 3 years ago (edited)

This is not your post

 3 years ago (edited)

I'm watching. Here the picture is clearer:
(Set the filter by the date 2021-06-29
and outgoing comments)

A quote from your story about the event:

I started commenting on posts, and all of a sudden, @randulakoralage knocked me into discord. I replied, and she asked me, am I done with the comments?

I didn't understand, and then she sent me a link. She informed me that my account was hijacked and my keys were stolen by hackers.

But in the interval between the scam mailing list, changing the password and starting to delete the sent messages from the account, there were no comments. They start from you with this:

Please do not click any link, I didn't send you the message or link🙏, they stole my key and sending you the message, I changed my password.

Block 55041249 / Transaction 55041249-1

Снимок экрана (2498)_cr.jpg

 3 years ago 

@sduttaskitchen how can you comment on this. Just please, I ask you to answer on the merits. This is a very serious matter and I see inconsistencies between what you are saying with what can be seen in the blockchain. You know that traces from any activity remain in the blockchain and you can always compare dates and meanings.
I am waiting for your clarification. Otherwise, I will have reason to believe that you are involved in this fraud.
@sduttaskitchen как вы можете это прокомментировать. Только пожалуйста, прошу вас ответить по существу. Это очень серьёзное дело и я вижу нестыковки того, что вы рассказываете с тем, что можно увидеть в блокчейне. Вы же знаете, что в блокчейне остаются следы от любой деятельности и всегда можно сравнить даты и смыслы.
Я жду вашего разъяснения. В противном случае у меня будет основание считать вас причастной к этому мошенничеству.

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