3 years ago 

Thank you! I wish I could spend more time painting but living just from painting is still not possible for me. I still need to do other works to survive. May be one day!

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