Trastuzumab Cycle #4. / Ciclo # 4 de Trastuzumab.

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month


Hello dear friends, a big greeting. Today I bring you the details of the application of my treatment that thanks to many and mainly my heavenly father I have been able to continue and did not lose continuity. Yes I am a little late but I am going with sure steps in the name of Jesus.

Here is my usual photo with my sister who is always aware of when it is time for me to go to the hospital to accompany me to treatment.



And for a change I told her let's take some photos out here, before they take me on the road to give me the treatment. And we started modeling hehehehe


I tell you that today there were very few people, only 9 people doing their treatment due to the problem of lack of medicines. According to what they told us through the pharmacy's WhatsApp group, the concentration on the 6th was a success, they gave good responses and even one of the health directors was in the city of Caracas, which is the capital, resolving the shortage of medicines. that the state of Maracaibo has.

Here I am with two of my friends who always agree on the date to go to the hospital, as always with a positive attitude.


I want to talk to you a little about the protocol that must be followed before going to the hospital so that you have a little knowledge about that. Every 21 days we have to have a Hematology exam, it is a blood test to know how our values ​​are, mainly hemoglobin and platelets.


Then, they send the result to me via WhatsApp and I print it and take it to the Oncologist so that he can make sure that the values ​​are correct and approve me for chemotherapy. If the hemoglobin is low (7 or 6) and the platelets are less than 3,000, the doctor cannot approve the application of the treatment. In these cases you have to raise the values ​​quickly, with foods that help and with medications. For hemoglobin there is a medication called Herithropoietin that is applied through the person's navel and for platelets there is a medication called Filgastrin that is also applied via the navel. Thank God those values ​​have not been lowered for me.


Here there is also a mandatory photo with the nurses of the doctors who treat us at the health center. Whenever we say PHOTO they are ready to appear in it hehehe


And this is my #thediarygameandmyhealth every 21 days, everything is to be well and extend a few more years of life. With the help of my Heavenly Father, friends like you, and the support of our family, I know it can be done. Thank you very much for the support from the bottom of my heart.

@dream.socialclub, @wox-helpfound ,@healthysteem


Traduccion al Español:

Hola queridos amigos, un gran saludo. Hoy les traigo los por menores de la aplicacion de mi tratamiento que gracias a muchos y principalmente de mi padre celestial he podido continuar y no perdi la continuidad. Si estoy un poco retrasada pero voy con pasos seguros en el nomobre de Jesus.

Aqui esta mi acostumbrada foto junto a mi hermana que siempre esta pendiente de cuando es que me toca ir al hospital para acompañarme al tratamiento.

Y para variar un poco le dije vamos a tomarnos unas fotos aqui afuera, antes de que me tomen la via para pasarme el tratamiento. Y nos pusimos a modelar jejejeje

Les cuento que hoy habia muy poca gente, solo 9 personas haciendo su tratamiento debido a la problematica de la falta de medicamentos. Segun nos contaron por el grupo de Whatsapp de la farmacia la concentracien del dia 6 fue un exito, dieron buenas respuestas y hasta uno de los directivos de salud se encontraba en la ciudad de Caracas, que es la capital, resolviendo sobre la escases de medicinas que tiene el estado de Maracaibo.

Aqui estoy con dos de mis amigas que siempre coincidimos en la fecha para ir al hospital, como siempre con una actitud positiva.

Quiero hablarles un poco del protocolo que hay que seguir antes de ir al hospital para que tengan un poco de conocimiento sobre eso. Cada 21 dias tenemos que hacernos un examen de Hematologia, es un examen de sangre para saber como estan nuestros valores, principalmente la hemoglobina y las plaquetas.

Si la hemoglobina sale baja ( 7 o 6 ) y las plaquetas menores de 3.000 el medico no puede aprobar la aplicacion del tratamiento. En estos casos hay que subir los valores rapidamente, con alimentos que ayuden y con medicamentos. Para la hemoglobina hay un medicamento que se llama Heritropoyetina que se aplica por el hombligo de la persona y para las plaquetas hay un medicamento llamado Filgastrin que tambien se aplica via hombligo.
Gracias a Dios a mi no se me han bajado esos valores.

Luego, el resultado me lo envian via Whatsapp y lo imprimo y se lo llevo al Oncologo para que se serciore de que los valores estan bien y aprueve que me hagan la quimioterapia.

Aqui tambien hay una foto obligatoria con las enfermeras de los doctores que nos atienden en el centro de salud. Siempre que decimos FOTO ellas estan prestas a salir en ella jejeje.

Y este es mi #diariogameandmyhealth cada 21 dias, todo sea por estar bien y alargar unos años mas de vida. Con la ayuda de mi Padre Celestial, de amigos como ustedes y el apoyo de nuestros familiares se que se puede hacer. Muchas gracias por el apoyo desde lo mas profundo de mi corazon.


Dear Isabel, you look more exhausted than usual in the latest photos... Your sister too. It's all getting more and more demanding, isn't it? I think the longer a treatment like this goes on, the less energy is left. Is there anything you can do to regenerate? I don't know if there are any spa programmes or something similar in your area that are realistically affordable and medically supervised? I imagine that one cannot be disciplined day in, day out.

Hello dear friends. The truth is I feel a little exhausted but it's because of the relentless heat here in the city. Otherwise I feel good and I'm sleeping well, thank God. I have heard of something called Ozone Therapy, but I don't think it is a spa. I'm going to ask the girls nurses of the doctors who always appear with me in the photos if I can take these therapies and when, since I understand that everything must be after all the treatment is finished, that is, the 14 cycles that I need. . I ask them and on Monday I consult with the doctor again to prescribe another blocker taken daily (pills) that lasts for 10 years.

Me alegro mucho que esté recibiendo su tratamiento, ah qué ánimo esa es la actitud siempre sonriente!!!


Es mi manera de agradecerles un poco a sus esfuerzos y sus ayudas. Gracias amiga.

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