Photo of the week #14 | Submissions post

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!


Traditional challenge on steem!!!

Photo of the week #14

Hello my dear!

Recently, we have imperceptibly accumulated a lot of cases. We were so busy that we forgot to do the weekly fast. But finally, all the cases are resolved and we can take stock of this week. This time the top was occupied by photographs from the animal world. Well we don't mind. Today we have really interesting photos!
This week you picked a hog from @bambuka. Ok, why not.
Reward - 3 Steem

My congratulations!

This week we have a really great photo. We came up with a name for this photo "Newbies on steem are asking for an upvote". Successful composition, amazing colors.
This photo is our favorit! Reward - 3.5 steem
Congratulations to @georgia14!

We cannot ignore one more participant. Very beautiful and romantic still life. The prize is going to @sardrt.
Reward - 2 steem
Congratulations to @sardrt!

Next Prize for Creativity!
The prize is going to @dianadee.
Reward - 1.5 steem
Congratulations to @dianadee

For some reason we like this photo. We do not know who this man is, we do not know what this man is doing by the sea. But the photo turned out to be an interesting photo: a man stands in a spectacular pose and in the spray of the sea surf.

The prize is going to @quediceharry.
Reward - 1.5 steem

We could not pass by the next photo. Prize for beautiful lips! These lips are just extravaganza!

The prize is going to @axeman.
Reward - 1.5 steem

That,s all for today my dear

The basic rules:

  • Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
  • Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
  • Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
  • A participant cannot upvote his own photo


We need sponsors!

I,m asking for support to

| @steemitblog | @seo-boss | @stephenkendal | @xpilar |

Please support this challenge!

Stand by

Sincerely yours



 4 years ago 

Какая синенькая)

 4 years ago 

Zamerzla... :D

¡Como siempre impresionante!

Que colorido tan hermoso @axeman

How in the world we all common people can compete against you @axeman the maestro :D. This is so unique and beautiful. cheers, ainie.

Colores impresionantes y detalles @axeman


Felicidades a los ganadores, muy buenas fotos esta semana.

Me animo a participar de nuevo con esta fotografía. Disfruten y no olviden votar a favor. XD



Fotografía tomada a mi hijo hace unas semanas atrás, había llovido muchísimo y estuvimos dando vueltas por el pueblo en búsqueda de un lugar que aún se mantuviese mojado para hacer una fotografía con reflejo en el agua. Probamos en varios lugares, pero aquí tanto el agua como la luz permitieron el mejor resultado del día.


Que hermosa quedó la foto, guao que efecto tan espectacular @mariana4ve bellísima

Hola Sacra muchas gracias por la visita y el apoyo a mi foto. Me costó mucho encontrar el lugar apropiado, pero al final creo que logré una buena foto, cuando ví este concurso, dije, aquí va, participare!!! jeje. Saludos.


I really like this photo I took a while ago on a Seoul bridge, there are no effects or lighting added, no filters, but the main reason I like it is how naturally there is an invisible line between the bright bridge and silent river. Normally you can see lots of people in the area enjoying everyday even till late night because Korea loves night outs! But these days due to COVID19 you see less and less people and it feels kinda lonely, like that bridge.. I wish the world overcomes Covid19 asap and everyone can enjoy beautiful evenings with dear ones.
This is my submission, do I have to post anywhere else?:)

Fantastic image!

Thanks a lot!! :)

 4 years ago 


Thank you! :)

Una llama en la oscuridad y sus formas extrañas, ante la falta de corriente eléctrica. Hace unas noches atrás.

A flame in the dark and its strange shapes, in the absence of electrical current. A few nights ago.


Wow @sacra97, this is so rare and dramatic, I like it. Good Luck with your entry! cheers, ainie

Si verdad, la falla de luz prendi una vela que se acabo, habia restos de cera, le puse una mecha, y dio esas formas tan lindas y extrañas. Gracias por el apoyo, bendiciones.
Yes, the light failure lit a candle that ran out, there were remains of wax, I put a wick on it, and it gave those beautiful and strange shapes @ainie.kashif thanks for the support blessings

Impresionante personaje amiga @sacra97



Photo of the week #14

En la foto Yo... Extrañando ir a la playa!!

Sabrosa la playa, ya con ganas de ir @yurilaya

 4 years ago 

Si, vamos a la playa)))

Si estas invitado a las playas de Venezuela @mister-omortson
If you are invited to the beaches of Venezuela @mister-omortson

Venezuela tiene playas hermosas @sacra97

Siii playa, que parezco Morticia!!

Chacha vas a provocar algunos infartos por ahi ja ja ja

jajaja Nada de infartados, solo queremos ir a la playa @zhanavic69

Anotado ir a la playa todos @yurilaya, estan invitados.

 4 years ago (edited)

Hello Everybody!
Congratulations to the winners !
This is my entry:



A beautiful view de la ribera del río.

Vaya colores que dan sombra y color al mismo tiempo, muy hermosa @esthersanchez

Realmente son asombrosos los colores, parece casi irreal.
Gracias por pasarte por aquí amiga @sacra97!

Felicidades nuevamente a los ganadores

No vemos, ni Hablamos, ni Escuchamos

Una noche donde los niños se divertían y disfrutaban de un compartir familiar en Ciudad Bolívar-Venezuela recrearon las famosas poses mundialmente conocidas.

Genial y divertidos @javima

Gracias mi querida @sacra97 super divertido

Привет! Почесал репу и решил зайти вот с этой


 4 years ago 

Удачно почесал)

 4 years ago (edited)

Thanks @mister-omortson for prize in this contest. So appreciate it. Your contest is also very enjoyable too :) Congrats to the other winning entries, as well.

Here is my latest entry for contest .

Execellent @dianadee painting, very beautiful. Good luck in the competition.

 4 years ago (edited)

Thanks so much for appreciative comment @babybothe. Enjoy your weekend:)

The same. Greetings.

Hermosa pintura y bellas manzanas @dianadee

Thank you @javima

Que sabrosas y costosas por aqui. Estan hermosamente pintadas @dianadee

 4 years ago 

Слава кабанчику, и благодарность организатору конкурса)
Не зря в год кабана родился, вот он и пригодился))


And this worthy cat is called Tikhon (Tishka in common people). Drinks water exclusively from the tap :)
А этого достойного кота зовут Тихон (в простонародии Тишка). Волду пьёт исключительно из-под крана :)

Cool too @bambuka

 4 years ago 

Thanks so much my friend :)

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