Digital art made by @xpilar writing story competition 115 | Don't watch the storm and you'll stay calm. By @mariita52 | Arte digital realizado por @xpilar concurso de escritura 115 | No mires la tormenta y mantendrás la calma. Por @mariita52 #CLUB5050

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

Digital art made by @xpilar / Arte digital realizado por @xpilar
The image belongs to @xpilar La imagen pertenece a @xpilar

Yes, I feel the heat on my face, I open my eyes and block the sun with my hand, where am I?
I start to remember little by little, images come to my mind of the raging sea lashing the ship, yes, I'm waking up from....

I quickly get up, turn around and see the sailors waking up almost at the same time as me.
I yell to them, hey! Some of them look at me, but they don't manage to utter a single babble.

It is not for less, what we have lived during the three days (I think so), indicated that at any moment we would die. The storm, the headwind and the sea were raging against the ship.

The struggle was tenacious, I can still hear the roar of the sea and feel the wind and water of the storm hitting my being, I thought that at some point I would break in two.

Not even the experienced sailors could control the sails, at times without control.

Suddenly, that little man we were carrying deigned to come out of his dressing room?

He came out and said, "Calm down, don't look at the storm, don't look at the storm:

"Trust me, I have been promised that we will all arrive safe and sound at our destination and that not one man of the crew will be harmed. As long as you remain calm and trust with all your heart, you will have strength. ".

The men looked at him and a calm came over them, I urged them not to give up, but they were really exhausted, some said "we will just wait for death".

The man looked at them and gave them a mad invitation in the midst of the fierce storm, "Come, you are exhausted, eat and rest, not a single one of you will die."

"Look at the promise, do not turn to see the storm, see your salvation, not one of you shall die."

By the way...

I do not see him, among the sailors he is not, he is not on the ship either, I jumped off the ship stranded on the island, and in the distance I saw him, sitting, calm, looking at the horizon.

In his face was reflected only a great peace. I approached him and asked him how he was. He looked at me, smiled and said. "Get ready quickly, you and your men. There is still a long way to go, hurry, we must arrive before dawn."

Version en español.

Sí, siento el calor en la cara, abro los ojos y tapo el sol con la mano, ¿dónde estoy? Empiezo a recordar poco a poco, vienen a mi mente imágenes del mar embravecido azotando el barco, sí, me estoy despertando de....

Me levanto rápidamente, me doy la vuelta y veo a los marineros despertándose casi al mismo tiempo que yo.
Les grito, ¡eh! Algunos de ellos me miran, pero no consiguen emitir ni un solo balbuceo.

No es para menos, lo que hemos vivido durante los tres días (creo que sí), indicaba que en cualquier momento moriríamos. La tormenta, el viento en contra y el mar se ensañaban con el barco.

La lucha era tenaz, aún puedo escuchar el rugido del mar y sentir el viento y el agua de la tormenta golpeando mi ser, pensé que en algún momento me partiría en dos.

Ni siquiera los experimentados marineros podían controlar las velas, a veces sin control.

De repente, aquel hombrecillo que llevábamos se dignó a salir de su camerino...

Salió y dijo: "Calma, no miren la tormenta, no miren la tormenta"

"Confíen en mí, me han prometido que todos llegaremos sanos y salvos a nuestro destino, y que ningún hombre de la tripulación sufrirá daños. Mientras mantengan la calma y confíen con todo su corazón, tendrán fuerza. ".

Los hombres le miraron y una calma les invadió, yo les instaba a no rendirse, pero estaban realmente agotados, algunos decían "sólo esperaremos la muerte".

El hombre los miró y les hizo una loca invitación en medio de la feroz tormenta: "Vengan, están agotados, coman y descansen, no morirá ni uno solo de ustedes".

"Miren la promesa, no volteen a ver la tormenta, vean su salvación, ni uno solo de ustedes morirá".

Por cierto...

No lo veo, entre los marineros no está, tampoco está en el barco, salté del barco varado en la isla, y a lo lejos lo vi, sentado, tranquilo, mirando el horizonte.

En su rostro sólo se reflejaba una gran paz. Me acerqué a él y le pregunté cómo estaba. Me miró, sonrió y dijo. "Prepárese rápidamente, usted y sus hombres. Todavía queda un largo camino por recorrer, date prisa, debemos llegar antes del amanecer".

This is my entry for the contest: your writing story competition 115
You want to participate visit the link

Esta es mi entrada para el concurso: tu concurso de cuentos de escritura 115
Si quieres participar visita el enlace:

The Diary Game 06_11_20202 @mariita521.jpg

  • La imagen de la publicación pertenece a @xpilar

Aquí dejo mi. Esta soy yo.

El 10% de la recompensa de esta publicación va para @wox-helpfund




Suddenly, that little man we were carrying deigned to come out of his dressing room?

He came out and said, "Calm down, don't look at the storm, don't look at the storm:

You have wisely created the story to match the picture. Which is showing the real face of the picture. Lots of good stories.

Greetings @mrnazrul I feel very grateful for your attention to my writing. You are a poet, do your comments are very valuable to me. Happy and long life.

Hi @mariita52, very nicely written, really enjoyed your story. I love adventure stories and you created it so well.

You post is nominated for „Wold of xpilar“ Community Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from community page are eligible. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!

Dear @stef1 , it has been a source of joy for me to see the digital image published showing one of the activities with which I started in Steemit. It was the perfect way to unlock my mind.

As a high representative of the curators of the ecosystem, his comment is of great value to me. Thanks.

Thanks for the great story @mariita52

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


Thanks @worldofxpilar support is well received. Happy and long life 💞

Increíble tu historia amiga, como siempre compartes gran contenido!! Muchos éxitos.

Hola mi queridisima amiga @carlaisl Gracias por recordarme, tu visita es balsamo de Galaad. Fortalecedora. Solo amor y mil bendiciones para ti y tu familia.

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