The Portal between Marsoom and Earthanium - The guardian Mother Afrikya

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

Eons after eons, between planet of Marsoom and Earthanium was a Portal which was guarded by the most powerful Nephilim Goddess ... Mother Afrikya ...

She knew that the Portal must be kept secret and only a true Jedi could know the exact place where you could pass.


She heard that the Mandalorian Tribe have found that giant Nephilim inside their lands.

She received a message from Jedi Yoda that soon he and his team will appear soon at the Portal ...

And, after not even 3 days, they've arrived.


Jedi Yoda, along with Obi Wan Kenobi, Tusken Raider, R2-D2 and Luke Skywlaker appeared with their new desert machine, well equipped even with laser guns ...

Jedi Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi came to the Goddess and in the same the guardian or better to say the Watcher of this secret Portal and told her that it might be possible that the next day, maybe the young Jedi Anakin will appear as well to pass and follow them inside the lands from planet Earthanium ...

They've discussed about the giant Nephilim that they've found inside the land of the mandalorian tribe and they've decided to find out the source from where they've appeared inside this planet ...

CryptonitMusa was waiting for them on the other of the Portal to show them also a magical crystal that will help them to create new healing energies for their tribes ...

She agreed with them under those terms as always and guided them, to follow the path of the wakandian tribes and they will find the precious thing they are searching ...

She told them that this Portal will always enter Earthanium, through the lands of wakandians, which is a tribe from Wakanda, and that she was named after that continent ... which was, is and it will be ... Afrikya ...


After they've crossed the portal, they've continued their way through the oasis of desert ...


After no more than 45 minutes of driving they've arrived at the place that was mentioned by the sacred watcher, Goddess Afrikya ...

They were surprised by the magnificent view of that place ...


They've started right away to set up the camp, and to improve the conditions of that old african clay house ...

They've took out their coffer and all the things they need for one night to camp ...


While they've approached the place, they've realized that the first clue of nephilim skulls, where there already, right in that old african cley house.

Everyone knew what has to do, right away ...

They start the fire right away, the first rule of a professional team in such an environment ...


Luke Skywalker brought the wood for the fire, while Tusken Raider was guarding the entire camp. R2-D2 remained all this period to re-charge his battery inside the fancy desert machine.

The only one who felt like he is very tired, was Obi Wan Kenobi, was not even waiting for anyone, he just went to sleep ...

Of course, Jedi Yoda, where would see him first always? Food ... he was cooking a healthy soup :-)


While they were already preparing for their dinner, Jedi Anakin was arriving and passing the secret Portal.

He didn't stopped, he just saluted the Goddess Watcher and just continued his journey ... actually with his new invention he had quite some speed ...


At some moment, Luke Skywalker saw Anakin right above them, passing with with speed ...

They wondered, why he didn't stopped at the camp ...


After about 30 minutes, right when the sunset was settling down, he appeard ...


He explained them that he saw Lawn, the daughter of CryptonitMusa, while she was passing a dangerous bridge, and she was telling him to enter a mine ... that place where they will find those crystals ...

She was also telling Anakin that on that evening she and her father, CryptonitMusa will arrive at their camp ...


That's why he listened her and entered, so, he could confirm them that the story it true and they will find what they were looking.


He said that he was impressed what he found, even if he was in a hurry ...

Later that evening, while they were sitting and enjoying their food and the awesome fire, Cryptonit Mua and his daughter Lawn arrived on their tiger and leopard ...


Soon as princess Lawn arrived, the young Jedi Anakin offered her some magical water purified with the aventurine crystal ...

He offered this magical water to her father as well, the Prophet CryptonitMusa as well.


While the evening started to move towards, the Prophet CryptonitMusa told Jedi Yoda, that they should hurry to go to the mines where they can find that precious crystal.

They didn't wait and went right away.

Jedi Yoda, CryptonitMusa, Princess Lawn, Jedi Anakin and the majestic Tigrypton were the team who went to the mines.

When they've arrived, they were shocked about that imense mine and the most important thing, about the red crystals, which CryptonitMusa were describing them such as " the pure rubies with healing power"

He explained them that his scepter was totally made from those rubies ...


The mine was enormous, but they decided that the next day they would return and take the rubies they've found, so their mission would be completed.


When they've returned to the wakandian camp ... everyone was sleeping, beside the amazing Tusken Raider, who was guarding the entire area along with his new friend ... the Leopardalien ...


So, our story ends here ...

Of course the next day, they went to that awesome mine ... the World, or better to say the entire Galaxy from that moment was much more protected through those new scepters that were to be made ...

Regards people ...

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