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RE: Luminous Nightlights | Colours of the Week

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

I have always found that fact quite fascinating really... that white is all the colours - especially if you think about it from an energetic or somewhat "soulful" perspective.

Not an easy task I don't think - but you did a wonderful job of it :)

 2 months ago 

Well, technically it’s not all the colours like all of them, but the general ones like violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red, just like the rainbow you see after rain or when you put the sprinkler on the grass. However the primary colours of light that can be combined in different proportions to make all other colours are red, green and blue. From a soulful or spiritual perspective in my opinion there’s only two colours - white and black or as light and dark, which comes from the yin and yang concept. 😄

Well, technically it’s not all the colours like all of them, but the general ones like violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red

Now you sound like my son... :D
Jude: "Mom whats the time"
Me: 2.30 pm
Jude: No its not, it 2.01 pm


Yes, you are technically correct :)

However the primary colours of light that can be combined in different proportions to make all other colours are red, green and blue.

I am a designer :D :D I do know my colours. I think :P

white and black or as light and dark, which comes from the yin and yang concept.

That is precisely what I meant... and find it "ironic" (probably the wrong word... don't correct me :P) that "white" embodies the "all" - being the positive... anyhoo, I feel like I am over explaining it now. made sense to me haha :D

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