Weekly challenge on Steem!!! Food photo / Week #136

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year (edited)

Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!




p r e s e n t s

Weekly food photo #136

This week is gone. The next began. That mean It is the time to start our weekly challenge. Let's see what the participants presented this week. Whose photo looks the most delicious? М-ммм...

At first we would like to congratulate @raah, who got most number of upvotes ($0.04)
Prize 1 Steem+WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote


Now the time has come to reward the authors whose photos were included in the collage in the top of the post. The first one is... is... is... a participant @xaviduran

Prize is 1.5 Steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote

Our congratulations!



Silver goes to... @eto-ka

1.25 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote


Bronze goes to.... to @jpegg
1 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote


0.5 + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote


HM steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote


The participant will get upvote on posts created in the WORLD OF XPILAR community

That,s all for today. Nothing else caught our attention :-(

Competition start on 21 of June and ends on 5 of July (payout time)

The basic rules:

  • Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
  • Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
  • Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
  • A participant cannot upvote his own photo

It's very easy! Grab your smartphones and take photos of everything edible around you! I am waiting for your photos!


We would like to make friends with a sponsor :-)

Because... we need some steem for prizes

That,s all for today!

Stand by

Sincerely yours



 last year 


Saludos amigo
Felicidades a los ganadores y agradecida a @mister-omortson por la mención

Pastel alusivo al bingo.
Recientemente asistí a un bingo para recolectar dinero para comprar insumos en una casa comunal que asiste a las urbanizaciones de mi sector.Estaba muy bien decorada y fue el segundo premio.

Mira que idea tan simpática y original. Para los grandes jugadores de Bingo @javima un abrazo.

Oye que bueno mi querida ese premio el ganador tendrá como merendar suerte.

Bendiciones para todos y felicidades a los nominados, esta vez les traigo esta ensalada y pollo que hizo una amiga de mi hijo y nos brindó este exquisito plato.





Поздравляю всех победителей!

Для нового этапа командорский кальмар на гриле в московском ресторане Черетто Море:


click here to see a bigger version of it

Buena combinación de ingredientes.




Fué un placer bendiciones.

а почему так мало?))

 last year 

Я вижу четыре кусочка - на нос не так уж и мало! Кальмарье мясо плотная штука.

Нормальная ресторанная порция, мне кажется. У них же нет цели, чтобы посетитель нажрался одним блюдом. :D Надо, чтобы несколько заказал.

 last year 

Тарелочка на фото, на мой вкус - превыше всяких похвал! Стопроцентрые ассоциации с японией, провансом, сифудом ... и еще черта в ступе.

Модные тарелочки сейчас. В Москве часто в ресторанах встречаются. Мне тоже нравятся. :)

 last year 

Надо бы себе такую подкупить, но в магазинах шаговой доступности мне таковые не встречались - для фотографирования вкусных ништяков самое то!

 last year (edited)

Congratulations to the winners!


Una delicia.

 last year 

🖐 😊

Me encanta, buena propuesta

 last year 

Muchas gracias


 last year 


 last year 


Wow, thank you.

I'm participating again this week.
This is a salad snack from a pub that I often go to.
It is very delicious to sprinkle cheese on a thinly sliced jamon.

Que deliciosa ensalada veraniega,refrescante y con ingredientes ricos.

Una interesante combinación de alimentos. Buena propuesta.

Una delicia y colorida.

Interesting set

 last year 

Yeah i wished we had another unopened bottle of martini so the picture would look perfect. 😅

But it's already been drunk)

 last year 

What is in the big glass jar, if I may ask? is it sort of a diy-sangria? Looks intriguing and appealing!

 last year 

Perhaps I didn’t explain quite well in the post. Well to be more specific it’s mostly martini, tonic, grapefruit, a little but of the rum and a little bit of the gin, i know it sounds strange, but you don’t taste the gin and the rum a lot, that’s why i call it “Aromatic Elixirs”😄

 last year 

Este es un plato Árabe llamado Falafel, es una especie de masa hecha con garbanzos, previamente aliñada y frita, la cual esta acompañada de crema de garbanzos, pimenton y pepinillos en rebanadas. Es un plato que siempre pido en el restaurant de mis suegros por qué me gusta mucho.


Espectacular éxitos.

 last year 


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STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 65448.52
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50