Contest: My year 2020“/ by @meivys, Breaking down fears/ Derribando los miedos.

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago


Contest: My year 2020“/ by @meivys, Derribando los miedos.

Hola amigos de steemit esta es mi participación para el concurso organizado por @stef1 "My year 2020"

Hello friends of steemit this is my participation for the contest organized by @stef1 "My year 2020"


El 2020 ha sido un año de retos no solo para mi, sino para toda la humanidad, un año que hizo plantearnos y replantearnos nuevos retos aunque no ha sido fácil, trajo muchos aprendizajes en mi, muchas veces tuve que luchar con mis propios miedos para seguir.

The 2020 has been a year of challenges not only for me, but for all humanity, a year that made us consider and rethink new challenges although it has not been easy, it brought many learnings in me, many times I had to fight with my own fears to continue.


Para este año tenia muchas expectativas y metas también muchos miedos por vencer, Después de mi segundo embarazo tuve que detener mis estudios universitarios, debido al tiempo que requería mi bebe, una de mis planes era volver a mi carrera este año, pero las cosas no siempre salen como las planeas. En enero ni me imaginaba todo lo que sucedería, en lo que para mi es el año mas extraño que he vivido.

After my second pregnancy I had to stop my university studies, due to the time my baby required, one of my plans was to return to my career this year, but things do not always go as planned. In January I didn't even imagine all that would happen, in what for me is the strangest year I have ever lived.



Una de las noticias que me impacto este año, fue el que una una amiga que era como mi hermana había desaparecido, en un naufragio intentado llegar a Trinidad y Tobago huyendo de la crisis que esta sufriendo Venezuela, fue un duro golpe para su familia y para mi, ya que ni siquiera se pudo sepultar porque su cuerpo nunca se encontró.

One of the news that impacted me this year, was that a friend who was like my sister had disappeared, in a shipwreck trying to reach Trinidad and Tobago to escape the crisis that Venezuela is suffering, it was a hard blow for her family and for me, since she could not even be buried because her body was never found.


En las noticias se anunciaba que la cifras de contagiados por el coronavirus eran millones, al principio me preguntaba si este virus llegaría a Venezuela, pero al ver que muchos países cercanos tenían contagiados, sabia que era un echo que llegaría al país, el temor se apodero de todos por las malas condiciones que se encontraba el sector de la salud.

In the news it was announced that the number of people infected by the coronavirus was in the millions, at first I wondered if this virus would reach Venezuela, but seeing that many nearby countries had infected, I knew that it was a fact that would reach the country, fear took hold of everyone because of the bad conditions that the health sector was in.


El 13 de marzo se anuncia los primeros contagiados de Covid-19 en el país, anunciaban la cuarentena que de a poco la hicieron radical, tuvimos que vivir una nueva normalidad, esto hizo que mi esposo y yo nos reinventáramos, para poder salir adelante, mi familia se afianzo mas el amor por mis hijos es lo que me motiva a seguir cada día, muchas veces sentí caer pero mi esposo estaba ahí apoyándome y dándome fuerza para seguir.

On March 13 the first Covid-19 infections were announced in the country, they announced the quarantine that little by little made it radical, we had to live a new normality, this made my husband and I reinvent ourselves, to be able to go ahead, my family was strengthened but the love for my children is what motivates me to continue every day, many times I felt like falling but my husband was there supporting me and giving me strength to continue.


Lo mas difícil fue no poder ver a mis seres queridos en especial mi madre, esto me hizo valorar mas los momentos que hemos compartido, los abrazos y las conversaciones mirándonos a los ojos. Aunque a la distancia estamos unidos, gracias a la tecnología solo espero el momento en volver a ver a mi madre y abrazarla.

The most difficult thing was not being able to see my loved ones, especially my mother. This made me value more the moments we shared, the hugs and the conversations looking into each other's eyes. Although we are united from a distance, thanks to technology I just wait for the moment when I can see my mother again and hug her.



Este año aparte de ser madre, esposa y ama de casa ,me toco armarme de paciencia para educar a mi hija en casa. Mi casa se convirtió en oficina, escuela, parque de diversiones, restauran. Tuve que convertirme en niña para comprender a mis pequeños, pero sin duda alguna mi familia esta mas unida.

This year, besides being a mother, wife and housewife, I have to be patient to educate my daughter at home. My home became an office, school, amusement park, restaurant. I had to become a child to understand my little ones, but without a doubt my family is more united.

Jugando al te con mi hija/Playing tea with my daughter

Mi pequeña con su dibujo/My little girl with her drawing


Hubo momentos en que la ansiedad se apoderaron de mi, incluso estuve algo deprimida pero al ver a mis hijos se me pasaba, ya que tenia que ser fuerte no solo por mi,también por ellos.

There were times when anxiety took hold of me, I was even a little depressed but when I saw my children it went away, since I had to be strong not only for me, but also for them.

Mis niños/My children


Una de las mejores cosa que me paso este año fue llegar a steemit, ya que me dio nuevas cosas que hacer me ayudo a salir de la rutina, y a calmar mi ansiedad por tanto encierro, gracias a steemit le tome mas amor a la escritura, me he llenado de muchos conocimientos, he vuelto a dibujar, crear.

One of the best things that happened to me this year was to arrive at steemit, since it gave me new things to do, it helped me to get out of the routine, and to calm my anxiety for so much confinement, thanks to steemit I took more love to the writing, I have filled myself with a lot of knowledge, I have returned to draw, to create.

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Mi presentación para steemit/My presentation for steemit

Comencé nuevamente Hacer pancartas después de mucho tiempo sin hacerlas/I started again Making banners after a long time without making them


Este año aunque ha tenido cosas malas, me quedo con lo positivo que ha echo en mi y lo mucho que me hizo crecer como persona, madre y esposa.

This year, even though it has had bad things, I am left with the positive things it has done in me and how much it has made me grow as a person, mother and wife.


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La enseñanza que me dejo este año es que, aunque las cosas no salgan como planeamos, hay que reinventarnos e improvisar y seguir adelante, que lo mas importante es la familia, aunque una puerta se cierre, hay ventanas se pueden abrir. Siempre con mente positiva, si lo puedes soñar lo puedes lograr. Los objetivos se logran con esfuerzo, perseverancia, y fe.

The lesson that he left me this year is that even if things don't go as planned, we have to reinvent ourselves and improvise and move forward, that the most important thing is the family, even if a door closes, there are windows that can be opened. Always with a positive mind, if you can dream it, you can achieve it. The objectives are achieved with effort, perseverance, and faith.


"Feliz Navidad" a toda la familia Steemit, y gracias a @stef1 por organizar este excelente concurso. Si quieres participar ingresa aquí.

"Merry Christmas" to all the Steemit family, and thanks to @stef1 for organizing this excellent contest. If you want to participate enter.

💞 Gracias por visitar mi post/Thank you for visiting my post 💞

Todas la fotos son de mi propiedad @meivys, y la imagen con su respectiva fuente.



Thank you for this post and for sharing your experience. I am sorry to hear about your friend who went missing, that is always hard to lose someone who we know and to accept that this is happened.

In your case I believe you were very busy with the two little at home hopefully enjoyed most of the time. They look very cute on photos. Lovely drawing of your daughter.

I wish you too Happy Holidays and for all of us better year in 2021 :)

Hello @stef1, thank you very much for your words.

If the work at home is full time, but the most rewarding is the smiles of my children.

Greetings and ""Merry Christmas".!!

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