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RE: Who Are You, Newbie to Steemit?

I always get a strange feeling when I read achievements, is it real or not?

I've also noticed that many people only write comments under their own posts. Why? When I was new, I used to pester the old hands with questions and got friendly answers. That made it relatively easy to get started.

Today's newcomers are much more reserved or uninterested, that's my impression. But you won't get far here by keeping quiet.

What also surprises me is that so many come from Nigeria, Venezuela, etc. I suspect that those from other countries simply get started without going through the newcomer community procedure.

 3 months ago 

Today's newcomers are much more reserved or uninterested, that's my impression.

I've noticed that many newbies see Steemit as a place to work. They perform certain work and expect a reward for it. I'm sure that in the days when you started, people had a different perception of this platform and were more interested in the communication itself.

I suspect that those from other countries simply get started without going through the newcomer community procedure.

You are probably right. For example, the Ukrainian community does not require Achievement 1. Newbies appear there, often without even introducing themselves. I don't see anything wrong with that as long as they create normal unique content and interact with other community members.

When I was new, I used to pester the old hands with questions and got friendly answers.

When I started, I hardly interacted with anyone at first. I made a lot of mistakes based on the wrong conclusions I made from reading posts and various recommendations. My real understanding of the platform was when I started communicating through comments. If you asked me what is the secret of "success" in Steemit, I would answer - comments, communication, finding common interests, etc.

the Ukrainian community does not require Achievement 1

It's no different in the German community, for a long time I didn't know that the Newcomer Community even existed.

Do you have an explanation why it's mainly users from the countries mentioned who start with the newcomers?

what is the secret... I would answer - comments, communication, finding common interests, etc.

Exactly, that's what I think too. And sometimes, in a weak hour, I tell someone our secret :-)

 3 months ago 

Do you have an explanation why it's mainly users from the countries mentioned who start with the newcomers?

I think the absolute majority of newbies from these countries didn't find out about Steemit by accident. They were recommended this platform by someone and apparently the recommendations said to start with Achievement 1.

Of course, such subtle hints can also be the reason:


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