Macrophotography//achievement1// december 2021 // herbivorous insects // #club5050 @nifrijal aceh indonesia // power up. .

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

Asalamualaikum ww..

best regards for friends @steemit wherever you are I hope we are all in good health. on this occasion I would like to introduce myself, my name is nifrijal. My account name is @nifrijal from Indonesia. on this auspicious day I want to show you some picturesI got it at a rerumoutan near my house..

On this auspicious day, @nifrijal is very grateful to expilar as a community leader, and @sultanaceh as a moderator, I as a newcomer here are very proud and grateful, to this beloved community. enthusiasm, from successful people in steemit, and blockchain.this, like, expilar.Stephen Kendal, the sultan of Aceh, and other successful people.


are herbivorous insects of the suborder Caelifera in the order Orthoptera. These insects have antennae that are almost always shorter than their bodies and also have a short ovipositor. Grasshoppers can be destructive pests for plantations or rice fields


Grasshoppers can be destructive pests for plantations or rice fields. The case of grasshoppers becoming pests has existed since the time of the Prophet Moses. Indonesia has experienced several extraordinary locust attacks..


Grasshoppers are not rare animals. Grasshoppers can be found in forests, gardens, rice fields, or even our yard. Even often found in rural areas, grasshoppers become local children's toys..


But many ordinary people do not know that grasshoppers store extraordinary facts, which in fact grasshoppers have extraordinary functions in the universe, both in a negative or positive sense..

I say thanks to you @aceh-team @vipnata @steemcurator01 who has supported me and been slow to watch I hope you like my post..

my greetings


Terimakasih dukungannya..

Regards @nifrijal I really like your macro photos. The structure of the grasshopper with short antennae looks beautiful to me, it seems to be carved into wood, in my childhood it was the object of my attention and I liked to hunt them and then let them go. I never hurt them. (I don't think so) Thank you for bringing me memories of a free and healthy life in the first stage of my life.
This post was chosen by me to nominate in the contest: Nominate and get Rewarded: 15% Trial Upvote, (Nomination Day 43)
Thank you for your work.

Salam @nifrijal Saya sangat suka foto makro Anda. Struktur belalang dengan antena pendek tampak indah bagi saya, tampaknya diukir di kayu, di masa kecil saya itu adalah objek perhatian saya dan saya suka berburu mereka dan kemudian melepaskannya. Saya tidak pernah menyakiti mereka. (Saya rasa tidak) Terima kasih telah membawakan saya kenangan akan kehidupan yang bebas dan sehat di tahap pertama kehidupan saya.
Posting ini dipilih oleh saya untuk dinominasikan dalam kontes: Nominate and get Rewarded: 15% Trial Upvote, (Nomination Day 43)
Terima kasih atas kerjamu.

Terimakasih dan saya bangga.yang telah memberi dukungan kepada saya

#wox-bestpick of the day goes to @nifrijal
This post is nominated by @mariita52

Terimskasih sahabatku semua yang sudah singgah di blog saya.dan terimakasih telah menonton.aku menunggu dukungan dari anda

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