My granny and mesteemCreated with Sketch.


My grandma was my favourite person in the whole world when I was younger. She was always so much fun and I loved spending time with her. We went to her house every Thursday or she came to us. Me and my grandma did so much together I always wanted to spend time with her, every Christmas my whole family used to go to my grandpa’s house. Me and my granny were the early birds and got up at six am everyday and went outside to look for birds with our binoculars.


One of my favorite birds that we saw nearly every morning had a really long tail. It was so funny because it always pushed the other birds away from the bird baths so it could have it all for itself. One Christmas I woke up before my grandma, normally she would wake up before me by about ten minutes, that was my favourite Christmas ever.


My granny was always so much fun, I used to help her do gardening in her house and at my grandpa’s house. I always had so much fun with her. After covid had began my grandma and I made a book for my school about my life. She helped me draw a pegasus because it was my spirit animal.

I loved playing this card game with her, it was called Find the Matching cards. She would put a deck of cards on her table and we would shuffle it and make it random upside down. The point of the game was to lift two random cards up and hope they were the same number or symbol, it was a game of memory. We played this many times and I was really good at it. Another game we used to play was guessing the word. She would say a word with her mouth but not make a sound and I had to read her mouth and guess the word. I was pretty good at that game too.


My favourite thing we used to do from time to time was play pokemon with my pokemon cards. Long ago we went to a place called kagga kamma with my parents for the weekend. My granny and I played pokemon there on the second day we were there for only a short while. My granny’s favourite game to play with me was rummy, a card game. We played it at my grandpa’s house with some of the family like my mom.

For a family member's birthday my mom, granny and I went with a person to this massive market and we looked around there for stuff to buy and to eat. When we were there my granny bought me a steel sheep made from a wire and coloured balls on it making it look like a sheep. She also bought me a really old stopwatch that doesn't work but it has sentimental value for me.


I really love my granny and would love to tell more stories but she passed away when I was ten because of breast cancer. I wish I had spent more time with her and made more memories but because I was so young I don't remember all the things we did. I'm glad I got to share some of my memories with my granny in this story and I hope she is having a wonderful time in heaven.

until next time...



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