100 DAYS OF STEEM: June 22, 2020 |The Diary Game- Update #5| Day #2| Tough day

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

My dear Pirate, I couldn't sleep last night. The music and the Father's Day parties kept me up late. At about two o'clock in the morning it rained bottles and stones. I couldn't fall asleep. I woke up around half past nine.

When I was cleaning up the garden to get out the broken bottles, I was called just then to notify me that I had to do the 2021 budget proposal. I don't know what all the protocol is for.

From that moment on, things got complicated.

Connected by asking for the necessary information and making the budgets my friend Sol invited me to breakfast. We ate some cornmeal arepas, with butter and grated cheese, and had a very strong coffee without sugar as I like it.

Mi querido Pirata , anoche no pude dormir. La música y las fiestas del día del padre me trasnocharon. Como a las dos de la mañana llovió botellas y piedras. No podía conciliar el sueño. Me desperté como a las nueve y media.
Cuando estaba limpiando el jardín para sacar las botellas rotas, justo me llamaron a esa hora para notificarme que tengo que elaborar el anteproyecto del presupuesto 2021. No sé para qué tanto protocolo.
Desde ese momento se me complicaron las cosas.
Conectada pidiendo la información necesaria y haciendo las estimaciones ii amiga Sol me invitó a desayunar. Nos comimos unas arepas de harina de maíz, con mantequilla y queso rallado, y nos tomamos un café bien cerrero y sin azúcar como me gusta.

Image of my property

Oh, Pirate of my Soul, I got distracted and didn't make an early lunch, good thing the father of my child was late from work.

I'm ahead of schedule. Tomorrow I'll make it possible to deliver it. At five o'clock the electricity went out so I went for a walk. I got distracted watching the kids with their bikes.

In the Urbanization where I live the neighbors live from party to party, the young people on the court and the children throwing pods. Everyone without a lid on their mouths.

Pirate, did you know that? The virtual world is the same as the real one, the same intrigues and envy.

To end the day so complicated, the urbanization is convulsed because they invaded a house. What a mess.

I'll say goodbye my dear Pirate, until another day.

Oh, Pirata de mi alma, me distraje y no hice la comida temprano para almorzar, menos mal que el padre de mi hijo llegó tarde del trabajo.
Tengo adelantado el trabajo. Mañana haré por posible por entregarlo. A las cinco en punto se fue la electricidad así que salí a caminar. Me distraje viendo a los niños con sus bicicletas. En la Urbanización donde vivo los vecinos viven de fiesta en fiesta, los jóvenes en la cancha y los niños echando vaina. Todos sin tapa bocas.

Pirata ¿sabías que? El mundo virtual es igual al real, las mismas intrigas y envidias.
Para finalizar el día tan complicado, la urbanización está convulsionada porque invadieron una casa. Que desastre.

Me despido mi querido Pirata, hasta otro día.


Los banner y el separador fueron hechos con el programa CANVA e imágenes gratis de este programa. También con imágenes de mi propiedad.


Aquí les dejo el link por si desea participar:


Image taken from @steemitblog

You seem to be liking The Diary Game !
And we are liking that you are liking it - a lot.
The numbers keep on growing, and the quality of the diary posts just keeps on going up and up.
It really is fascinating reading about so many different people’s lives in so many different countries.
Thank you to everyone who is taking the time to join in The Dairy Game.

Some Rules, Some Guidelines and Some Tips
The vast majority of the diary posts are following all the guidelines we have given, but a few are, let’s say, wavering on the edge of what constitutes a valid entry.
So we thought we would mention again a few pointers for entries to The Diary Game…
• The diary posts should be about your current daily life - not memories of a holiday you took 3 years ago, or a review of a film you watched before the pandemic. They are about now.
• Please include the date in the title of the post - it makes curation much easier.
• Make sure the posts are a minimum of 100 words - at least 300 words would be better.
• Include details, facts, names, locations - they all add to the interest value of the posts - and to the number of points awarded. If you had a takeaway burger for lunch, what sort was it, where did you buy it, how much was it, was it tasty?! And a photo of the burger would be good too :-)
• Include relevant photos - ideally your own - wherever possible. They can make posts much more interesting.
• Only one diary post should be submitted for each day.
And finally…
• Take a look at the diary posts of the frontrunners on the leaderboard, and the Diary Allstars, to see what they are including in their posts to get more points.

How to Enter
All you have to do to join The Diary Game is to make a diary post about your daily life.
This is your real life - not fiction, and should include as much detail as possible. And photos, ideally your own, are good too.
Make sure you…
• Include the tags #the100daysofsteem and #thediarygame.
• Post a link to the diary post in a comment of your own on the latest @steemitblog 100 Days of Steem post.
• Include the date of your diary entry in the title of the post.

The Prizes
Currently the 10 top points earners at the end of the 100 Days will be sharing 2750 STEEM, with first place taking home 1000 STEEM.
• 1st place - 1000 STEEM
• 2nd place - 750 STEEM
• 3rd place - 500 STEEM

• 4th place - 250 STEEM
• 5th place - 125 STEEM
Plus five runner up prizes of 25 STEEM each.
And if the good days keep coming, the interesting posts keep flowing and the Tweets keep tweeting, we might be dropping some more STEEM in the prize pot before the end of the game.

Notes from the Community...

More Sponsors for SPUD4STEEM

Organizer @kiwiscanfly has announced two more sponsors for the next Steem Power Up Day on July 1st.
@stephenkendal and @steem-supporter are joining @xpilar, @ciska, @steemcurator01, @reflektor, @hingsten, @bippe, @kiwi-crypto and @kiwiscanfly in providing over 10K SP of prizes...
• New Sponsors add to #SPUD4STEEM Prizes

The rewards from this post go to support the work of @littledisciples in Venezuela and @thegreens in Cameroon.
Check out the Steem Charity Day post for more details.



HOLA @mafalda2018

Un día algo ajetreado jejeje...que triste lo que dices de esa casa, la verdad es que cada aumenta la tasa de delincuencia en nuestro país, lo sé de sobra, ya no estamos seguros ni en nuestra propia casa que tristeza!! Cuidate y saludos hasta mañana!! :)


Con el apoyo de la familia.

 4 years ago 

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation

join the World of Xpilar Curation Trail, info can be found here

Genial tu día, hermana, gracias por compartirnos tus vivencias en el #TheDiaryGame... Te abrazo!...

También me gusta el café cerrero y sin azúcar

Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

Keep following @steemitblog for the latest updates.

The Steemit Team

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