in WORLD OF XPILAR5 days ago (edited)


How are you all my world of xpilar friends? I hope that on this bright morning we will all be given health without lacking anything. Hopefully today will be better than the previous days and we will all have no obstacles whatsoever in carrying out our daily activities. and Stay Enthusiasm in working on Steemit, Especially in the world of xpilar, may we all always be successful and remain enthusiastic.



Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas inaugurated the One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP) of the Ministry of Religion. This PTSP aims to facilitate public access to services at the Ministry of Religion. Various licensing applications, information about aid and scholarships, as well as community complaint services can be handled through this PTSP.



Services at PTSP are based on standard operating procedures (SOP) and have clear service periods. Management refers to excellent service quality standards. The services available include processing permits to open Islamic Religious Higher Education (PTKI) study programs, equalizing foreign diplomas, permits for Umrah Travel Organizers (PPIU), establishing Ma'had Aly at Islamic boarding schools, as well as general complaints. Apart from the general public, PTSP also provides services for submitting assignment letters and study permits for Ministry of Religion employees.



Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas explained that PTSP speeds up the licensing process. Previously, processing a foreign diploma equivalent took 3 months, now it can be completed in just 5 days. Applications for opening study programs for new religious campuses, which were initially completed in an average of half a year, now take just 30 days for a decision letter to be issued.



The existence of PTSP also brings positive changes in the work system and internal performance of the Ministry of Religion. With digital data management, licensing documents are easier to verify and process according to their intended purpose.

PTSP is a step towards transforming public services, cutting bureaucracy, and realizing the Ministry of Religion as a clean serving agency.



That's all my game diary for today, thank you all my steemians friends for reading my post, without all my steemians friends my post is really worthless.



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