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RE: Respect their choices but how?

in WORLD OF XPILAR6 months ago

Oh sweetheart, you are doing just FINE!!! I can so relate to this post!!!!!!! My boy is 14 now and there is not a day that passes where I don't question whether or not I am doing the best I can. It is crazy really, how us moms beat ourselves up!!!!

—happy vibes one minute, then doubts the other.

This is literally the story of my life! I feel you!!!!

Try not to worry your mind and heart too much over what outside influences say - just let it be. Our kids are wiser than we give them credit for and as long as we give them the main things they need - love, support and encouragement then they will see the wood for the trees eventually.

It may not happen in our time, but it always happens!

Just know that you are amazing!!! - The simple fact that you wrote this post expressing such a concern is testament to that fact... because there are plenty of parents that would not even give a crap!

Much love to you! xxx

 6 months ago 

I really appreciate your heartfelt message! Parenting is indeed a journey filled with highs and lows, and it's really comforting to connect with someone who understands those mixed emotions.
Your encouraging remarks are kind of much needed relief —A reminder to cherish the essential things. Thanks for being so supportive! Much love to you too 💞

Any time sweet soul! <3

Hope you have a magical Monday!

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