Be a nice Human - Be more like your dog!

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago


“There is so much beauty in the world, but you must allow yourself to see it.” - Tom Giaquinto

Reinvent the wheel. Please. Do it. Just because something works, doesn’t mean it cannot be changed or improved. No, I am not talking about an actual wheel, lol. I am talking about the way people are.

I am just not a supporter of the “tough love” club anymore. As someone who self reflects in abundance (that is just a nicer term for overthinks), I have come to realise over the years that there is unquestionably a lot more negative which has come from my life in a “school of hard knocks” household than there has been positive.

What is even more disturbing to me is that I am a person who thinks a lot about things - most people don’t. Through plenty of falling down and getting back up in my life I have slowly managed to navigate myself to an emotional place where I now know that I deserved better and that there are far more positive ways to do and achieve things - the reality though, is that many people never get to that place of “self”.

So many spend the rest of their lives reenacting the behaviour and patterns which they were subjected and exposed to - ultimately turning into precisely the person they loathed or feared in the first place - and many others just shrink or dissolve away into almost “nothingness” where they live in states of self-loathing accompanied by zero self esteem and/or confidence.

Yes, I hit the skids from time to time to, but like I say… It is a journey of learning and discovery, which requires careful navigation most of the time. But one thing I know for certain is that I would rather feel good. I would rather seek out the good in another, encourage the good in another, appreciate the good in another and hopefully through all of that… bring outward, the good in another.

Life has enough “awful” in it - most of which us humans are responsible for. The least we can do is stop breaking others down for the simple reason that we ourselves are broken. Nothing changes if nothing changes. So I try to be that change, at least in my own way - small as it may be.

I have never been witness to a situation where belittling or berating another human being brings out the best in them, nor have I ever seen a person's face light up with a smile which radiates from the inside out because someone made them feel like an idiot just because they think or react differently to someone else's preconceived version of “correct” or “acceptable”.

1-1=0 not 2.

You cannot diminish another and expect positive growth or change. How and why is this concept so challenging for humans to process and implement.

To me, it is pretty simple really… if you want to be surrounded by nice people, then be a nice person yourself. If you want to be treated nicely, then afford others that same courtesy.

Be a nice Human.
Be more like your dog!


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx


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Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited

 2 months ago 

Yes. I’m trying to be more like Lola.

She is always happy. She just wants to go on long walks, swim in the lake, roll in the snow, eat lots of good food and take lots and lots of naps. These are the keys to Happiness on Planet Earth.

Lola is also on and YouTube :

She is always happy.

That is the magic right there!!!!!

And I love Lola! She is too beautiful!!! <3

Is good to think, analyze since this helps us to focus and learn from others the experiences that we should NOT face, let me explain: It is not necessary to go through bad experiences to learn, it is enough to observe other people's reaction to these events and NOT emulate what they do, if on the path of life we ​​find ourselves with these circumstances we already have a reference and we will be able to face it better, in the same way the positive experiences that by the way are better since they help us to progress learning from others their ways of acting, but yes, be authentic.
I wish you a happy weekend

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Thank you very much for your support.
I wish you a happy weekend

it is enough to observe other people's reaction to these events and NOT emulate what they do

It should be... :)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts @lupega! I appreciate the insights, which are very true!

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Many thanks @dove11 <3 Much appreciated :)

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