#club5050 Mr Fox 🦊 (Power Up 26 Steem)

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

I have a pair of socks with foxes on that even ride bicycles. I also have a super soft dressing gown with cute foxes on holding balloons.


Though don’t worry, this wasn’t what I wore whilst I took the photographs of the fox featured here.


I like its cheeky face and I have watched it listen out for predators. It moves its ears in all directions and seems to be concentrating very hard whilst doing this.

Bluebells Hyacinthoides non-scripta.

I have also seen the mess it makes in the city when it tries to find food in the bins with the compostable waste being its favourite. It is a clever animal, isn't it?


It is most active at dawn and dusk which makes it a bit more tricky when trying to take the best photo.


However you just need to keep trying, being as quiet as possible and wait patiently. So yesterday, on the bank holiday Monday I decided to try again.

I headed to a woodland area near a park here in west London which I know now has plenty of bluebells in bloom.

So even if Mr Fox doesn’t make an appearance I should at least capture some wildflowers.

Wild garlic Allium ursinum.

The bluebells are very fragrant. They were a bit late last year and didn’t flower till May over here. But this year they are already out revealing their beauty to all of us.

Outdoor enthusiasts enjoy sitting on the grass next to them trying to take it all in. Though one should be rather careful as the wild garlic is also in full bloom and you might not enjoy its scent for too long.


The birds are all over the place this time of the year, chasing each other and even feeding mouth to mouth. I watched a woodpecker pecking.

Then all of a sudden a fox appeared. It showed no interest in me and decided to hang around for about half an hour. This is all I needed to be honest especially with the sun out.


The fox does behave like a dog really. It was enjoying the sun as much as I did. It also got distracted exactly like me by the many bumblebees and butterflies that were out and about.


A robin supervised me taking photos of Mr Fox.


I hope you enjoyed looking at my wildlife photographs. Is the fox a common animal in the area where you live? Let me know in the comments below.


I even powered up 26 Steem and here is also a screenshot of this vital transaction.

Screenshot 2022-04-19 at 21.23.54.png


Common at all, from afar I see it haaa, oh actually it looks like a cute puppy as I looked out of the corner of my eye, I imagine you immobilized to take the photo, I think the fox enjoyed posing for you, haa, wow, it looks beautiful and so calm on the grass sunbathing.


 2 years ago 

Greetings 💁‍♀️ We all love sunbathing, don’t we? It was a playful young fox indeed. I was on my knees on the lush green grass with a zoom lens on. Luckily it hasn’t rained here for a while so I didn’t get mucky, this time. Cheers and thanks for reading my article.

That if I noticed that the fox was young, I'm glad I enjoy it, in my city we spent a long night with heavy rain, they started.

Greetings have a nice day.🤗

Very nice all the pictures, that fox knew that they were being photographed and gave his best poses, it is said that he is very clever and agile.
Congratulations for Power Up

 2 years ago 

Good morning @leka25 It is a pleasure to meet you here. I also dare to think that the fox did enjoy being photographed. Powering up is what makes us stronger as individuals and a community. I can’t wait to become a dolphin, the sooner the better. What about you? What is your goal here on the platform?👩‍💻

Greetings, for now I would like to get my first dolphin, and as time goes by I will continue working and giving my contribution to the platform to grow along with it.

 2 years ago 

Greetings my friend @petface

Excellent pictures about this fox and the flowers, it is a beautiful specimen, it looks friendly but we must be careful with it.

Good publication.

 2 years ago 

Greetings my friend @adeljose Thanks for the positive feedback and for stopping by really. I simply love taking photos of wildlife so I am glad that such are well received here. Right you are about Mr Fox. It can be very mischievous. Have a nice day and see you around.

Hello. great job. How did you manage to photograph this fox. This is a very shy animal. I'm nominating your post for a competition. #wox-bestpick.

 2 years ago 

Hi @steem-venera I am really pleased that you like my fox photos. It is a shy animal indeed and this is actually the first time when I have been able to get so close to it and it let me take several images. Thank you ever so much for nominating my article for this fantastic initiative here in the WORLD OF XPILAR. Have a great evening.

You are lucky to take such pictures, and you have a good evening, it's already night.

Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Prefers sandy well-drained soils. Avoid unamended clay soils. Tolerates shady conditions. Perhaps best in sun-dappled part shade. Plant bulbs about 3-4” deep and 4-6” apart in the fall. Naturalizes well by both bulb offsets and self-seeding in optimum growing conditions. Plants go dormant by early summer. Plants of this species (English bluebells) will hybridize with plants of Hyancinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebells) if planted near each other, resulting in different forms appearing through self-seeding.

Noteworthy Characteristics
Hyacinthoides non-scripta, commonly called English bluebell, is a bulbous perennial that is native to open woodland areas of western Europe including, of course, England. Each bulb produces a small clump of linear, strap-shaped, acute-tipped, basal leaves (3-6 per bulb) from which rises in spring (April-May) a 12-15" tall rigid flower stem topped by an arching terminal, one-sided raceme of 4-16 fragrant, pendant, narrow-tubular, bell-shaped, deep violet blue flowers (each to 3/4" long). Each flower has six petals fused together to form a narrow almost straight-sided bell with slightly rolled back petal tips. English bluebell is very similar to Spanish bluebell except English bluebell has fragrant flowers, arching flowering racemes, and shorter flowering stems.


 2 years ago 

Hehe Mr. Fox.. I like it!. 👌😀👍👍

I have never had the chance to see a real fox alive in my life. but because of my admiration for the "little prince", I have always had sympathy for foxes.
the photos you take are amazing

#wox-bestpick of the day goes to @petface
This post is nominated by @steem-venera

Red-haired beauty!!!!

Very beautiful pictures, cool nature

 2 years ago 

Thank you ever so much @apnigrich I adore nature despite living in a big busy city like London. Cheers.

I never wanted to live in a big city. I like to live in nature. Probably because I was born in a small forest village.

I congratulate you for making such beautiful photographs, the quality is incredible. I love foxes, they are very beautiful and interesting animals. They always seem to have a smile on their face, hahaha.

In my area the most common is a dog, cat and birds. 🥲


 2 years ago 

Greetings my friend @arcayart Thanks for stopping by and reading my fox post. They have cheeky faces indeed 🦊 Pity they are not common in your area. I find the birds though quite interesting to photo too. You might even have some more exotic, colourful species near where you live.

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