The weight of conscience - Fiction inspired by the digital art of @xpilar / #club75

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

"The world is like a kind of book, in which each city, each town, each country is a page. And I have read many pages of that book..." This was commented by the pirate commander of the ship to his crew , before giving the order to stop on that small island.

"The commander" was tired, he really was exhausted although he didn't show it, it wasn't only physical fatigue but the weariness of everything he had lived through and what he had done, especially the latter, his past bad actions weighed so heavily that He felt that at any moment he could fall due to the weight of his conscience, although for many it seemed that he had no capacity to feel remorse, with the passage of time he could feel what that was.

At night all the aberrations committed came to his mind, and the ones he ordered, the ones he could see and stop and yet he didn't. All of this tormented him in the cold early mornings, alone in his cabin, although nobody realized it, he constantly had an internal conversation with himself.

No one understood when he gave the order to stop on that small island, but no one dared to dispute the order, well, only a daredevil with a lot of respect (more fear than respect, to tell the truth), he dared to comment: "commander, we can be stranded on the shore, and not be able to move the boat"... ​​the commander turned, looked at him with his penetrating eyes, there was a great silence for a few seconds, until he broke the commander silenced saying, let's go to that island.


Imagen Cortesy of @xpilar / Source

Upon arrival, the commander got off the boat, and asked that no one follow him, to which everyone paid attention, no one in their right mind would dare to contradict the words of this man, known for the ferocity and rudeness of his words as well as of their actions. "Your words surround you like mist and allow you to hide behind them."Edward Teach quote.

So he walked around that small and lonely island for a few minutes, and he said to himself: "the time has come to be calm". At that moment he turned his eyes to the boat, and his men were contemplating what he was doing. He walked back, but he did not get on the boat, from below, with a thunderous shout and pointing to the daredevil who had said that "the boat could be stranded if they approached that island" he said: "from now on you I appoint captain and commander of the ship, raise the sails and get out."

Everyone was shocked at such an order, and they were not sure what to do. But the voice of the new commander was heard saying "raise the sails" and let's continue the course, the (while pointing to the previous commander) has made a decision.



Thus the boat sailed away, the lonely man on that small island, took off his boots and walked barefoot along the seashore until he dropped under the weight of his conscience, and lay down on the sand, never to rise again.

This is a fictional story, created from @xpilar's digital art. I invite you to visit her post: Digital image for the day is made according to my own imagination and thoughts (*your writing story competition 115)


Twitter | Instagram | Discord | Youtube | Telegram: @josevas217



The weight of conscience really kills, nothing like having a clear conscience.
Thank you for this great story with an unexpected ending.

Thanks for the great story @josevas217
I think the captain finally got peace of mind

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