
Cuando vi la mirada sólo me vino a la cabeza la palabra desierto, los ojos de Peter O'Toole, aunque eso no me indicaba la película, no la ubicaba por ningun lado la única que tiene un carro parecido, una mansión era esta. El balde no tengo idea debe ser parte de la trama. @mister-omortson

When I saw the look, only the word desert came to my mind, the eyes of Peter O'Toole, although that did not indicate the film, it was not located anywhere, the only one that has a similar car, this was a mansion. The bucket I have no idea must be part of the plot. @mister-omortson

 3 years ago 

Тhe eyes of Peter O'Toole are magnificient) That,s clear
But excuse me, the bucket plays one of the main roles in the film. And of course you need to explain what kind of mansion is in the background!

 3 years ago (edited)

I think that in robbery they use the bucket to get the stolen. By the way is this phrase some time after I put it as a complement

I found it is a comment the artist made:
─Lawrence! O’Toole burst out, sipping his scotch. I became obsessed with that man and that was wrong. The true artist should be able to jump into a shit bucket and come out smelling of violets, but I spent two years and three months thinking only of Lawrence, and it was him, and that's how it went day after day, day after day, and that it hurt, personally, and it killed my acting afterward.
(Excerpt from the chronicle "Peter O’Toole in the old land", published in Portraits and Encounters, by Gay Talese. (Aguilar, 2008. pp 142-144))

Creo que en robo utilizan el cubo para sacar lo robado. De paso esta esta frase tiempo despues que la pongo de complemento.
Lo encontre es un comentario que hizo el artista:
─¡Lawrence! ─prorrumpió O’Toole, tomándose su escocés─. Me obsesioné con ese hombre y eso estuvo mal. El verdadero artista debería ser capaz de saltar a un balde mierda y salir oliendo a violetas, pero yo me pasé dos años y tres meses pensando únicamente en Lawrence, y era él, y así fue día tras día, día tras día, y eso me hizo daño, en lo personal, y mató mi actuación después.
(Fragmento de la crónica “Peter O’Toole en el viejo terruño”, publicada en Retratos y encuentros, de Gay Talese. (Aguilar, 2008. pp 142-144))

A model of the Museum or plan

Una maqueta del Museo


 3 years ago 

Today you,re the best!


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