A Moment of Poetry: Fractured Reflections

in WORLD OF XPILAR6 months ago

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"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." - Robert Frost

Ever since I was in school (what feels like a long time ago) I always loved trying to write and understand poetry. I had a big bulky stereo that had a microphone and a load of blank tapes, anyone still use tapes? Lol. I would sit alone or sometimes with a friend and record us onto the tapes "singing" the words of the poems I'd write - it always ended in laughter because it just sounded awful! They're probably buried in the loft somewhere or better still, thrown out lol. That didn't last long (of course). It's not something I do particularly often now, and in no way great at it, but I do enjoy it - which I guess is the whole point. That and I just feel it's therapeutic to write and to let all the 'word vomit' out, haha! So here goes...


Fractured Reflections

There's a dark place deep in my mind,
Questions without answers that I'll never find

My heart races like it wants to escape me,
I am scared and am only aged three

Sat afraid, on edge, alone in my room,
Listening to the thuds, screams and impending doom

I burst out of my skin and run downstairs,
Facing you and your evil like glares

You eventually disappear and I see to her,
Making sure she is ok, wishing this wasn't the way we were

Excuses made, you are back once more,
You are sorry, "never again" you swore

Fast forward to the year twenty three,
You're still here, useless as ever I see

Two more children, both now teens,
Problems arise, you're nowhere to be seen

No respect, no love-you obviously can't change,
I ask myself, how can you be so deranged

Frustration fills my body, my mind going round,
I repeat, please stop searching for something that can't be found

I don't know how to help, I'm out of things to say,
Worried it'll only be taken the wrong way

You are very special and are my friend,
And yet again, it's my ears that I lend

Broken down, glum and stripped of energy,
I can imagine how you feel, as that's also me

It makes me sad, though it's about time I left,
Too much of my life has felt like theft

That being said, you're never alone,
I just need head space of my own

All I can do is just be here,
Just as I will be, year after year


I started writing this toward the end of 2023 and I had it saved to my notes on my phone (which is where I usually go when I feel like writing). I've been doing a lot of reflecting recently and have spoken some truths out loud, which is something I seldom do with regards to certain aspects of my life, and when I do it's because I can't just let it slide and the words are out. Otherwise, in every other aspect of my life I've learnt to say what's on my mind freely (99.9% of the time lol), and how I feel about things and actually recognise that my feelings matter, and to just let the chips fall where they may. It doesn't need to be difficult.

Thank you for reading, until next time!



All content is my own unless otherwise credited.


Thanks for sharing such an awesome post

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With hugs from...


That's amazing! Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. Have a lovely day ❤️❤️

That doesn't sound like much hope. Resignation, acquiescence, capitulation - what is so tempting about enduring?

It's a childs observation of abuse to a parent who sees no value in themself.

So far, so clear. What value is there in simply persevering? Don't we all have instincts to rebel - or to run away?

I guess one would have those instincts, if one felt worthy of deserving better, and if not then that's usually the result of past trauma, tragically.

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