Contest Super Macro Photography Week 13 - Fall Webworm, Hypantria cunea

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Hypantria cunea

©2021 @novaamalia

Hello all World of Xpilar friends

Welcome back with me @novaamalia. In this post, I will share a macro photography object that I took today in my backyard, the object I posted in the World of Xpilar community this time is a caterpillar.

This weekend I spent time looking for small animals to be used as macro photography objects which have recently become a new hobby that I am currently pursuing. While looking at the plants I saw a caterpillar walking on the leaves, I immediately took my camera and macro lens so I didn't miss taking pictures of the object.

The caterpillar I photographed is known as Hyphantria cunea - source, and it is common in tropical countries such as Indonesia and several other Asian countries. This species has the name "Fall webworm" which is this type that usually perches on green plants or leaves as a place to find food, this caterpillar is not considered dangerous to other plants because it is not classified as a pest.

©2021 @novaamalia

©2021 @novaamalia

This caterpillar has gray-white fur of different sizes covering all parts of its dark brown body; while trying to photograph it, I kept a proper distance so that the caterpillar's fur did not touch the skin of my hands. Fortunately, the caterpillar was still hanging from the leaf when I took the photo, making it easier for me to photograph it.

©2021 @novaamalia

©2021 @novaamalia

Spending time on Sundays photographing small objects is a new and interesting hobby for me because it requires calm during the shooting process so that the camera does not shake and the objects do not feel threatened when being photographed. I had a great time photographing these small objects while honing my macro photography skills.

©2021 @novaamalia

©2021 @novaamalia

©2021 @novaamalia

Macro photography using a smartphone with additional macro lens is an exciting thing because we as photographers are required to be more patient and careful when approaching the object to be photographed. After all, if we are impatient, the results obtained will not be optimal.

CameraIphone 8
LensLensbong Custom 100mm
LocationAceh, Indonesia
Editing SoftwareAdobe Lightroom CC

Thank you @sultan-aceh and also the @xpilar @aceh-team community who have provided the opportunity for me to join and share photography content in the World of Xpilar community.

Thank You

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