You might think I'm a very strange man / Original by @josevas217 from @xpilar's digital image.steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

I have escaped from all hustle and bustle, from all confinement, I have escaped from my life. I have managed to give myself that moment I was looking for, here, alone with me. I used to come to this space when I was a child, when my parents were still alive, so I have very good memories. Although it is the same space, I feel it is not the same. I don't know if it's because it really changed or because I made it, but finally it's not the same.

But somehow it connects me with that thing that I have needed, with the tranquility that a golden sunset generates. I suppose many will ask where I am, and no one knows, nor will know, I will take this place as mine, and not because I own it but because it will be my space and my time to step aside from the world, even though I am still in it.

As the days go by I usually contemplate the same thing every day, although I can't really say that I "contemplate" something, I simply look at one thing or another, while I immerse myself in everyday life and forget about myself a little... actually it's not a little, I could say almost totally, but yes, I comply with everything. Now, in this space I ask myself: I comply with what, with whom?...because without a doubt it is not with me.


Image cortesy of @xpilarSource

It is here when I enter a great vital or philosophical dilemma, although it could be tedious for some, and that is why some people avoid confronting themselves, or probably because they are afraid to realize that they are not living their own life but a borrowed one, one that someone programmed them -without knowing at what moment- and that they only have to fulfill some tasks to feel that they "live", to give it a name.

Sometimes I can understand those desires of many people to disappear definitively, it is that in reality I think that they feel that they truly do not exist, and to disappear you have to exist Even, I tell myself that there are those who will be asking for me, however, maybe not, maybe I have already disappeared and some cannot even remember me. Bah, you are talking a lot of nonsense, surely they do remember you, of course they do.

Yes, I'm here alone, but I'm talking, I like to do it, as some say, "think out loud", it echoes in my mind and allows me to make myself feel that I have a voice, that I can be heard. If someone were to see me from afar (luckily they are not, at least I think so), sure they might call the police and say that a well-dressed gentleman is sitting by the seashore, talking to the setting sun or with the sea or the clouds, but somehow they will be saying that my brain is not working right seeing me for so long contemplating and talking to myself.

You might think I'm a very strange man, well, at least I have deep conversations with myself, now people talk a lot but don't converse, it's a really funny thing, but that's the way it is. Although thinking about it, yes, I am a strange guy, even when I have comforts, I can't complain about that, I feel that things are missing, or it could be that even when I couldn't miss something, I haven't found the really important thing... but I don't know what that something is. For now, I am content with this view, with this orange sky that makes this moment transcend.

The sun is about to go down completely, I better go, I don't like goodbyes, I feel that if I stay, I might feel a great agony when I see him disappear and take with him everything I have confessed to him... I better go, and I stick to the idea that the next time we see each other face to face, maybe he won't remember me or what we talked about, or probably I won't be the same and none of this matters to me, I don't know. So I'm leaving, I must fulfill my role, that role of the character I have created and that (probably) will be the one who will keep me safe from the crazy reality and even from myself. Goodbye...

This is my entry in Digital image for the day is made according to my own imagination and thoughts (your writing story competition(103) of @xpilar

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Hola amigo @josevas217 que linda historia, creo que para todos sería genial tener un lugar así a donde ir. Gracias por usar la imagen de @xpilar. Saludos!!

Hola @franyeligonzalez
Podríamos todos tenerlo, quizás no sea una playa, pero si un parque, o cualquier otro espacio que podamos escoger.
Gracias por el apoyo y por comentar.

 4 years ago 

Excellent story @josevas217

Really liked your words here

sure they might call the police and say that a well-dressed gentleman is sitting by the seashore, talking to the setting sun or with the sea or the clouds, but somehow they will be saying that my brain is not working right seeing me for so long contemplating and talking to myself.

Thank you very much for your support @xpilar.
M imagined a well-dressed guy standing or sitting alone, talking in a space like that, and no doubt whoever sees him will think it's not right....
But, there are those who seek calm in different ways than we might use.

Have a nice weekend.

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Gracias por el apoyo @worldofxpilar

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