Paramnesia || Story inspired by digital art of @xpilar. Contest 108

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

Hi, Steemians!

I’ve been lucky enough to come across this post by @Xpilar, featuring a beautiful image of the sea. At first, I thought it was real, but then I found out it was digital art. The image is beautiful and inspiring and the prompt in a contest for all Steemians who want to write a story and participate. These two things I love, sea scenarios and writing stories, so it’s double luck for me.

If you want to submit your story for this contest, click here, so you learn how to do it correctly.



You could still feel the cold sea breeze and see the mackerels doing dolphin pirouettes so close to the shore, you could catch them in your hand; the dorsal and ventral fins poked the air and sucked the little moonlight that was left of the night dying out.

There was so much silence and so much solitude, that even the wind was moved and fearful of some unknown god, so it barely blew on Cordelia's walking ankles and on her thoughtful forehead just to remind her that there was a life going on currently, even if she insisted on rejecting it. It was 3 a.m. and again, Cordelia was walking down the shore of St. Louis beach, barefoot, her body covered with the same sheet she'd been dragging from her bed, where Aaron would sleep for a couple more hours. She’d been doing it for the last forty years, more often every time; imbued with infinite love and patience, Aaron would wake up at five sharp and come out to rescue her from the morning and the condemning memories.

When it was 6 a.m. and the pitiful figure of the woman who had been a specter in the coastal night had now transformed into a swab of black curls and white rags under the raising sun, Aaron appeared behind her. He carried two cups of hot coffee in his hand and a piece of sweet bread. Eyes returning from another world turned to look at him; she was curled around her skinny knees in the middle of the sand, feeling a recondite sadness without plot or protagonists. The memories that haunted her had vanished with the last nightly breath, but the regret remained intense, pushing against her chest. When the sun was up, Aaron was already seated beside her; he embraced her with the same warmth and spoke to her with the same sweetness as always, Take a sip, hon. He took her hands and helped her hold the cup and bring it to her mouth. The taste was bitter, but also sweet. Cordelia smiled and after a moment, Aaron had to leave her alone with the sea just for some minutes.

That day, in that moment she was alone on the shore of the sunlit beach of St. Louis, and after she’d been progressively turning off like an old machine for forty years, Cordelia finally saw him: the blond child, with tanned skin and furious eyes that flew homemade kites and hid under the boats turned upside down on the sand, drying in the sun, had appeared; that child that only yesterday clung to her nurturing body, while she breastfed him and caressed his head, showed up in brief flashes, behind the robust, adult man who walked towards her. This image seemed to repeat itself so many times, like an endless déjà vu in her mind, but her hand swept this bother away like it was a fly.

Aaron came back at that instant when Cordelia was trying to decipher what her very eyes were seeing. He sees her with a hand stretched out, in the air, like someone touching something or someone. As he hurried to get there, the man in front of Cordelia's eyes unwrapped a package of cinnamon cookies and ate one; as he chewed the piece of the sweet snack, he smiled at his mother. God bless me, mom, he said in his deep, manly voice. There was a certain disdain in the tone of his expression and in his very gesture, which were not altogether pleasant to Cordelia, but still, she felt grateful to be able to see him. The smell of cinnamon took her all the way back to her kitchen counter; she was preparing the dough for the cinnamon cookies sold at the stand on the avenue, a mile and a half from the beach. On the floor, by herself, August crawled for a while and tried to get up, leaning on the knobs of the cabinets, to reach the cookies. Wait, she said to the impatient toddler, her most beloved little child.

Aaron stood next to this vision, as she examined the man seated beside her: his smiling cheekbones, his strong chin, the round contour of his face, and his gentle laugh. A flash of lucidity shone in her eyes and at last she was aware of her husband's presence. She turned to him and said: He’d look just like you, Aaron.

Then Aron handed her the cinnamon stick he had brought from the kitchen and just stayed there by her side. For moments, Cordelia would remember again and again, until the sun went down, taking the day away with it.

Digital art courtesy of Xpilar


¡Hola, steemitas!

He tenido la suerte de encontrarme con este post de @Xpilar, con una preciosa imagen del mar. Al principio, pensé que era real, pero luego descubrí que era arte digital. La imagen es preciosa e inspiradora y es el prompt en un concurso para todos los esteemitas que quieran escribir un relato y participar. Estas dos cosas me encantan, los escenarios del mar y escribir historias, así que es una doble suerte para mí.

Si quieres que tu historia participe en este concurso, haz clic aquí, para que te enteres de cómo hacerlo correctamente.



Todavía la brisa marina helaba y se podía ver a las caballas haciendo piruetas de delfín tan cerca de la orilla, que podías cogerlas con la mano; las aletas dorsales y ventrales pinchaban el aire y le sacaban la poca luz de luna que quedaba de la noche que ya se extinguía.

Había tanto silencio y tanta soledad, que incluso el viento se sentía conmovido y temeroso de algún dios desconocido; apenas un soplido en los tobillos andantes de Cordelia y en su frente pensativa le recordaba que había una vida transcurriendo en el ahora, aún si ella la rechazaba. Eran las 3 a.m. y de nuevo, Cordelia recorría la orilla de la playa de San Luis, descalza, su cuerpo cubierto con la misma sábana que había traído arrastrando por los últimos cuarenta años desde su cama, adonde Aaron dormiría un par de horas más, para luego salir a rescatarla de la mañana y de los penosos recuerdos.

Cuando se hicieron las 6 a.m. y la triste figura de la mujer que había sido un espanto en la noche costeña se había transformado ahora en un guiñapo de cabellos negros y girones de tela, Arón apareció detrás de ella. Traía dos tazas de café caliente en la mano y un pedazo de pan dulce. Los ojos que retornaban de otro mundo voltearon a verlo; ella estaba enrollada alrededor de sus rodillas flacas en medio de la arena, sintiendo una tristeza sin argumento ni protagonistas. El recuerdo se había esfumado con el último hálito nocturno, pero el pesar quedaba intenso, empujando fuerte contra su pecho. Cuando Arón ya se encontraba sentado a su lado, la abrazó con la misma calidez y le habló con la misma dulzura de siempre, Ten, amor. Le tomó las manos y la ayudó a sujetar la taza y a llevársela a la boca. El sabor tenía de amargo, pero también de dulce. Cordelia sonrió y luego de un instante Arón se marchó por unos minutos y le dejó en paz con el mar.

Ese día en la orilla de la playa de San Luis y después de cuatro décadas de apagarse progresivamente como un artefacto viejo, Cordelia al fin lo vio. El niño rubio con la piel tostada y los ojos furiosos, que volaba papagayos y se escondía debajo de los peñeros volteados tostándose en la arena, había aparecido; ese niño que apenas ayer se aferraba de su cuerpo maternal, mientras ella lo amamantaba y le acariciaba la cabeza, aparecía en breves flashazos, detrás del hombre fornido y adulto que caminaba hacia ella. Esta imagen parecía repetirse tantas veces, como un interminable déjà vu, pero su mano apartaba esta molestia como si fuera una mosca.

Aarón regresó en ese instante en que Cordelia intentaba descifrar lo que juraba que veían sus ojos. Tenía una mano extendida hacia el frente, en el aire, como quien tocaba algo o a alguien. Mientras se apresuraba para llegar, el hombre frente a los ojos de Cordelia destapó un paquete de galletas de canela y comió una; mientras masticaba el pedazo de la merienda dulce, le sonreía a su madre. La bendición, mamá, le dijo con su voz grave y varonil. Había cierta condescendencia en el tono de su expresión y en su mismo gesto, que no eran del todo agradables para Cordelia, pero aun así, se sintió agradecida de poder verlo. El olor a canela la llevó al mesón de su cocina; ella preparaba la masa de las galletas de canela que se vendían en el quiosco de la avenida, a dos kilómetros de la playa. Augusto jugaba a sus pies; gateaba un rato y trataba de levantarse, apoyándose de las perillas de los gabinetes, para alcanzar las galletas. Espera, le decía al jovencito impaciente, a su niño.

Arón se colocó a un lado de la visión, mientras ella examinaba al hombre sentado a su lado; sus pómulos risueños, su mentón fuerte, el contorno redondo de su cara y su risa gentil. Un destello de lucidez brilló en sus ojos y al fin fue consciente de la presencia de su esposo. Volteó hacia él y le dijo: Para este momento sería igualito a ti, Arón.

Entonces Arón le entregó la ramita de canela que le había traído y se quedó un rato allí, junto a ella. Pero a diferencia de las personas, el tiempo no se puede detener, así que las horas pasaron y pasaron. Y, por momentos, Cordelia recordaría y volvería a recordar, hasta que el sol se ocultara llevándose el día.

Digital art courtesy of Xpilar


Thanks for reading.

Gracias por leer.



Muy buena lectura, felicidades, me encantó leerla @marlyncabrera

Gracias, @alanasteemit :)


 3 years ago 

Thanks for the beautiful story @marlyncabrera

Thank you for the opportunity and consideration, @Xpilar :)

You post is nominated for „Wold of xpilar“ Community Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from community page are eligible. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!

Thank you so much, @stef1 :)

Well my post certainly meets these criteria for a @Booming account upvote, for all my work is original and never cross posted. I hope to have good luck ... But if I don't, it's a pleasure just as well. Much appreciated.

Hi @marlyncabrerasnip, the only thing I wanted to mention when you post you should name the right platform with right name.

You are posting on both that is might be the reason why you were mixed up:


I understand. I'll edit it now and be careful in the future. I post on both platforms, I do, but never the same material. I hope that's clear.
Thank you for telling me, @stef1; I hadn't noticed.

It's edited.

I work hard to produce my content and I never post the same on both platforms, besides I never cross post anything. Just hope my name is not on some black list. Thank you.

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