Sunday Contemplations & Gratitude for my Mom

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago

moms bouquet.jpeg

Since yesterday, my mind has been a little distracted with memories of my mom. It's as if her presence lingers a little stronger some days.. reminding me of the warmth and depth she brought into my life on a daily basis and the comfort her friendship gave me. The header photo of this post was one of a few simple bouquets from her memorial, just a little photographic reminder of her personality which I was feeling the need for.

My mom had such an uncanny ability to find beauty in the most ordinary of things. Whether it was a stray flower on the pavement or a colourful sunset painting the sky, she was always quite vocal about her appreciation for the small wonders around her. Despite battling so much internally, her outward optimism was a constant, and she made it a point to seek out the silver linings in every situation.

For me, what always set my mom apart from so many people was her gratitude for everything. She didn't just passively acknowledge her blessings; she actively counted and cherished them every single day and the “little moments” within them. Having a mom who took this approach to life, regardless of whatever struggles she faced, taught me the invaluable lesson that gratitude isn't just a feeling but a practice—a way of life.

Just looking at the photo of that bouquet - even thought it was not even made by her… I can't help but smile through the tears. It somehow embodies everything my mom stood for. Though she may no longer be physically be with us, her presence always is - in the memories she left behind and the lessons she instilled in me. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

You can
Lose a child
Or a parent,
The love of your life,
A good job,
A game,
A deal,
A bet,
An idea,
Your favorite thing,
Your best friend,
A moment,
An opportunity,
A chance,
Your keys,
Your mind,
Your health,
Your identity,
Your virginity,
Your religion,
Your shirt,
Your license,
ID or Passport,
Phone or phone number,
Your pride,
Or your house,
And feel like
You've lost everything,
And keep on losing.

Counting losses
And start counting your blessings.
Only then,
Will you discover that losses
Are easier to point out
And count
Than blessings,
And that blessings
Outnumber your losses
For they are truly

It is only normal that
People count losses with
Their minds,
And ignore
To count blessings
With the graciousness
Of their hearts.
Suzy Kassem


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx

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Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited

 3 months ago (edited)

My mom had such an uncanny ability to find beauty in the most ordinary of things. Whether it was a stray flower on the pavement

And I thought all moms were like this...

She shared this bake of hers with me on WhatsApp. For her, the beauty is a perfectly risen simple cake. And she is so proud of it. And I of her


She also finds me beautiful - see, her love for ordinary things :)

And I thought all moms were like this...

I suppose they should be, but from my personal experience they most definitely are not. I know of some really horrid mothers.

her love for ordinary things :)

You are anything but ordinary lovely!

Your article is deeply touching and inspiring. It exudes the sincere love and appreciation you have for your mother, as well as the invaluable lessons she taught you. Your mom truly left a legacy of positivity and love, and it comes through in every word you share. Keep counting your blessings and spreading that light to the world !

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