Believe them!

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago


Last night before going to sleep I was having a conversation that left me feeling a bit low, probably not the best time to have "those" conversations lol. Anyway, to cut a long story short, it made me realise (though I guess it's what I already knew) that most people in my life, to be frank, don't actually give a s#!t.

I could go literally (and this has been the case) months without hearing from those that, to my mind, should genuinely WANT to communicate with me and be present in my life and the ONLY reason I hear from those people is because I have reached out to them, sharing where I am/what I'm doing, hell, even what I've cooked for that evening (nothing extravagant lol). The response I get, or lack of, just reminds me time and time again that there's no real relationship with any of them. In fact, apart from literally 1 or 2 people, no one even knows me, not really. I know that sounds dramatic but it doesn't stop it from being true.


There are some people that could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand - without you even speaking a word. - Yasmin Mogahed

It's a hard pill to swallow, sometimes, but then I have to talk with myself (I do that a lot, easily done when no one else wants to lol). Anyway, as I was saying, I remind myself that the majority of these people are so absorbed in their own business and some are nothing more than "takers" anyway, that actually, it's best that I don't spend my energy feeling miserable at them for not wanting to be more active in my life, because those kinds of people do not resonate with my soul.


I try not to dwell on things, though sometimes it's like a punch to the stomach when sat with the reality of only a couple of people actually care and have the desire to be a part of my life. I have to ask myself, is this worth my time. The answer is always the same and so the "simple" thing to do would be to just stop focusing on it, right?! I suppose that's easier said than done. Funnily enough, I keep reading things on Facebook, those quotes that people share. A lot of them are about pouring more into oneself rather than into others, especially when it's not reciprocated. I think that is a very healthy thing to do, for your own well being. However I still, somehow manage to feel guilty if I've been lazy at keeping up with communication with some of these people, even though 99.9% of the time it's always me that initiates it! Again, somehow I'm overwhelmed with thoughts of "I should contact this person otherwise they'll think I don't care"... Utter madness! Why do we torture ourselves this way?!


I often wonder, and I have had this conversation with my partner a few times, mostly it's his question to me actually. The question is, what would happen if I were to stop reaching out to those other people in my life, how often would I hear from them, if at all. I did contemplate this, and still do at times, and I believe that I would not hear from them and then the cycle begins, as mentioned above!

When I do see these people, it's just surface level communication, no real interest, if there is then I'm certainly not picking it up. The look of total disengagement the majority of the time, not having much to say or even ask, maybe I'm just sensitive (I know I am, but to my mind that's a strength not a weakness). I never challenge them on it, "it is what it is" but I guess I'm reflecting on those moments since the conversation that was had last night. Perhaps I should focus more on my own self and those that actually give a rats arse, and not forge something that doesn't exist.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do. That's why it's important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are. - Maya Angelou


Until next time...


All content is my own unless otherwise credited.

 3 months ago 

I'm too late to vote but the-mrs-gorilla is the same. She's moved away from Hull but every time she goes to visit her parents, she goes out of her way trying to see everybody. We've lived here for about 7 years and they've visited London / Brighton but never bothered to see us. I think she's slowly coming around to my way of thinking.

I think I've got 3 real friends 🙂 And one of them, I didn't hear from for about 5 years. The rest, are people who I know and am friendly with at this stage of my life. I like them. I think that they like me. But if either of us was to move away, we'd lose touch.

But that's ok. That's normal. I can't remember where I read or heard it but we'll only ever have a handful of true friends throughout our lives. Those who'll always be with us even when they're not. The rest are just temporary.

You've got Steemit now. Who needs real people anyway? 😉

Thank you so much for still stopping by though, I really appreciate it! 🙂

Oh wow. It seems people are very happy to let others make all the effort while they make very little to none in return. I try not to let it bother me and have come to realise exactly what you said about having a handful of true friends throughout our lives - I do recall hearing that too.

Haha! Yes exactly, that's very true. Especially when few people out there know what it is to be real anyway lol, I am more than happy to stay in the digital world! :)

I think the first thing you need to do is to try and move past the guilt you feel for not reaching out to those that never seem to reciprocate. Certainly easier said than done though.

I suffer with a similar problem - in that I am constantly anxious about what others will "think of me" if I dont do certain things in a certain way - ie. in a manner which the other person or people would consider acceptable... and it is absolutely ridiculous!

I suppose in many ways, and in your case - time will take care of things in a natural evolution... but I guess, in the interim it does not really make processing it any easier on an emotional level.

Yes, absolutely agree. I think we definitely spend way too much time thinking about what others think of us, and in a way, we lose sight of how we actually feel ourselves and put ourselves second.

I think for me, letting go of things seems to be something I've not really spoken to myself about enough. It's absolutely something I need to work on, in lots of ways. For example (this is silly lol) yesterday I had a hot chocolate in a restaurant and it literally tasted like hot milk, I didn't want to say anything but it did get bought to the waitresses attention and I felt so embarrassed haha!! Then, she bought me a fresh one and said it was free, I felt guilty at that 😅 At least I can laugh at myself for that, not so much for other things lol.

If people can't accept you for who you are then they're definitely not people that are worthy of being in your sphere, at least that's what I've learnt lol but yeah, like you say, sometimes it's easier said than done, especially when it depends on who those people are, and that doesn't make it easier on an emotional level.

At least we can be grateful for those that we do have that we wouldn't be without ❤️

and in a way, we lose sight of how we actually feel ourselves and put ourselves second.

Guilty. lol

For example (this is silly lol) yesterday I had a hot chocolate in a restaurant and it literally tasted like hot milk, I didn't want to say anything but it did get bought to the waitresses attention and I felt so embarrassed haha!! Then, she bought me a fresh one and said it was free, I felt guilty at that

I can relate to that - and I suppose indirectly it shows that there is a lack of belief that we are deserving of good things... which is such BS!

At least we can be grateful for those that we do have that we wouldn't be without ❤️


 3 months ago 

Sunset and sunrise are the best times for photography. The first photo is very juicy.
If you don't mind, I will publish a link to this material on our WOX channel.

Thank you so much! I don't mind - thank you, much appreciated :)

 3 months ago 

Prosperity to your blog :)

Thank you ❤️


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